Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 559: Annihilation

In the void, the golden light flashed, a huge fist blasted out, and the momentum was amazing.

In the face of this Yuandan Seventh Peak Peak strong man's sudden shot, those disciples who have stabilized their body shape are simply unable to resist.


A golden light shone, and the horrible momentum oppressed, making it difficult for Li Zun and others to breathe.

An almost despairing light began to emerge in their hearts.


However, at this moment, a huge light and shadow emerged in the void, covering the void.

This was a golden light that almost covered the disciplinary alliance and the disciples of the Xishan religion in this area.

The golden light flickered, with a horrible breath swinging down.

The kind of fluctuation shocked the strong man who won the seventh peak of Yuandan.

"Someone is coming?" Xi Shanjiao jumped into the corner of the strong man's eyes, his eyes filled with fear.

Below, Longwu Mountain and other Xishan practitioners seemed to feel bad, and quickly looked up.

Only in the void in front of him was seen an organ beast.

The beast slapped it under one palm, even if it was to cover that brother.

"An institution beast!"

"It's Xiao Yun here!" The exclaimed voice suddenly sounded.

After seeing this animal beast, many people know that Xiao Yun is here.

A lot of fear appeared in many young people's eyes.

At this time, many people have heard a lot about this young man!


Photographed by the animal beast, the palm of his hand is to give Zhenfei Brother Zhenfei.


Brother Zhu wished to recede, and vomited blood from his mouth.

Yuan Dan is sevenfold, and at this time under Xiao Yun's men, it is simply unbeatable.

After a palm fell, the golden light ripples oscillated with a horrifying aftermath swept towards the people of the Xishan religion.


Feeling this horrible wave, the practitioners of the Xishan religion hurried back and did not dare to stay at all.

At this time, there are also some new disciples, and there are no practitioners from Yuandan Yaejing.

"Xiao Yun?" Brother Zhu wished to fall to the ground, stabilizing his body very hard, he vomited blood, his face pale.

The blow almost did not kill the person.

Immediately, his eyes rose, and he looked towards the void ahead.

There, a young man was falling.

"Are you all right?" Sudden changes made the disciples of Xiamen feel surprised.

"It's Brother Xiao!" As soon as everyone's eyes moved, they saw Xiao Yun falling.

At this point, an organ beast owl had landed ahead, shaking the earth.

Xiao Yilang also landed.

Xiao Yun landed, just glanced at these brothers and brothers, and immediately he looked indifferent, and walked forward with his stride.


Xiao Yun walked forward, imposing and magnificent, and the whole empty air seemed to be abnormally condensed.

The practitioners of the Xishan religion were frightened and felt inexplicably disturbed.

In this young man, they felt a sensation of killing permeate.

Even Longwu Mountain felt fear.

After the last incident, he already knew that this young man named Xiao Yun was decisive!

"Last time, you touched the people of the League of Nations, and some of the strongmen took the lead. Fortunately, there was no cost. This time, you dared to take the shot. Do you really think that the people of my Alliance are bullying?

Xiao Yun stepped forward, and the whole popularity was overwhelming. His eyes were as sharp as those of Longwu Mountain and others, saying it word by word.


The audience was silent, and Long Wushan and others were shaking.

They knew that this young man was really angry.

"This ..." Seeing Xiao Yun's pressing step by step, some disciples of Xishan Religion finally felt afraid.

"You, if you dare to touch us, my ancient Tianlan and ancient brothers will certainly not let you go!" Said some students from Xishan Religion.

"Gu Tianlan?" Xiao Yun glanced at his eyes, and said, "Even if he is here, the heads of you should not be pardoned!"

Waiting for the words to fall, the breath of the beastly sorrow of that organ suddenly surged.

The ruthless murderous intention burst out from him without concealment.

These people are aggressive, even when he is against the members of the Famine Alliance while he is away. If he does n’t kill the chickens and monkeys, he will be afraid of no one in the future. Then his friends and brothers will not be guaranteed. saw.

Hearing this, Xishan taught the practitioners to panic.

"Let's bear the price you pay for it!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and the beast of the institution rose up.


A giant palm evolved and shot directly at Brother Zhu.

This person is the first evil and must be eliminated!

The animal beasts shot, and the people of the Xishan religion stepped back and planned to escape.

In the face of Xiao Yun, almost no one dared to fight.

Brother Zhu wished to flee, but Xiao Yun's target was him, and the beast of the institution beckoned him as soon as he moved.


A loud noise came out, and the person was directly shocked to break his bones, and Yuan Dan shattered.

At this time, Long Wushan and others scooped out hundreds of meters.

With one finger!

Just after urging the animal beast, Xiao Yun's finger lightly emptied.


All he saw was the flashes of light on his fingers, and a sensation of coldness swept out.

It was pointed out that there was a gleam of gloom in the void, and a raging fire swept through.

There are mysterious runes spreading among these flames.

Today, Xiao Yun ’s Xuanming Wuhun has entered the Seventh Realm of Yuandan. This finger is powerful enough to sweep people in the same realm.

Long Wushan was only shortly after it emerged, and immediately felt a sensation of coldness sweeping behind.

It seems that this atmosphere also contains a momentum of burning everything.

"What's this?" Long Wushan was surprised, and quickly turned his head to look.

Later, he immediately felt that his body seemed to be frozen by a horrible breath.

Not only him, but also a dozen young people beside him.

"One finger is hollow!" When surprised in Long Wushan, Xiao Yun pointed out another.


The flash of Zhimang directly penetrated the heart of Longwu Mountain.


The screams came out, shaking the void, making everyone shiver.

The practitioners of the Xishan Religion showed a horrified look and looked back one after another.

I saw that the heart of that Longwu Mountain was penetrated and finally fell to the ground.

This Yuandan Liujue was also regarded as a genius among the young disciples of Xishan.

Seeing this, practitioners of the Xishan religion felt the chill breeding in the bone marrow.

"Some of you, die too!" Xiao Yun blinked, and didn't stop there.

After a cold humming, Xiao Yun pointed forward.

Fengtian burning earth!

Fingers flickered, this time with flames flashing.

"No ..." Feeling the horrible fire carried by the finger, many practitioners in Xishan Church exclaimed.

They were already frozen in the air at this point and could not fly at all.

"Stop it!" At this moment, someone came and hurriedly drank.

This is the strong man of the Xishan religion, He Fan, who came here with flickering lights in his eyes.

"People who dare to touch my barren league, this is the price!" Even if He Fan arrived, Xiao Yun was still fearless and shot arrogantly.


The fire flickered, burning a dozen people directly into nothingness.

I have to say that Xuanming's fingertips are extraordinary.

Even if the practitioners of the Xishan religion practiced Vajrayana's defense, it was still useless under the mysterious fire.

"You ..." Seen Xiao Yun's shot, he killed more than a dozen disciples of Xishan religion. He Fan was burning in anger. Even if he walked, the palm of his hand moved a fierce blow to Xiao Yun ahead. The momentum is raging like a tide.


He Fan shot, and the palm was flowing with golden patterns. He turned the palm and cut it towards Xiao Yun.

A simple form, but extremely powerful, that palm can cut the void.

This is a peerless school of Xishan religion, all of whom have been trained into King Kong, can cut mountains with one palm.

"Yuan Dan's Eighth?" In the face of this fierce blow, Xiao Yun looked extremely indifferent.


With a loud noise, the palm of He Fan shuddered, and the golden runes collapsed.


His body shuddered, and it turned out that Zhen had been flying for thousands of kilometers.

"You want to bully others with Yuan Dan, you're too naive!" Xiao Yun's eyes were frozen, his eyes were extremely sharp.

At this time, strength has increased, and Xiao Yun has no fear of the strong man in Yuandan Eighth Realm.

He was not afraid of a war at the beginning, let alone now?

This time, he didn't use any animal beasts.

Because he wanted to completely calm down the people of Xishan religion and let these people know his Xiao Yun's strength.

Otherwise, those people will only think that he is only relying on external forces and will not be too jealous of him.

Xiao Yun walked away, imposing, he was dancing with long hair, his eyes flashed with light.

Looking from a distance, at this moment his eyes are like Xinghe, with obscure fluctuations permeating.

"It's strong!" At this moment, Na He showed his solemn face, staring at the young man in surprise.

With a blow just now, he had almost no battle.

It was only when he stepped into Yuan Dan's eighth realm that he couldn't compete with the animal beasts.

Xiao Yun walked in the air, getting closer and closer to He Fan.

"Today, I will teach you what is extraordinary about the Xishan religion!" Xiao Yun looked cold and not very uttered. With the movement of his palm, a long halberd appeared in the hand. Take it out, exuding an old breath.

The halberd was in hand, with the fire pattern flashing and the hot breath permeating, making the temperature of this void suddenly rise.

Although Xiao Yun's martial arts talent was only sevenfold, but now he has merged the seal of Wu Margin's origin, and the martial arts spirit has become stronger.

Moreover, his Xuanming Wuhun has surpassed his flawlessness and is not comparable to ordinary people at all.

Therefore, even if Xiao Yun did not urge the animal beast, the strength of his momentum still cannot be underestimated.

Feeling Xiao Yun's momentum, He Fan's heart jumped.

He felt the extraordinaryness of this young man for the first time!

Even some distant Xishan religion disciples who have not been frozen for a while are also palpitated ~ ~ It is hard to imagine that a disciple with their peers has such a strong momentum.

The sky is cracked!

With the halberd in hand, Xiao Yun didn't talk nonsense, he just cut off towards He Fan ahead.


When the halberd moved, the halberd flickered, with a purple light across the void.

The halberd was fierce, and it seemed to burn the void, and in it, there was an endless battle.

That is the undefeated war will, the war will be fearless!

With Yuandan's seventh battle and Yuandan's eighth battle, this is fearless enough to reflect Xiao Yun's courage at this time.

Only in this way will his heart be firmer.

That kind of potential will be even stronger!

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