Eternal Reverence

Chapter 1052 Jiujiang Society

After wandering around the entire Jagged City, Li Fuchen failed to encounter the peak sword demi-artifacts. As for the demi-artifacts of time and space, they were even rarer. Even high-level demi-artifacts were not seen, and only ordinary time-space demi-artifacts were occasionally seen. And looking at the posture, it seems to be very popular, and there is no need to worry about selling it.

"Go, find a place to eat."

Several nearby restaurants wafted the smell of food, Li Fuchen said to the four of them.

After a while, the five of them found a restaurant that looked good and walked in.

This restaurant is called Qianlixiang Restaurant. Meal prices vary according to the number of floors. On the first floor, within a day, you can eat and drink a low-grade demigod stone with you, and you can also bring nine people. There are two low-grade demigod stones on the first floor, four on the third floor, and eight on the fourth floor. Qianlixiang Restaurant has seven floors in total, and the seventh floor is more expensive, requiring sixty-four low-grade demigod stones.

Li Fuchen had no shortage of demigod stones, so there was no need to wrong himself, and he took the four of them directly to the seventh floor.

The dining table was quickly filled with delicious food and wine, and there were even more delicious food and wine on the multi-level preparation table beside it.

"Let's try the taste!"

Li Fuchen was the first to start.

After eating a few mouthfuls of food and a sip of wine, Li Fuchen stopped for a while, and said with a smile: "As expected of the food in the Battlefield of Gods, the taste is really extraordinary."

He discovered that the delicious food and wine here, in addition to strengthening the power of demigods, can also strengthen the Holy Spirit and soul.

If you eat it every day, it will be difficult to think about your strength if you accumulate it over time.

"It's just too expensive. I'm afraid only the upper echelons of Jagged City can eat it every day." Yan Qingwu took a sip of the dark red wine lightly, feeling relieved.

The five of them ate until noon the next day before leaving Qianlixiang Restaurant satisfied.

After living in Jagged City for a period of time, Li Fuchen gradually gained some understanding of Jagged City.

The strongest force in the Jagged City is naturally the Iron-Blooded Elders Association. The highest level of the Iron-Blooded Elders Association is thirteen elders, and there are thirty-six generals below. Incomparable, to be able to sit in this position is all based on real skills.

The Jagged Veteran Council controls three armies, namely the core Jagged Army, the city guards that protect the Jagged City, and the Spike Army that is responsible for completing special tasks.

In Iron Blood City, the Iron Blood Elders Council is a ruling power, an official power, and no one dares to provoke it.

Under the Jagged Elders Council, that is, unofficial forces, there are eight in total.

Each of these eight forces has a large number of invincible demigods, and owns a large number of industries in Jagged City.

For example, Jiujiang Artifact Pavilion is owned by Jiujiang Society, one of the Eight Great Influences, Jiujiang Bashen, the owner of Jiujiang Artifact Pavilion, is the president of Jiujiang Society, and Qianlixiang Restaurant is owned by Piaoxiang Temple, one of the Eight Great Influences...

"Compared with these big forces, the Swordsmen's Guild is still too weak."

Li Fuchen sighed.

There are quite a few demigods in the Swordsman Guild, close to twenty, but it also depends on who they are compared with. For a big power like the Eight Great Influences, let alone twenty demigods, even if there are twenty peak demigods. Can be dispatched casually.

How difficult it is to have a demigod without a demigod, to have an industry without an industry, and to develop.

Of course, it is not impossible for the swordsman guild to grow. The premise is that there must be an invincible demigod in the guild. Only with an invincible demigod can other demigods be attracted to join. In Jagged City, the Dark Council and the Eye of Judgment are better than the Swordsman Guild. This is mainly because the president of the Dark Council and the God of Judgment of the Eye of Judgment are both invincible demigods.


"The way of fire is still not complete."

After decades of cultivation in Jagged City, Li Fuchen has never been able to practice the Dao of Fire Kung Fu to the star field level perfection state.

Once his Dao of Fire skills reach perfection, he will be the strongest Emperor of Dao of Fire, and at the same time he can become an invincible Dao of Fire demigod.

However, it is not an easy task to complete the exercises. This cannot be solved with a high level of comprehension, and the body must be tried again and again.

"It seems that if you want to become an invincible demigod, you still need to obtain a peak kendo demigod."

Li Fuchen stood up, ready to leave the city.


"They're going out of town."

There are many eyeliners around Li Fuchen's courtyard, and if there is any movement on Li Fuchen's side, the news will spread immediately.

"After decades of waiting, I'm finally leaving the city."

"Tell me how many demigod stones he has on his body."

"It doesn't matter how many demigod stones he has, they are all from our Jiujiang Society anyway."


There are not many people coming and going in and out of Jagged City. Under the eternal lifespan, everyone's life is not so hurried. They are either in a closed state for a long time, or they stay outside for a long time.

After leaving the city, Li Fuchen and the other five speeded up and quickly moved away from Iron Blood City.

"Catch up."

Behind, dozens of demigods followed closely.

These dozens of demigods are composed of top demigods and peak demigods. Not to mention dealing with three peak demigods and two top demigods, even ordinary invincible demigods are enough.

"They're coming after them."

Yan Qingwu glanced back and said.

"You guys come in first."

Li Fuchen took the four of them into the heart of the plane, and stretched out a pair of huge flame wings from behind.

This is one of the set attributes of the Chiyan suit, which can increase Li Fuchen's speed several times. You must know that Li Fuchen was originally a second- and third-rate peak demigod on the fire path. Now his speed has been increased several times. Except for the invincible demigod, Few can catch up to him.

"Not good, he has a half-artifact of speed."

A peak demigod's face darkened.

"Get on board."

Another peak demigod took out a big boat and loaded everyone on it.

Obviously, this is a top-notch ship-type demi-artifact, and its speed is fast, but it is still not as good as Li Fuchen.

"Time and space are imprisoned."

At this moment, the third peak demigod had a cane in his hand, and he swung it vigorously, and an invisible force spread to Li Fuchen.

In an instant, Li Fuchen felt that the void of God's Battlefield became a monolith.


Li Fuchen turned into a spiral flame and broke through the confinement, but his speed was a bit slower, and he was gradually overtaken by the big boat.

"Although the top space-time semi-artifact can't completely imprison me, it can slow me down."

Time-space demi-artifacts are very precious. The price of a top-level space-time demi-artifact is no less than that of a pinnacle demi-artifact. If it is a top-level space-time demi-artifact used for escape, the price is even higher than that of an ordinary peak demi-artifact.

"It still depends on you."

Li Fuchen took out the Yuanshi bracelet and exploded the original essence of Yuanshi inside.


The void oscillated, and a passage was born instantly. Li Fuchen's back flapped the wings of flames, and got into the passage, and the passage dissipated immediately.

"Damn it, let him escape."

"What kind of demigod is this?"

"It seems to be a high-level cosmic treasure."

The demigods of the Jiujiang congregation had an ugly look on their faces, they were very helpless and angry because they failed to leave Li Fuchen behind after dispatching so many people.

"With the power of my peak Fire Dao demigod, I can already explode two hundred times the original essence of Yuanshi."

A passage appeared in the void of God's Battlefield, and Li Fuchen flew out from it.

The high-level cosmic treasure, which gathers the essence of the universe, is born with the luck of the Dao. The more he understands it, the more Li Fuchen discovers that the high-level cosmic treasure is no worse than any peak demi-artifact, and even surpasses the peak demi-artifact in terms of mystery and comprehensiveness.

The flame wings dissipated behind, and Li Fuchen released Yan Qingwu and the other four.

"The Jiujiang Society really thinks highly of us, and has dispatched dozens of top demigods and peak demigods." Yan Qingwu said.

Li Fuchen said: "They underestimated us, otherwise, they would have dispatched more demigods and tricks."

Even if there are enough demigod stones, the demigod will still run out of power when facing ten times or even dozens of times the enemy.

For example, if Li Fuchen stayed and carried it to the death, he would indeed be able to resist most peak demigods, but the final result would still be death. After all, facing the attack of a demigod, and facing the attack of dozens of demigods, That's two different things, the speed at which the power of a demigod is consumed will increase by tens or hundreds of times.


Jagged City, the headquarters of the Jiujiang Society.

"There is a high-level cosmic treasure, no wonder he escaped." The speaker was a bald old man with a fleshy whisker on his head, and a dark green eyeball on the top of the whisker turned around, strange and evil. Green light shines all around.

For high-level universe treasures, he has a deeper understanding than Li Fuchen.

It is said that the essence of the high-level universe treasure theory is not as good as the peak demi-artifact, and its power is many times more powerful than the peak demi-artifact.

But the old man doesn't think so. The high-level cosmic treasure actually surpasses the peak semi-divine weapon in terms of essence, but it depends on who uses it.

"Tens of thousands of middle-grade demigod stones are nothing, a high-level cosmic treasure is worth my shot."

The green eyeballs on the old man's whiskers burst out with greed and bloodlust.


The God's Battlefield is very desolate, full of wind, sand and lightning, and the five of them have to support a little bit of demigod power so as not to be pushed away by the wind and sand.

"Demi-artifact fragments."

Wu Zhuo picked up a half-artifact fragment from the ground.

Li Fuchen took a look and said: "This is a fragment of a top half artifact, look for it, maybe there is a top half artifact nearby."

A demigod cannot destroy a demigod, only a true god can destroy a demigod.

Obviously, the fragments of the half-artifact in the battlefield of the gods are the masterpieces of the battle between the gods. Since there are fragments of the half-artifact here, it means that the nearby place is the place where the two gods fought.

After a while, the five of them found a broken top demi-artifact and a huge god corpse.

The coercion of this god corpse is very astonishing, even Li Fuchen can't get close to it, he can only watch it from a distance.

"Why do I feel that this divine corpse was a human race before its death?" said the Immortal Emperor.

God corpses are indistinguishable from human beings except that they are countless times bigger in size. There is no difference at all. The only difference is that god corpses never decay, and if demigods die, the corpses will gradually decay as the power of demigods disappear of.

"It's normal for a human race." Li Fuchen said.

Finding a demigod in the battlefield of gods is far more difficult than the five people imagined. For countless years, the demigods in the periphery have basically been collected, and very few fish slipped through the net.

And even if there is a fish that slipped through the net, it is estimated that it was brought out from the depths of the ground by the earthquake.

Li Fuchen has already left a soul mark in Jagged City. With a soul mark, he can go deep into the battlefield of gods without fear of getting lost.

Gradually, the five of them came to the deeper part of the battlefield of gods, where basically few top demigods dare to come.

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