Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1129: Night Spirit

Chapter 1129

Ye Ling's gaze was cold, ten feet tall, without any clumsiness, and he was quick and swift.

Su Zimo can clearly feel that after the night spirit has transformed into the body, the strength and speed have skyrocketed!

The first reaction of the bite sacrifice was not to slam it, but to evacuate.

After all, the bite sacrifice is a state of fit. Based on his cultivation, if he wants to escape with all his strength, even the night spirit who has transformed the body may not be able to catch up.

If you let the gold bite leave, Yeling may be in danger!

Ye Ling is so cautious that even in the face of many sieges in Vientiane City, he refuses to fully expose the appearance of the body, which is a bit jealous.

But now, even though the bite lynx didn't say what race the night spirit is, just the word ‘taboo’ is enough to explain too much!

Nine Taizu people who make people so jealous are not taboos.

Yeling is a taboo in the ancient times!

Ye Ling transfigured himself at this time, mainly because he was in danger.

There is another reason, except that there are no other creatures except the three of them.

As long as you can slay the Golden Eater, the night spirit's secret will not be exposed!

But if you let the gold dipper escape, the night spirit is completely passive.

Between the light and the flint, Su Zimo's mind flashed through these thoughts, and immediately acted promptly, urging the fifty-four green lotus seeds in the sea.

Xia Guang diffused.

Many green lotus seeds quickly condense, and in the blink of an eye, a sharp blue sword is formed!

Sword of Yuanshen Killing-Qinglian Sword.

Su Zimo's Yuan God was weak and his body was pierced, leaving only a few of them that could threaten the way to eat the golden magpie.

"Cut me!"

Su Zimo sang loudly.

Knowing the openness of the sea, a ray of light burst out!

Seeing Yeling rushing over, just as Jin Yan was about to step back, he saw a blue glow cut off from the corner of his eyes.

At the same time, it felt a strong wave of consciousness!


The **** Jin Yan was shocked.

This blue glow has just surfaced, and it even made its primal **** feel a tingle of pain!

The gold dipper has too much time to think about it, and a mysterious meta-art has erupted to compete with it!

A little golden light rushed out of the sea.

This golden light, as if condensing the hardest metal in the world, is heavy and abnormal, cannot be shaken, and hits the Qinglian sword heavily.


The two collided.

The void trembled.

Qinglian sword burst into pieces, and turned into many green lotus seeds scattered.

That bit of golden light is also dim.

But the wave of consciousness on the golden light is still powerful and terrifying!

Jin Guang didn't stop, bumping into Su Zimo's brows.

At this time, Su Zimo's figure was still hung on the hind feet of the bite of gold, and it was difficult to break free. He could not avoid the killing of this mystery!

The meta-mysticism of the ensemble environment is not what Su Zimo can resist at all.

Qinglian Sword can stop the golden light for a moment, and reduce its power of the elemental gods, which is already pretty good!

Just then, a purple light flashed.

Ye Ling shakes his tail, and the sharp tail spine hits this golden light in midair!


The golden light dissipates.

Ye Ling's figure shuddered.

Su Zimo's eyes fixed, and his heart shook.

The essence of metamysticism is the attack of the consciousness, no matter whether it is a magic weapon, physical body, or minions.

It can only be resisted with divine knowledge or a specific primal weapon.

Su Zi has always known that Yeling's tail is extremely powerful and its sharpness is still above its minions.

But he didn't expect that this tail could resist meta mystery!

Together, the two are considered to resist the meta-mystery of biting Jinyu.

And this delay, it is too late for Bitumen to try to escape.


The two tentacles came out of the air, and they yanked hard toward Yeling!

Ye Ling didn't evade, and rushed up, leaving two tentacles on his body and pulling out two **** wounds.

Ye Ling didn't seem to feel the pain. He pulled out his sharp front claws and directly pressed the two forefoots of the bite of gold cricket on the ground!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ling bowed his head, opened the animal's mouth, exposing horrifying, sharply intersecting fangs, and biting Jin Jin's neck severely!


Feeling fierce danger, Yan Jinyan screamed suddenly, swiping her six feet, twisting her huge body, trying to escape the suppression of Yeling.

At this moment, Su Zimo's eyes flashed fiercely, holding the hind foot pierced into his chest with his arms, his body turned, and he suddenly exerted force.

He used the bones of Qinglian's true body and stuck this hind foot that drank Jin Mao dead!

There was a burst of torn pain at the chest, deep into the bone marrow!

Even if the bones of Qinglian's real body were cast from lotus stems and many magical weaponry, she could not withstand the power of the bitch.

A burst of cracking came from his chest!

The two front claws of the bite of the golden crotch were held down by the night spirit.

Among the six feet, one of the hind feet was restrained by Su Zimo, and Jin Jin's body lost some balance, and his movement became awkward.

Yeling's owl's mouth has been bitten down fiercely!


This time, bite directly on the neck of the bitch!

Ye Ling's mouth full of fangs, in a moment, left the blood hole of hundreds of finger thickness on the neck of the bite of gold cricket!

Su Zimo clearly saw that Jin Huan's head had all gone in the past.

Yeling's bite is too strong!

Even if the golden maggot was a maggot that fits together, his body is indestructible, this time, he almost bit his neck!

Deep in the throat of Biting Jin's throat, bursts of painful screams came out!


Life hangs on the line, biting Jin's body, sending out a powerful force, directly lifts the night spirit.

He shook his hind feet and threw Su Zimo's body out.

Su Zimo's Qinglian real body was almost torn in half by this one, and she fell heavily to the ground, losing her blood and blood!

Yeling fell not far away, and his body was dripping with blood.

But he just rolled over on the ground and immediately got up.

Not far away, the bite-sucking pant gasped.

The wound on his neck is too heavy!

Viscous blood, dripping, flashing a dark golden sheen.

Even with its powerful physical healing power, it is difficult to heal.


Yeling growled and rushed up again.

puff! puff! puff!

Ye Ling's claws fluttered, his body flickered, and using his body speed, Jin Jin's body left a wound deep into his bones.

The tentacles and front claws of the bite of the golden eagle also waved desperately.

However, it was hurt too much, and the breath was completely suppressed by the night spirit. Even if it counterattacks, it is difficult to cause too much influence on the night spirit!

The injuries on Bitumen's body were getting worse.

Yeling, however, became more and more brave and calm.

As the times passed, Ye Lingyu had a chance, suddenly stood up, and came to the body of biting Jinyu.

Ye Ling's sharp rear claws, holding on to the neck that bleeds Jinyu's blood, his front claws grasped his head fiercely, and his whole body exerted strength!

Enormous power erupted, and the bite of the golden bite was almost pressed into the soil, and he could not move!

Even the tentacles on its head were pressed under the claws by the night spirit!


Under the night.

A huge dark monster, stepping on a dark golden maggot, shaking a purple tail, burning purple flames on all four feet, screaming from the sky, and exuding the wildness of looking down on the world and dominating the ages!

(End of this chapter)

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