Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1153: Thunder's Wrath

Chapter 1153 Thunder's Wrath

Yuwen Wushuang moved the giant axe in his hand, and when he rushed up, he was enveloped by a dazzling light.

The sharp edge is coming!

Before this edge really came, he felt his own body, as if to be torn apart and cut in half!


Yuwen Wushuang screamed in the sky, the blood in his body broke out completely!

The blood was rolling and spraying out.

The strength of qi and blood, although it has not reached the point where blood is like a tide, it is only one step behind, and it is already considered top!

Yuwen Wushuang clenched his huge axe, exploded blood, mana in his body was violent, black hair was dancing, his eyes narrowed, and the sword energy oncoming was severely cut off!

Heavenly sword power has forced all his strength out.

At this moment, Su Zimo's palm fell into a storage bag, and a dark gray mountain peak was removed directly from it, and it was thrown towards Yuwen Wushuang!

Ancient treasure, Xuanci Mountain!

When Xuanci Mountain was just taken out, it was only the size of a palm, and it could be held by one palm.

But as Su Zimo injected mana, Xuanci Mountain rose up against the wind, quickly swelled, and in a flash, it became a mountain!

The larger the mysterious mountain, the stronger the mysterious force emitted.

With Su Zimo's cultivation today, with all his efforts, Xuanci Mountain can be climbed to ten feet high!

Although it is far from the real mountain peak, but this ten-foot high mountain suddenly descends, and the momentum is amazing enough!

Yuwen Wushou held a giant axe, and was able to chop on the Qi of Sword of Heaven.

However, due to the appearance of Xuanci Mountain, a powerful force of Xuanci was emitted, and his great axe was pulled away from the original trajectory!

Yuwen Wushuang's blood is strong, even if he is attracted by Xuanci Mountain, he can still keep his body stable.

However, the giant axe in his hand moved a short position, and it just happened to intersect with the heavenly sword sword that was beheaded!

Seems to be the slightest difference, but it can determine the life and death of this battle!

Yuwen Warriors discolored in shock!

Among the flashes of light, he made the right choice.

Discard the axe in your hand!

This great axe is his innate weapon, and in his hands, it can exert a very powerful destructive power.

However, under the shroud of Xuanci Mountain, his natal instrument became a burden!

He also couldn't take any shots to resist Heavenly Sword.

Yuwen Wushuang's thoughts moved, and the giant axe turned into a streamer, which was re-stuck into his storage bag.

At the same time, he squeezed the tactics with his left hand, and his right hand was in the storage bag. He found a few runes and shred them!

Hum! Hum! Hum!

A series of defensive barriers condensed, blocking in front of him, trying to resist the sharp edge of the heavenly sword.

puff! puff! puff!

However, in front of the Heavenly Sword Jianqi, these runes were like a layer of window paper, which were punctured one after another.

"Six Sacrifice Realms!"

With this delay, Yu Wen's unparalleled spells have been condensed.

I saw in his palm, a red-gold circular mirror condensed, which depicts a mysterious pattern, constantly rotating, exuding a glowing light!

This series of responses shows that Yu Wenshou is extremely powerful, keen on fighting talents, and excellent fighting skills.

He was called the first person in the Northern Territory, and indeed he was not stigmatized.

However, Yuwen Wushuang's rise was too short.

It's only been ten years.

What happened ten years ago?

The disciples of the Eight Great Seals, the most powerful returnees on the continent, were all beheaded by Su Zimo in the preaching place!

The biggest reason why Yuwen Wushuang can rise is that Liuli Taoists died in the hands of Su Zimo.

In other words, if Liuli Taoists are still there, Yuwen Wushuang may not be able to get ahead!

Ten years later, Su Zimo, who had been slaying eight apprentice disciples in the preaching area, has become more powerful, and the power of decisive sword killing has become stronger!


Heavenly Sword Jianqi broke three defensive barriers in the center of the Six Realms.

Click! Click!

With the sound of cracks, cracks emerged in the Six Realms, and in a blink of an eye, covered the entire mirror!

Yuwen Wushuang's face changed.

This sword Qi's killing power is too heavy, even breaking his three defensive runes, a defensive spell, and the remaining sharp edges have not stopped!

It doesn't take much, two consecutive sword qi, I'm afraid he can be killed here!

Yuwen Wushuang felt strong pressure, which made him suffocate.

It seems that all his means are vulnerable to this desolate battle!

The power of the wasteland to reshape the flesh, the blood of the flesh, must be a weakness.

Yuwen Wushuang wanted to get closer and fight with Su Zimo as soon as possible, but he couldn't get closer!


Sword gas pierced the realm of Liuxu.

Yuwen Wushuang wanted to stop and dodge, it was too late.


Blood flashed!

Yu Wen's unparalleled palm was pierced by Heavenly Sword Jianqi.

The killing power contained in this sword's qi, following this wound, spread rapidly, destroying all vitality in the palm of the hand!

On the surface, Yu Wenshou's palm was only punctured with a blood hole.

But in a blink of an eye, the meridian vessels in the palm of the hand were broken, and the vitality inside was destroyed by the Heavenly Sword Jianqi!

This palm is dead!

Jian Qi has not stopped, stabbing Yuwen Wushuang's chest!


The sword qi fell on the armor of his body, radiating a fire, and finally dissipated.

Qun Xiu was stunned.

Throughout the process, everyone was nervous and even forgot to breathe.

Until they saw the sword's energy dissipate, the talents breathed a sigh of relief.

Even bystanders, under the Heavenly Sword Jianqi, felt such pressure, not to mention Yuwen Wushuang who was shrouded in sword Qi!

A few drops of sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

You know, the armor on his body is also an innate weapon.

But this remnant sword qi is still on his armor, leaving a clear white mark!

Without this armor body, he would have been defeated and severely wounded by this sword!

Yuwen Wushuang escaped a disaster, with a lingering sorrow and a slight slackness in his mind, but he did not expect that Su Zimo did not give him a breather!

At the time of the six enemies, Su Zimo rushed straight up, spreading his arms, pointing at Yuwen Wushen, and sang softly, "Kill!"

Thunder kill!

The mystery of sound range broke out!

If it is a normal battle, Yu Wen's unique flesh and blood is not necessarily affected by the killing of Lei Yin.

But at this time, when he was most at ease, he was suddenly shocked by the killing of Lei Yin. The whole man was shocked and his mind was blank.

At the moment when Lei Yinshou came, on top of his head, a huge column of thunder and lightning came, crooked and dazzling with electricity, right in the middle of Yuwen's unparalleled head!


The thunder exploded!

The fusion of Zidian Jue and Qing Lei Jue forms "Tai Xu Lian Shen Pian", which is one of the spells-Thunder's Wrath!

Yuwen's unparalleled warframe can resist the sharp edge of the magic weapon, but it can't stop the impact of Thunder's fury.

Lei Yin kills, and Thunder's Wrath comes at the same time. Yuwen Wushuang has been fooled, his hair is curled up, his hair is curled, his eyes are dull and motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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