Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1162: Brothers gather

Chapter 1162: Brothers Gather Together

Hundreds of heavens, earth, and law phases have risen against the trend.

Some four feet, some five feet.

Bai Ling Daojun ’s heavens and earth, even reached more than six feet!

The heights of the heavens and the earth, which are as high as six feet, have already had a chance to compete for the ranking of the law!

In the face of these heaven and earth, Su Zimo and others seem extremely small.

boom! boom! boom!

Almost at the same time, hundreds of heaven and earth rushed over, the huge body shook, and the soles of the feet fell on the ground, causing the entire city to tremble!

The so-called law phase is actually a summary and condensed practice.

One way to one!

Many spells, many mysteries, finally attributed to one point, and formed their own legal aspect!

Faxiang can communicate the heaven and earth, maximizing the power of heaven and earth, the power of heaven and earth, the power is strong, and it is fierce and uncast!

Even if the monk's flesh is weak, the heavens and earth that he cultivates can still fight and fight with the demons!

Cultivation to the realm of law, the true person can really be regarded as the fearless monster clan.

Hundreds of powers of heaven, earth, and law are exploding at the same time.

Su Zimo just returned to the realm. Even if his Yuan Shen is powerful and comparable to the realm of law, after all, he has not condensed the world of law, and he cannot resist the impact of this power after all!

Even Ye Ling, dare not sway with these heaven and earth!

Not far behind him, Nianqi and the Golden Lion were trapped in place and difficult to advance.

The situation has begun to change!

Over time, the situation of Nian Qi and others will become more difficult.


Su Zimo made a long whistle, his finger touched the eyebrows, and the sea was open, and there was a flash of thunder in it.


Su Zimo drew outwards and pulled out a long whip directly from the sea of ​​knowledge, which was surrounded by a bright blue thunder arc, which was dazzling!

Extermination whip!

Su Zimo's mana can't stop the impact of so many heavens and earth, but his Yuan Shen is not weaker than Dao Jun who is present.

Moreover, the extermination whip is a meta-mystery created by Lei Huang that year.


Su Zimo wielded the whip of extinction and drew directly on the body of a prince of law.

With a crackling sound, a thunderbolt poured into the sea of ​​knowledge of the Faxiang Daojun, crushing his primordial **** directly!

On the side of the head of the French Prime Minister, he fell from the air.

His heavens, earth, and heavens also collapsed!


Many Daojun saw this scene, can not help but look greatly changed.

"Good meta mystery!"

"This son just returned to the realm, and the meta-mystery that erupted could even directly kill a Faxiang Daojun!"

"Aramo is really crazy!"

A French prince Daojun looked ugly and scolded.

Among them, many Daojun just urged Yuan Mystery to destroy Qinglian Sword.

Today, the second dimension of mystery cannot be released at all.


A blue light flashed and drew on the body of another Faxiang Daojun.


The French prince Tao screamed, shaking, almost convulsing, unable to control his body, and falling from the air.

His Yuanshen is powerful. Although he was not directly stabbed to death by the whip of extermination, he also suffered heavy injuries. In the future, he may not be cured!

This man's Yuan Shen was seriously injured, and the heavens and the earth's laws were collapsed.

Facing the killing of the whip of extinction, these Faxiang Daojun either stepped back and avoided their sharp edges.

Either you have a primal weapon and resist the whip of destruction, there is no other way!

As a result, there was chaos in the battlefield.

Many princes of Daoism have stepped back, for fear of being drawn by the whip of destruction!

Even if they think they can resist the destroying whip for a while, they are afraid that Yuan Shen will be injured, which will affect future cultivation.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Su Zimo stood up in the air, his eyes were like electricity, he waved and dazzled the smashing whip, and beat many Faxiang Daojun on the opposite side!

This scene is like the gods of the ancient times, enslaving all races!

At this moment, Su Zimo, holding the whip of extermination, was even more fierce and majestic than the heavens and earth in the presence!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Every crisp sound erupted, and in the air, a figure would fall.

Some Faxiang Daojun can survive the blow of the whip of extinction, while others are directly killed by the whip of extinction!

Even if some Faxiang Daojun can resist the whip of extermination, they can't escape the attack of the overnight spirit!

His figure, like a ghost, shuttled around many princes of law, and a horrific killing broke out!

There is no Faxiang Daojun who can stop the night spirit's killing!


Many princes of Daoism had red eyes, and the mystery of the Yuan broke out, bombarding Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's heart moved, and a ball of golden light burst out from his left wrist, covering him.

Ming Wang rosary, released four characters, printed on the golden mask, forming a spiritual barrier!

These meta-mysteries came, and the golden mask trembled.

After all, the rosary of the Ming dynasty is a broken instrument, and it is impossible to resist the impact of such a variety of mysteries.

Soon, cracks appeared in the golden mask, and soon they shattered!

Su Zimo can only rely on the whip of extermination to fight with these metamystic techniques.

The power of the extermination whip is also shrinking, and the light is not there.

It didn't take long for the whip of destruction to disappear!

Originally, avoiding the scourge of the extinction of the gods and the princes of law and law, drove the world of law and law, aggressive, and killed again!

On the other side, Nianqi resisted the beams of the Lianyao array, and the combat power was exhausted so much that she could no longer protect the Golden Lion.

At this point, there were already several wounds on the two lions!

"Brother, you go, leave us alone!"

The golden lion yelled: "Cocoa is saved today, we will meet again, even if we die!"

In Coco's eyes, there was nothing to fear, as if death.

"What nonsense!"

Su Zimo said, "Nobody can die today!"

Although he said so, he was anxious in his heart.

The situation today is already quite unfavorable to them.

At this time, even if he summoned the dragon real body, it was too late.

What's more, the Valley of Dragon Skeletons is very strict, and the real dragons cannot simply leave!

Can resolve this situation, I am afraid that only the night spirit transformed into the body!

But in this way, the night spirit itself will be exposed to so many people, and the night spirit will also be in danger!

The two eyes stared at each other.

Su Zimo saw the resolution in Ye Ling's eyes!

Even if you expose yourself and let yourself be in danger, it is impossible for the Golden Lion to fall here!

This is the night spirit's gaze and the sentiment.

"Quack quack!"

Just then, there was a harsh laughter in the distance, like a male duck's throat.

But hearing this laughter, Su Zimo, Ye Ling, and the Golden Lion all looked stunned.

Immediately, ecstasy appeared in the eyes of the three!

"You guys are fighting here, it's really not fun to call us!"

In the distance, a tall and burly figure stood on the city wall, covered with long hair and full of enchantment, carrying a golden light stick on his shoulders, looking sullen and grinning!

"Haha, I'm here too!"

Immediately after, another familiar figure climbed up the city wall, head and head, looking excited.

Behind him, a graceful woman came down, blue silk like a waterfall, stretched out her long straight legs, kicked the former directly down the wall, and smiled and cursed: "Go and help!"

(End of this chapter)

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