Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1160: Lian Dao Jun

Chapter 1160 Lian Daojun

This turquoise lotus platform slowly rotates, six circles of lotus petals bloom, verdant green is dripping, and the glow is diffused, which is extremely extraordinary.

Qun Xiu looked over with shock.

This is the legendary treasure of heaven and earth, created green lotus?

Doesn't it mean that the fortune-making Qinglian has been broken into pieces by the half-ancestors, why is it reappearing now?


A monk Shen said, "This is not a complete form of green lotus! The real six-pin green lotus is much stronger than this lotus platform in front of you!"

He had seen with his own eyes, in the preaching place, a blue lotus rising from the sky, breaking through the clouds and haunting the chaos!

The lotus leaves cover the sky and the lotus stems are green as jade.

Qinglian shook, the whole sky was shaking with it!

The impact of that scene, the kind of shocking power, will be unforgettable for life.

Dao Jun, who cut off the Heaven Sword Sect, quickly responded.

However, Su Zimo didn't give him a chance at all. He put his fingers together, formed a sword tactic, and waved his hand forward!


The dazzling sword spirit, pouring out along Su Zimo's sword fingers!

Suddenly, countless stars appeared in the sky.

The sky is killing, and the stars are changing!

Suddenly, the hair on the body of Jun Tianjian Zong Daojun suddenly stood up!

The sharp edge of the sword, even he felt a palpitation!

As soon as he was about to do something, Su Zimo's thoughts moved, and the created Qinglian turned into a blue light, and slammed into him severely.

Jie Tianjian Zong Daojun waved his sword to resist.

Heavenly Sword Jianqi has arrived!

There was no time to dodge, he could only spare one hand, squeeze the tactics, and condensed a sword air barrier, arguing endlessly, trying to stop the heavenly sword air.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Although they are both Kendo, two very different Kendo forces collide together, instantly inducing a storm of sword air!

The fierce storm of sword air came down, and the Jedi King of the Heavens was engulfed in it instantly.

Soon, the storm dissipated.

The cut-off Jianzong Daojun stood still, still, stiff, and the light in his eyes was gradually fading.


Blood stains suddenly appeared on his cheeks and around his neck, and blood water was gushing outwards.

Sword marks also appeared on the body!

Under the turmoil of Jianqi, Jietian Jianzong, the prince of the sky, has been strangled by Jianqi's vitality, and his soul is dead!

This scene caused Qun Xiu to change color!

Even Su Zimo's return to the virtual realm of arrogance, most monks can afford it.

After all, Huang Wu has become famous for a long time. If he didn't have any means to fold his cards, he would have been killed and he wouldn't live today.

However, after the physical waste of the broken Emperor Wu was still able to cross a great realm and besiege the Emperor Dao Dao, it was a bit scary!

"Desolate, this is your first shot against us, don't blame me for strangling you!"

Mu Yudao Jun said coldly.

Many princes of law have already surrounded them.

Fa Xiang Dao Jun was present for thousands of years and had a good eye.

They can see that although the sword qi released by Huang Wu is extremely powerful, the third sword qi is obviously at the end of the crossbow.

Thousands of Tianjiao were above the Northern Conference.

The endless magic spells came down at the same time, even if the barren martial arts could resist it, the consumption of mana and mana was extremely severe!

Desolation can't last long!

"Where's so much nonsense!"

Su Zimo stretched out his finger and touched his brows.

His brows were bursting with blue glow!

In the sea, fifty-four green lotus seeds continually condense to form a turquoise long sword.

"Cut me!"

Su Zimo pointed forward, Qinglian sword burst out, and immediately fell on top of Mu Yu Daojun's head!

Qinglian Sword is the most powerful sword killing technique against the Yuanshen.

Faxiang Daojun, who was present, felt the breath on Qinglian Sword, was shocked in his heart, and retreated subconsciously.

Mu Yudao Jun also wants to back, but he knows that no matter how fast he moves, he can't move faster than Qinglian Sword.

Too late to think about it, Mu Yu Tao Jun directly urged Yuan Shen, and the Yuan Mystery broke out!

Enormous consciousness continually condenses, transforming into a huge vine, entwined towards the fallen green lotus sword.

"Lords help me!"

At the same time, Mu Yudao Jun shouted.

Although this Qinglian sword is powerful, the Faxiang Daojun who is present at the same time can absolutely shatter it!

As long as he can resist for a moment, the other Faxiang Daojun reacts and assists, he can escape the day of birth and escape this disaster!

Unfortunately, his meta-mysticism could not stop Qing Lianjian's killing.

The blue glow burst, with an endless edge, and chopped the twined vines directly.

Subsequently, Qinglian sword did not fall into the eyebrows of Mu Yu Daojun!


Many monks seem to be able to hear the sound of Mu Yudao Junyuan God being chopped.

Mu Yudao Jun looked dark, planted directly from the air.

There was no slight wound on his body, but knowing the sea and the air, Yuan Shen had been cut into nothingness by the Qinglian sword!


boom! boom! boom!

Until this time, many meta-mystic arts rushed to the ground, hitting Qinglian sword and shattering it into pieces.

The Qinglian sword was scattered into fifty-four dimly lit green lotus seeds, and returned to the natural lotus platform.

As long as there is enough time to nourish, the strength of Qinglianzi can be restored as before!

"Desolate, I want to see, how much do you have left!"

Ghost sect Tao Jun has a dark tone.


Behind him, a vague figure emerged, like a ghost, suddenly poking out his palm and grabbing at the ghost ghost monarch!

"Huh! I've been prepared for that!"

The ghost of the ghost ghost road shook for a while, but disappeared from the place, leaving only his voice, erratic.


As soon as the words fell, the figure of the ghost ghost prince was suddenly exposed, stiff in place, motionless.

His forehead was pierced by a purple thing, dripping with blood!

The ghost ghost prince is dead!

The ghost ghost prince hides the paws of the overnight spirit, but fails to hide the tail of the overnight spirit!

"You turned out to be a monster!"

Bai Lingdao Jun whispered.

This man in black has hidden all their feelings!

"I know!"

Among the crowd, Zheng Bo seemed to have thought of something, and his heart was astonished.

"Originally, I still didn't understand how Daxia and Dashang's two national divisions died silently. Moreover, there was still a little demon in the wound ..."

Zheng Bo looked at Yeling in the air and said, "The answer is him!"

Hearing Zheng Bo's analysis, You Lan silently said nothing, but looked at the battlefield as if she had lost her soul and looked blank.

"Princess, are you okay?"

Zheng Bo could not help asking.

"It's nothing."

You Lan smiled suddenly and said, "I finally understand that he once said to me."

"He said, as long as the deserted army is alive, I will never be able to return to the country and subvert Da Zhou!"

You Lan looked sad and shook his head: "He was right, Zhou Tianzi has a barren force behind him, and I can't win. It is impossible to reunify the country!"

Zheng Bo stopped talking.

The power revealed by Wu Wu really made him feel hopeless!

Despair that is powerless to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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