Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1127: Terrible body

Chapter 1127: Terrible Flesh

The Samadhi fire is still burning.

Su Zimo's Yuan Shen almost urged to the limit, his face paled.

The entire Zongzong has been completely caught in the sea of ​​fire, and there are not many remaining tapeworms. Su Zimo had to exterminate all these tapeworms before he could go out and help the night spirit!

The release of the Samadhi fire this time is too wide and the duration is too long, which has exhausted his primordial spirit.

He can no longer mobilize any mana, nor can he release any spells.

Qinglian's true body, the biggest reliance is on magic!

The fire of Samadhi, or the sword of heaven, is the outbreak of spells.

This means that if Su Zimo joins the war, he can only fight close to Jin Huan by relying on his physical body.

But the current situation, in the melee, even the night spirit can't get any cheap!

The two sides are two different realms!

The Golden Eater is also one of the top ten ascaris in ancient times. It devours hardware, the physical body is indestructible, and the power and speed are above the night spirit!

Even if he and Yeling join forces, I am afraid that this is not the opponent of this bite.

Between his thoughts, a golden light flickered in his eyes, the warning signs flashed in his heart, and a strong sense of crisis came!

Too late to think about it, Su Zimo's figure is slightly on one side.

If he was in the heyday, maybe he could dodge it.

But now, his primordial spirit is weak and his energy is exhausted. Even if he is alerted by the spirit, his body cannot keep up with the reaction.

He can only avoid the key as much as possible!


This golden light fell on Su Zimo's body.

Blood splattered!

Su Zimo grunted, and a cold sweat appeared on his face.

This golden light is not the other, it is just a tentacle above the head of the bite!

In the confrontation between the two, the two tentacles were drawn towards Yeling.

Yeling avoided one of them, but was hit by the other.

The first one changed direction, suddenly soared by a dozen feet, turned into a golden light, and drew heavily on Su Zimo's body!

With a sharp tentacle, Su Zimo's scapula cut a deep wound, and the blood flowed like a note.

You know, his skin is cast from the lotus leaves of Liupinzao Qinglian.

Even the innate Taojun magic instrument may not be able to cut his skin.

But this seemingly fragile tentacle was almost unloading Su Zimo's entire arm!

Su Zimo's figure shook a bit, clenched her teeth, and still insisted, she continued to spur the fire of Samadhi and kill a few ascaris!

If these maggots let go of one, they could cause countless lives to die.

Even if Ye Ling was injured, his look remained unchanged, his gaze was still cold.

But when Su Zimo was injured, a anger finally burst into his eyes, and he yelled, exuding a breath of heart!

This breath seems to come from the ancient floods and suppress the terror.

The two sides are two different realms.

However, under the breath, Jin Biao felt a throbbing heartbeat!

This coercion gives it an impulse to bow down!

This is the blood pressure.

This is the dominance and deterrence from the deep memory of ancient memories!

"what's this!"

Jin Jinyan stared at Yeling with a secret voice in her heart, and the metallic luster in her eyes was a little deeper.

Just now, although their confrontation was short and it had the absolute upper hand, it really shocked it!

Behind Yeling, the sharp and sharp purple tail that popped up even made it smell a strong breath of death!

The **** of Jin Yan was extremely confused.

Even on the Witch, he didn't feel the pressure.

Now, seeing the night spirit anger, the bite owl became more cautious.


Yeling's figure shook, turned into a streamer, and disappeared in place instantly.

This speed has far exceeded the limit of returning to the virtual world!

Even if he is a prince of law, he may not be able to capture the trail of the night spirit.

But Jin Yan's eyes, golden light flourished, his eyesight strengthened, and he accurately determined the location of the night spirit, and waved his front paw.

The cold light flickered.

The front paw fluttered down, like a huge trowel, severely chopped down towards Yeling!

In mid-air, the shape of the night spirit can still dodge, continually twist, and avoid the front claws cut off.

Followed by a flash of cold light.

The other front paw fell off ahead of time, completely sealing Ye Ling's retreat!

Yeling's body suddenly curled together in mid-air, shrinking into a small ball, avoiding the front paw dangerously.


Two golden lights burst into the air, the wind roared and was breathtaking.

Jin Yan's offensive continued.

After the sharp forepaws are chopped off, they are the tentacles of terror.

This tentacle is anomalous, as if it has life, and beats towards the night spirit!

At this time, if Yeling pulled back, he could still avoid the two tentacles.

But if he recedes, it means that Su Zimo is exposed to the face of Jin Yan again.

Between the light and the flint, Ye Ling's body appeared with dark scales, ignoring the tentacles' beating, dived down, and grasped toward the back of the bite of the golden eagle!


Almost regardless of the front and back, the two tentacles drew heavily on Yeling's body, making a crisp sound!

Yeling trembled.

This time, even if there were scales to resist, he still had two **** wounds on his body.

The clothes on his body are all shattered!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yeling has come to the bite of Jin Jin, and launched an offensive directly!


A purple shadow flashed.

Ye Ling's tail, poking hard at Jin Kuan's head!

"Break me!"

The jeweler responded extremely quickly, yelling loudly, the two front paws seemed like a huge pair of scissors, suddenly closed, and severely cut, and sandwiched the night spirit's tail!


The two front claws are considered to be the hardest and sharpest weapon on the bitch, and even if they are magic weapon, it is difficult to compete with them.

But such terrible claws, combined with the power of the combined environment, failed to cut the night spirit's tail!

Mars is splashing!

Ye Ling's gaze was cold, and he stretched out his hands, and grasped the vest that was biting Jin Yan, and grasped it fiercely!

Ye Ling's fingertips protruded a sharp claw.

Touching the back of the bite of the golden eagle, like a golden stone, the sound is harsh.


Ye Ling's two claws, on the back of the bite cricket, severely scratched out ten wounds!

So far after the war, Bitumen was finally injured.

But Su Zimo and Ye Ling's expressions did not relax a little.

Su Zimo clearly saw that the blood flowing out of the bite wound of Jin Yan was shining with a dark golden metallic luster.

The flesh and blood of this ancient roundworm are all filled with metal!

Ye Ling's grab was a big obstacle, but he just broke the flesh of the golden eagle and failed to damage the golden eagle.

Even more frightening is that under Su Zimo's gaze, the ten wounds on the back of the bite Jinhe healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!


What a terrible self-healing power!

This self-healing power is much better than that of the Dragon Tribe!

Although little is known about tapeworms, Su Zimo believes that even if it is one of the top ten tapeworms in ancient times, the original flesh of the golden maggots can never reach this level.

Otherwise, among the nine ancient Taikos, there is a place for the Dais!

How could this golden bite's flesh cultivate to such a terrible degree!

(End of this chapter)

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