Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1131: Rentai Rebirth

Chapter 1131 Rebirth of Lotus Terrace

Ye Ling carrying Su Zimo, jumping out of the fountain.

The spring was not deep, and the two sat inside, just barely getting their chests.

As soon as Su Zimo soaked in the Shenquan, he clearly felt that there was a very strong vitality in this spring!

The spring wrapped his body, the endless vital energy, constantly washing the wounds on his body.

The pale golden light spots visible to the naked eye, like elves, merge into Su Zimo's flesh and blood, making the wound gradually heal!

The pain in the body is greatly reduced.


Su Zimo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he moaned comfortably.

God springs without spring eyes have such effects.

It is no wonder that the real dragons were severely damaged by the power of the half-ancestors. They have been cut off and can be saved by the ancient **** spring.

Without this divine spring, Qinglian's physical injury may take several years, or even ten years, to recover.

With Taikoo Shenquan, the speed of wound healing has greatly increased, and it may be restored in ten days and a half months!

This is really a surprise.

In an instant, day and night passed.

With a bang, Yeling stood up from the pool and left Shenquan.

The injuries on his body were not too serious.

Coupled with his physical self-healing power, with the help of this divine spring, the injuries on his body are already better.

Although healed in Shenquan and recovered faster, Yeling left early.

There is no spring eye here, it is a pool of standing water.

Backwater means that the vitality in the Shenquan will not increase, it will only be absorbed as it is consumed, and it will be less and less.

Ye Ling's move was just to let Su Zimo absorb more vitality from the fountain.

Su Zimo glanced at Ye Ling and nodded.

He could see the intention of the night spirit.

Over time, Su Zimo's injuries are getting better and better.

On the tenth day, the biggest wound on the chest had healed, and the chest was smooth as jade, leaving no scars at all!

In these days, Yeling didn't leave too far, always staying beside Su Zimo.

Su Zimo moved his muscles and bones, feeling that his body was unharmed, and he was recovering as he was before.


Su Zimo felt it carefully, and there was a strange flash in his eyes.

The injuries on his body have recovered.

But for some reason, the vitality in the Shenquan is still pouring into the body, blending into the flesh and bones!

How could this be?

Su Zimo frowned.

Is there any hidden illness in Qinglian's body?

Among the fountains, a gleam of radiant light pours through Su Zimo's pores into the body.

There were still many light spots, rushing into the sea of ​​knowledge, and landed on the bare blue lotus platform.

Su Zimo's eyes brightened!

Is it ...

He suddenly thought of a possibility, his heart beating and beating fiercely.

On the face of it, his physical body has been harmless.

However, we must know that his real body of green lotus is cast from the broken stems and leaves of broken green lotus.

In other words, Taikoo Shenquan is repairing Qinglian's true body!

What kind of change this will bring to Qing Lian's true body, Su Zimo's heart only has a faint guess, and dare not judge.

He took a deep breath and continued to stay in the spring, calming his mind, constantly absorbing the rich vitality in the spring.

time flies.

Ten days have passed.

Qing Lian's real body did not seem to change much, but in his body, on many bones, there was a strong vitality.

The flesh has also become more brilliant and vibrant!

Qing Lian's bloodline is gradually increasing.

Although it is far less than the real dragon race, it is much stronger than before.

Moreover, the self-healing power of Qinglian Zhenshen has been improved a lot under the soaking of Taikoo Shenquan!

Of course, the biggest change is not Qinglian's true body.

It is Su Zimo who knows the sea, the forged lotus platform!

Under the eruption of the power of the half-ancestors, the good fortune lotus was bare and there was no petal on it.

But at this time, a little green was born on the edge of Liantai.

Circle by circle, constantly spreading, growing quietly!

In a blink of an eye, it had been a whole month before Su Zimo entered Shenquan.

Originally a pale golden spring, it became crystal clear.

The majestic vitality before it disappeared completely.

This pond **** spring has become the most ordinary spring.

To be precise, the vitality in this pond of the pond has been absorbed by Qinglian's true body, and nothing is left!

The changes in these life essences to Qinglian's true body are also obvious.

Su Zimo suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were magnificent, as if two rays of light were coming out, and then quickly converged.

He slowly got up.

Eyebrows opened, a blue lotus platform slowly emerged.

On the lotus platform, a bud covered with dew, green and dripping, crystal clear, is slowly blooming, exuding a huge vitality!

Circles of lotus petals are in full bloom, the sun is diffused, and the air is rising.

A deity was sitting in it, black hair dancing.

On this lotus platform, there are sixty-four lotus petals!

The plant that once penetrated the sky and shook Shengguang to create the green lotus, although it has been broken, this Liupin fortune lotus platform has regained its vitality and is restored as before!

After the creation of Qinglian was lost, Su Zimo still had no destiny.

Nowadays, the reincarnation of the good fortune lotus does not need to be tempered, and there is a very close feeling between the two.

This is his natal tool!

Su Zimo was so pleased that he brought back the Liupinzaohua Lotus Terrace.

What really delighted him was not just the rebirth of the good fortune of Lotus.

It was because of this opportunity that he saw a possibility!

Possibility of regenerating Qinglian!

Normally, Liupincaoqinglian was broken by the ancestors, and the lotus stems and leaves have been cast into flesh, which can never be restored.

But now, the good fortune lotus has been born again.

The lotus stems and leaves make up this flesh.

In other words, if there is enough vitality to continue to nourish this flesh, the lotus stems and leaves may also be reborn!

Qinglian's true body is actually a rebirth of another situation that created Qinglian!

Of course, this is just Su Zimo's guess.

In order to confirm this speculation, it is necessary to have a fountain eye, a flowing ancient ancient spring, and constantly nourish the true body of Qinglian, in order to succeed!

The fortune blue lotus, once reborn with the status of the green lotus.

This means that Su Zimo will become a humanoid green lotus, which can continuously improve the grade!

Seven grades, eight grades ...

Even Jiupin!

At that time, who could shake this Qinglian real body!

Thinking of this, Su Zimo's heart was fiery.

Of course, it is too difficult to achieve this step.

In the end, this was just his speculation.

In the second place, Taikoo Shenquan is too difficult to find and is almost extinct!

Even if there is, it must be guarded by huge forces, like the ancient **** spring in the valley of the dragon skeleton.

Only then did Su Zimo think about changing the sky with the real dragon family.

Qing Lian really dived into the Valley of Dragon Skeletons and entered into the ancient God Spring.

But this is almost impossible.

Not to mention, the Dragon Clan could not leave Dragon Valley.

Just at the level of the bones around the valley of Dragon Skeleton, Qinglian really couldn't get through!

Among the dragons, there are many strong ones.

Once Qinglian Zhenshen stepped in, the blood veins were extremely different, and they would be recognized at the first time, and then they would be self-defeating.

(End of this chapter)

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