Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1026: Qinglian Liwei (third more)

Chapter 1026 Qinglian Prestige (Third)

Wuxiang Monk wants to step back, it is too late!

Su Zimo held the slender green lotus stems of the natural green lotus, and greeted the wooden fish and gavel smashing towards him.


The three instruments collided together, and a loud noise broke out.

Fortunately, Qinglian shook gently, sending out a horrible and terrifying force, and instantly flew the two major monks without phase monks!


Wuxiang Monk screamed in tears, his mouth was torn, and his blood flowed like a note. He couldn't hold two instruments, and flew away!

Before entering Yuanying Realm, fighting in close combat, Wuxiang Monk was not Su Zimo's opponent.

Su Zimo was in the Sanjiao Realm, and his flesh experienced the second turmoil, and he had to be able to regenerate flesh and blood with the powerful mana, and his flesh was even more terrible!

What's more, he has stepped back into the virtual realm, holding Liupin to create the green lotus, and the monk without a phase can't resist it!

If the two artifacts in the hands of Wuxiang Monk are the treasures of Wuxiang Temple, which is equivalent to the existence of the Ming Dynasty rosary, both of these artifacts will be destroyed by the created Qinglian!

Su Zimo seized the upper hand and got the power.

"Bald donkey, come here!"

His eyes were like a torch, he sang loudly, stepped forward, and the created green lotus in his hand swayed gently, and the lotus platform fell down, smashing hard at the head of the phaseless monk!

Wuxiang Monk's eyes were fierce, and the kind-hearted eyebrows just now disappeared.

As a disciple of a title, even if he temporarily falls into the downwind, he is still fearless in the face of this danger!

The palm of Wuxiang Monk was wiped in the storage bag, and an ancient mirror was sacrificed, which was blocked above his head!


The ancient mirror was full of light, quickly swelled, and flashed with six patterns, covering the body of the non-phase monk below!

This ancient mirror is also an innate magic weapon!

The monks onlookers all showed envy.

Although they entered this preaching area, most monks do not have congenital magic instruments, and it is not bad to have a perfect weapon nearby.

There are as many as three congenital instruments revealed by Wuxiang Monk now!

The strength of disciples is not only reflected in their combat power, but also their heritage. They have many cards and many treasures.

Therefore, in general, it is difficult for a disciple to be killed by his peers.

But now, a demon in the world of self-cultivation is born, breaking this situation!

This man was decisive and decisive, and after entering the preaching land, two great disciples had already folded in his hands!

On the battlefield, Su Zimo saw the ancient mirror of the concealed monk sacrificed by the phaseless monk, and a icy flash of ice flashed in his eyes.

Qinglian fell and smashed on the ancient mirror severely!


A loud noise is deafening!

Under this huge impact, Wuxiang Monk was short and his legs were submerged in the soil, covering his knees!


Wuxiang Monk spit out blood and turned pale.

This time, the bones in his body were about to fall apart, and there was a creaking sound, and the inner shudder vibrated violently!

Just then he heard a weird noise.

Click! Click!

There was a cry of exclamation from the crowd, and countless people took the air.

Wuxiang Monk suddenly looked up and looked up.

A crack appeared on the ancient mirror in his hand, which continued to spread, and in an instant, the front ancient mirror was covered!


The innate Taoist magic instrument could not stop the hit of the good fortune Qinglian and was directly broken!

Liupin created Qinglian, and can compete with the innate Taojun weapon!

Shattered a congenital Taoist artifact, there was no scar on the green lotus, but it was still green and green.

Seeing the broken ancient mirror, this time, it is difficult for Wuseng to remain calm and change color!


Fortune Qinglian swayed and fell again!

This green lotus is so aura, every lotus leaf is crystal clear, like the most beautiful gem in the world!

But this lotus platform fell down, but with a sense of destruction!

There is fear in the eyes of Wuxiang Monk!

All innate instruments were smashed by this lotus platform. His body, under the suppression of this lotus platform, may be smashed into a mud of blood!

At this point, his legs were deeply in the mud.

It's too late to stand up and get out.

The innate Taoist magic instruments are difficult to stop the prestige of creating Qinglian, and other means on his body are also useless.

The only thing he can do is to launch Metamystic!


Wuxiang Monk roared, his eyebrows flickered, and a terrifying sense of God burst out, condensing a finger in the air, and nodded towards Su Zimo's head!

At the same time, the Taoist Taoist just resolved the sword of Tiansha.

The earth evil man collided with the sickle of the demon, and received a lot of shock, and his body just fell.

The wind and lightning people also destroyed the golden palm of the prisoner's seal.

The three major disciples saw this scene without hesitation, and made the most correct response the first time!

The three wanted to leave, or the cohesive method to save the monk without phase, it was too late.

The only thing that can be used immediately is Metamystic!

Moreover, twenty days ago, they fought against Su Zimo during the battle, but three disciples released the meta-mysticism to Su Zimo, and he had already been hit hard and almost fell.

Today, they have four people!

Count the hidden killers, they have five!

There is no need for the Taoist Taoist to remind, the Taoist Taoist will surely choose the most suitable time for his shot, and a fatal blow will occur!

Last time, there were Ji Leijing and Lantern Taoist who resisted Su Zimo's two great disciples.

And this time, it was Su Zimo who fought alone!

"Desolate, die for me!"

Disha Taoist roared, and his eyebrows burst into confusion, condensing a wicked bone gun in the air, heading towards Su Zimo!

"Shake magic!"

Fengleidao people sip softly.

The heavy consciousness gathered in mid-air, condensed into a hammer of consciousness, the light flashed, and it was smashed according to Su Zimo's heavenly cover!

After the release of this mystery, Feng Lei Taoist secretly whispered: "If you can get" Purple Electricity "and merge with his" Qing Lei Jue ", you will cultivate a more terrible meta mystery! Then It was the thunderbolt of Lei Huang! "

At this point, in the eyes of the wind and thunder, there was a touch of heat.


The eyebrows of the Taoist Taoist priests radiate a moment of consciousness, the stars are dazzling, exuding immense coercion, and they are coming!

Four major disciples shot at the same time, offering Yuan mystery!

The shock of such terrifying consciousness is earth-shattering, even if the Faxiang Daojun comes, it may be wiped out instantly!

The entire void has been twisted under the interweaving of the four consciousnesses!

The four believed that even if Su Zimo had the previous Yuanshen weapon, he would definitely not be able to resist the mystery of the four of them!

At this moment, a strange wave appeared in the void.

A blurry figure emerged.

Killing Taoists!

The hidden Taoist was not in a hurry to take the shot. He had to wait for Su Zimo's primordial weapon to fail before he could launch the elemental mystery and a fatal blow!

(End of this chapter)

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