Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1116: Hunt

Chapter 1116 Pursue

Due to the blind old man suddenly launching the elemental mystery to Su Zimo, dragging him in place, he has lost the best time to hunt.

Although not long, but with the speed of witchcraft, he has already fled.

But Su Zimo has not given up.

At the place where the Heavenly Sword Jianqi fell, there was a dripping blood, which had been split into two halves of flesh and blood.

It is this physical body that enables the witch to escape from the killing of the Three Heavenly Sword Sword Qis!

Witch means, tricky and unpredictable.

As a master of the Wu tribe, the witch prince has these life-saving means, which is not surprising.

Su Zimo galloped along the direction of the witches.

In fact, he has lost his witchcraft.

However, the Witch Wound was wounded, and wherever he passed, the unique atmosphere of the blood of the Wu tribe remained.

Others may not be aware of it. Su Zimo is practicing the Secret of the Desolation King.

In mid-air, a dark green figure galloped through the air, stepping on a bone-bone staff at his feet, extremely fast.

The witch's face was a little pale, with multiple wounds on his body, and he looked embarrassed.

These wounds were left by the sharp edge of Tianqi Jianqi. Although many elixir have been applied, there is still no sign of healing.

The wound caused by Heavenly Sword Qi has a terrifying tearing effect, and the bleeding is endless.

"Desolate Wu, today's enmity, I will pay back ten times!"

In Wu Yan's eyes, there was endless resentment, and he bit his teeth and said hate.

Because of his dignified status, this time he left the ghost curse cemetery, in fact, he has made perfect preparations.

According to the lonely soul Taoist, among the four dynasties, there is no joint power.

In other words, even if he doesn't bring any helper, he is enough to dominate the four dynasties!

To prevent accidents, Uncle Lan followed.

Although Lan Shu is blind, he is a strong Frenchman who is capable of killing the combined power of killing people!

In today's cultivation world, Mahayana ancestors rarely show up.

The power of fit is the pinnacle of cultivation.

This means that with Uncle Lan following, not to mention the four dynasties, even the entire Northern Territory, witches can walk sideways!

In fact, as they expected.

Along the way, they were almost unscrupulous and completely unhindered.

Even if it is Longhu Pavilion, they must bow their heads and surrender to the majesty of the witches!

However, no matter whether it is a witch or a blind old man, there is no expectation that there are two alien species on this northern land!

These two aliens are horrible in terms of combat power.

Moreover, for their witch status, they are also hesitant to say that they will kill without any hesitation!

It seems that in the eyes of these two aliens, they are witches!

In this battle, although the witches did not take much action, they survived twice.

First, Ye Ling approached quietly and broke the body protector.

Later, Su Zimo's three heavenly killing sword qi forced him to release his own fate!

It is extremely difficult to cultivate by fate.

It takes a real creature to continue to train and train with the mystery of the witch tribe and turn it into his own puppet.

At critical moments, the destiny can resist a deadly attack!

Without this destiny, the three heavenly swordsmanships would be enough to twist the flesh of the witch into flesh instead of the few wounds on the body.

The witches ran all the way, the speed gradually slowed down, and found a handful of elixir from the storage bag.

If you run at high intensity all the time, the wound is healed, and the elixir is absorbed, it is difficult to be effective.

But the half-pillar fragrant wasn't there, and Wu Wu's heart seemed to feel something!

It's like a whim.

He suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis!

Cultivation to their realm, such whim, will not happen for nothing.

Witch turned suddenly and looked.

At the end of the distant sky, there was a faint flash of thunder and lightning, and he was galloping in his direction and rushing around!


The witch took a breath.

Actually chased it!

Witches never dared to rest anymore. They quickly urged mana and found a speeding rune from the storage bag.

However, no matter how fast he speeds up, even if he can throw Su Zimo down for a while, Su Zimo will catch up soon.

Witch-face looked ugly.

His eyes fluttered and he didn't know what to do.

After thinking a little, he seemed to have made a decision, changed his direction slightly, and continued to run!

Su Zimo chased after him.

He noticed that the witch changed direction, and he didn't care.

Just let him keep an eye on him, don't even try to escape!

Both returned to the virtual world.

In addition, Su Zimo practiced three top exercises of immortal Buddha and demon, Yuan Shen was pure and condensed, and the witches were wounded.

After a while, keep chasing, the Witch will definitely not escape!

Both had their own thoughts, and no one would relax.

The two cascaded one after the other, the wind and the wind galvanized, and went all day and night.

It has to be said that the witch prince has some skills as a master of the witch tribe.

Not to mention, he was able to escape from the two killing moves of Ye Ling and Su Zimo, and it was this speed of body movement, and he was also in the same rank!

Su Zimo failed to catch up with the outbreak of the Wings of Wings by electromagnetism, but hung from a distance.

Of course, the day and night passed, which is a huge drain on physical fitness.

The speed of witchcraft is obviously decreasing.

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer!

But over time, Su Zimo frowned gradually.

The direction this witch chooses seems to be ...

After a while, the surrounding terrain jungle has become somewhat familiar!

Ahead of it is a lush jungle.

The towering ancient trees stand tall, lush, and the huge canopy is continuous, covering the sun, deep in the jungle, dark and gloomy, exuding a touch of blood!

Here, Su Zimo used to come.

More than a hundred years ago, in order to escape the pursuit of the Lord of the Blood Raven Palace, he embraced the night spirit, fled here, passed through this jungle, and entered the Valley of Dragon Skeletons!

The witch came to the edge of the jungle, paused slightly, turned around and sneered at Su Zimo, gasping heavily, exposing his provocative look, and plunged into it.

Su Zimo's expression was calm and he rushed into the dense forest.

There are many ancient beings living in this jungle.

At the time, when Su Zimo was still building a basement, walking through here could be described as perilous and shocking.

But now, he has stepped back into the virtual world, standing in the jungle, and can threaten his soul, not much!

The figure of the witch shuttled forward, looming.

The two were one behind the other.

It didn't take long before the witches crossed the jungle, rushed forward, and walked towards the vast and endless bones.

As long as you walk through this jungle, it is the territory of the dragon race!

That is, the nine forbidden places in the mouth of the desolate continent in the wilderness!

The nine forbidden areas are fairly friendly to the nine ethnic groups.

But for aliens, it is absolutely dead!

The witch stood in his bones, and finally a smile appeared on his face, and the whole person relaxed completely.

(End of this chapter)

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