Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2034: Destroy mouth

On Chishan, Xiao Zhantian's blood was taken away. In a day, he fell from heaven to hell!

However, in the face of Ji Qingwu's disdain and the heavy blow, Xiao Zhantian was not decadent.

Instead, the blood in his body was tumbling, and he made a vow!

Someday, through his own efforts, he will let that arrogant woman pay the price!

He wanted to let this woman know that the ants in her eyes also had a day when they became ancient beasts!

"Haha, the ignorant is fearless!" Just as Xiao Zhantian made an oath to the sky, a scornful laughter suddenly sounded.

Then, in the vicinity of Chishan, light and shadow flashed, and a blue flying boat flew over the void of Chishan.

On this flying boat, there are seven monks standing proudly.

Headed by a young man wearing a blue robe and a jade crown.

"Just you, an ant, also wants to compete with Qingwu, it's a joke!" At this moment, the man was looking down at Xiao Zhantian on Chishan. He shook his head and said scornfully, as if in his eyes Xiao Zhantian's powerful oath just now is just a joke.

"The same flying boat, the same costume, you are Ji's people!" When these people appeared, Xiao Zhantian looked up, and with a glance, he could already judge that the sudden emergence of the practitioner seemed to be Ji Qingwu. Clan people, they appeared after Ji Qingwu left, why?

Suddenly, Xiao Zhantian's heart throbbed, and he felt restless.

"Although your genius is mediocre, it is not stupid!" The young man headed on Feizhou smiled slightly, and the corner of his mouth evoked a cold arc.

"Yes, we are indeed the people of Qingwu!" He said arrogantly.

"What do you want to do?" Xiao Zhantian asked coldly.

At this time, he was surprisingly calm, which was the extreme point of hatred.

For this Ji, he is full of hatred!

"Oh, light dance is too kind, and actually saved you a life. The boy came here to help her ... to cut grass and roots!" The young man smiled slightly, and then he stared at Xiao Zhantian's eyes. There was a sensation of murderousness in it.

When the words "Cut grass and roots" were spit out, the air on the top of Chishan Mountain seemed to freeze up, accompanied by a terrible momentum.

That momentum completely shrouded Xiao Zhantian, leaving him unable to move.

Xiao Zhantian wanted to struggle, but unfortunately, the man's momentum was too strong. As if imprisoned, he could not move at all.

He was bound by a spirit of heaven and earth.

At this moment, he once again deeply understood the sadness of the weak!

The weak ...

It's really like a ant, and you can't even control your life!

"You guys ... are so cruel and bloody, and now you still have to kill people. Unfortunately, hate, if I have someone in my family, if my parents are still ... you, do you dare to do this?" Xiao Zhan sighed, then he looked up suddenly, staring at the young man on the flying boat.

"Hehe, the martial arts world is so cruel, so you can go with peace of mind!" Said the young jade youth indifferently on the flying boat.

At the same time, when his big hand moved, an invisible force tightened Xiao Zhantian, and his body was lifted into the void.

"If there is an afterlife, I, Xiao Zhantian, must be a strong one. You Zhuangtian, a group of lawless children!" Xiao Zhantian stared at the light, killing intently, hating the sky. In a word, at this moment, he knew that he was hopeless.

At this moment, he can only vent the hatred in his heart.

"Ha ha, the afterlife? You mediocre, what can you do if you have an afterlife? Maybe worse than this life!" The young man sneered.

In his opinion, what afterlife is just a joke, and even the current life can not stand out, and still count on the afterlife?

Xiao Zhantian was lifted into the void by invisible power, he was silent, his eyes were cold, and he stared at the man in the blue robe so hard.

Seeing this, he seems to really want to remember it. If there is an afterlife, he must revenge and resentment! Be sure to sharpen these arrogants!

"Dying to the death, I still want revenge!" Seeing this, the man in the Qingpao looked cold, and raised his eyebrows, and said, "Then, I will let you die. Today, it is me, Ji who killed you Breeze! Haha, let's die, ants! "He only smiled wildly, and his big hand flicked.


Then an invisible force led, Xiao Zhantian's body flickered, and he was rolled into the mountains and the fire ahead!

But Xiao Zhantian could not move at all.

The four sides of Chishan are a sea of ​​fire, where the fire yuan tumbles and seems to engulf the world.


Xiao Zhantian's body was drawn into the air of the sea of ​​fire, but it was just a flash, with a hot stream of fire, rolled up like a fire python.

Then he was completely wrapped in the fire current.

The hot breath enveloped him, and he was to be burned!

This is the real flame, not as simple as the fire energy!

Even though Xiao Zhantian once quenched his body with fire, he still couldn't resist the burning of this flame.

"It's hot!" When the flame wrapped his body, an extremely hot fire element invaded his body immediately, the flame tumbling, burning his clothes and pants, his hair was turned to ashes, a coke The stench began to permeate from him, and that smell drifted to the top of the mountain.

"People like this want to compete with Qingwu's sister?" When this scorch came, Ji Qingfeng's mouth evoked a cold arc on the flying boat. In his opinion, a character like Xiao Zhantian, even He wasn't worthy of mentioning his shoes. As for what a shame was before, it was a joke.

At the same time, with a big move, the three bottles of elixir were also taken by him.

"Sister Qingwu is so kind, she even left him a panacea!" Ji Qingfeng shook her head slightly.

"Hehe, he hasn't even stepped into the a priori, and his blood is not there. Now he's in the midst of fire, and he's afraid he will turn to ashes without a quarter of an hour!" Beside Ji Qingfeng ~ ~ a young man With a grin, he said, "Brother Qingfeng, this Xiao Zhantian has been resolved. Should Feng's vein be destroyed?"

As soon as this remark was made, all the practitioners on the flying boat became cold and their eyes filled with the spirit of killing.

"Winds should be destroyed naturally!" Ji Qingfeng's eyes narrowed and said, "It's just that there are too many people in the wind clan, and there are people who are not in this wind's mansion. We can't do it by hand. Moreover, we can do it. , The movement is too big and easy to be known, if the matter is known to Qingwu sister, it will be troublesome! "

"Miss Qingwu!" When it comes to Ji Qingwu, all Ji's children on Feizhou are full of awe.

This is their proudest daughter in a thousand years.

Even, she is considered to be a divine being!

Who dares to give her such a dislike?

So when they act, they dare not defeat the meaning of Ji Qingwu!

(End of this chapter)

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