Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1157: You are too noisy

Chapter 1157: You Are Too Noisy

In the Northern Territory Daoist Meeting, many visiting families gathered together, and there was a lot of arrogance.

If at such a grand event, these forces, these heavenly pride, these philosophers, were deterred by a returnee, this matter will be reduced to the laughingstock of the cultivation world!

If you can practice until you return to the realm of reality and the state of law, whoever is not a determined person, it is difficult to be scared by three or two sentences.

In Qun Xiu's view, it is inevitable that the wasteland reshapes the physical body and greatly reduces its combat power.

Although he had just suppressed Yuwen Wushuang powerfully, the powerful magic spells that burst out were not small.

How long can this consumption last?

There are thousands of returnees on their side.

On the side of the deserted army, only two lions are counted, and only five return to the virtual realm!

Strong and weak, at a glance.

In addition, Huang Wu once killed eight title disciples, and he must have countless treasures!

Killing Wu Wu, there is a chance to divide up these treasures.

In fact, the monks who moved these thoughts did not witness the battle in the preaching field with their own eyes, and their knowledge of the wild martial arts was limited to legend.

Even in the hearts of these arrogant, they have doubts about the authenticity of these legends!

There are also some monks who want to rob and catch fish in muddy water!

After Su Zimo said this sentence, some monks looked dignified and retreated toward the periphery of the battlefield.

They have seen the battle between Arima and many apprentices. Without witnessing it, it is hard to imagine the shock that the war brought them!

Even if Huang Wu reshapes his body, his combat power is greatly reduced, and there is no helper around him, they plan to wait and see.


In the air, a sneer suddenly sounded.

Baigudao's figure was shaking, and suddenly many figures appeared from his body, surrounding the entire stone platform!

These figures look no different from those of the Hundred Ghosts, even the breath, realm, expression on the face, and sound are exactly the same!

Hundred Ghosts at Night!

Ghost Sect Secrets!

There are very few monks who can practice successfully, and it is precisely by this secret technique that 100 ghost Taoists can become one of the pride of returning to the virtual world!

There was a stir in the crowd.

Many monks are still shocked when they see this method for the first time!

Be able to represent Beiyu come to this meeting, naturally have a strong hole card, excellent!

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

This secret method cannot be counted as an avatar.

Being detached means inheriting some of the power of the deity, more or less.

If a hundred ghost Taoist can consolidate a hundred powerful avatars, then his fame will never stop there!

This is more like a real illusion of falsehood!

Of course, this illusion is used properly, and it is enough to play with your opponents!

"Bo Zheng, can you see his true body?"

You Lan whispered.

Zheng Bo shook his head and said, "You can't see it, even if you sense it with the sense of God, you can't feel the difference between these figures."

You Lan's heart stunned.

Not even the princes of the law can see the flaws in this mystery. The others ...


Hundreds of people opened their mouths at the same time, buzzing, and couldn't tell which one was the real body!

"You didn't kill someone, it doesn't mean you are soft-hearted!"

The Baigu Taoist said coldly, "This is just proof of your guilty conscience! Because, you know the time and the situation, you know very well that Beiyu Road will gather together in heaven, and you will not be too pretentious! "

"You didn't kill, just because you didn't dare ..."

One hundred ghosts haven't finished speaking yet, Su Zimo's gaze is crossed, his body is shrouded by a lightning arc, his body flickers, and he suddenly rushes towards a figure!

Hundred ghosts were shocked.


The ghosts were heavy, one by one showing a stern face, cold and murderous, and slaughtered towards Su Zimo.

If other monks face these rushing ghosts, either resist or dodge, the speed of the body will inevitably be affected.

But Su Zimo's speed did not decrease slightly, but skyrocketed!

Light flashed, almost instantly, he passed through these ghosts and came to a figure!

He had seen it for a long time. These ghosts were just illusions, they had no combat power at all, and they were naturally fearless.

And he can find the only true body in the hundreds of ghosts, not relying on eyesight and consciousness, but on the unpredictable spirit of his body!

A hundred ghosts make no difference.

But there was only one ghost that killed the killer and caused the alert.

Hundred ghosts were dismayed.

Where did he think that the secret technique he relied on was so vulnerable in front of Su Zimo!

Electric surgery is extremely fast.

Waiting for the ghosts to realize that something is wrong and want to step back, it is too late!

Su Zimo poked out his palm directly, opened his five fingers, and flickered between the light and flint, pinched the throat of a hundred ghost Taoist, and pinched the latter!

Hundreds of ghosts, all scattered.

Only one figure was left choked by Su Zimo's throat, his feet volleyed, and he kicked wildly.

The crowd was uproar!

Many monks are still secretly discerning which one is the true body of a hundred ghosts.

Hundred ghosts have fallen into the hands of Su Zimo!

"You are too noisy."

Su Zi's face was expressionless, and he said coldly.

"Dare you kill me, you don't want to leave alive!"

The Baigui Taoist face was purple and blue, staring at Su Zimo, and the last sound was made deep in his throat.


With strong palms, Su Zimo directly scratched the throat of the Hundred Ghost Taoists, the electric light flickered, poured into the sea of ​​the Hundred Ghost Taoists, and shattered his spirit!

One Hundred Ghosts Fall!

When Su Zimo realized that his concession could not solve the problem, then there was only another way to go!

"kill him!"

The ghost ghost patriarch prince looks like a frost, and orders it!

Many monks had stretched a string, and when they heard the call, they suddenly burst out, all shot!

There is Xuanci Mountain sitting on the stone platform. Some metal artifacts have just been stabbed and sucked by Xuanci Mountain.

Many monks responded immediately, either to put away the weapon or to sacrifice some other weapons.

boom! boom! boom!

Various spells came and shrouded.

At this moment, there were at least thousands of returning virtual Taoists. The mana was turbulent and terrifying, almost forming a mana tsunami. They wanted to drown Su Zimo and others!

In the face of such power, You Lan felt only trembling.

Based on her practice, as long as she is involved, she will die!

Zheng Bo quickly guarded her and retreated toward the periphery.

The mana tsunami, the overwhelming suppression, was so powerful that it seemed to destroy all the creatures on the battlefield!

Coco pale.

Although she is returning to the virtual world, where have she seen such terrible offensives!

In the face of such power, she is too small. Even if she resists, she will not stir up waves in this tsunami.

After all, the Golden Lion is a person who has experienced the First World War in Vientiane City, and has seen calm and calm.

"Coco, don't worry."

The gold lion whispered comfortably.


Su Zimo vomited the Brahma, his hands continued to pinch the Fa, the black hair danced, and on his body, a golden glittering barrier condensed!

This golden barrier directly covers the golden lion, cocoa and nianqi!

Su Zimo's majestic appearance is solemn, like a golden ancient Buddha, standing in the turbulent waves, no matter the impact of the tide, he remains motionless!

Do not move at all!

Ye Ling's figure has long disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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