Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1167: Strangle!

Chapter 1167 Strangle!

"Hey, what happened to the little fox?"

The gold lion couldn't help asking when he saw that the three monkeys weren't looking right.

Su Zimo was not in a hurry.

He was relaxed when he saw the three monkeys, unlike the little fox who was in danger.

as expected.

When the monkey waved his hand, he said, "Nothing happened to the little fox, but ..."

The monkey paused and said hesitantly, "We were all at Xiaoyue Mountain, but a while ago, I didn't know where a woman came up and took the little fox away."


The gold lion exclaimed, "This is still happening?"

"You're less surprised."

Coco took a picture of the head of the golden lion and said, "Did you not listen to the monkey brother? The little fox was taken away, not taken away."

The monkey nodded, revealing the color of memories, and said, "When this woman shows up, she will take away the little fox, and we will naturally not let it go."

"But this woman is so strong that she didn't do anything at all. Just the coercion emitted by us makes us unable to move!"

The golden lion, Nian Qi and others looked stunned.

With the coercion of consciousness, monkeys and others can't move. What kind of realm and what kind of power is this?

Fit state?

Or higher?

Su Zimo's heart moved, a figure flashed in his mind, and there was a vague speculation.

Just listening to the monkey continue: "However, this woman seems to know the little fox and is not hostile to her. They talked in private overnight, and then the little fox went with her."

"Little fox is not deeply involved in the world. He has a simple mind and will not be deceived?"

The gold lion muttered.

Su Zimo asked: "What kind of woman?"

"beautiful as godness."

Linghu couldn't help but say, "Oh my God, Lord Tiger has never seen such a beautiful girl."

If Qingqing had heard Linghu praised other women like this before, she had already run away and kicked the Linghu!

But this time, even Qingqing nodded and said, "It's really beautiful. It's hard to describe in words. Even when I see it, I feel heartbeat."

Hearing such an evaluation, Su Zimo no longer had doubts.

Powerful strength, extreme beauty, such a woman, I am afraid it is hard to find the second one in the world.

This girl should be the Jade Princess who woke up in the magma of Dagandi Palace!

Su Zimo said: "Don't worry, this senior is the old friend of the little fox's mother and will never hurt the little fox."

"Big brother knows her?"

Linghu asked curiously.

"Hmm ... I've seen it once."

Su Zimo said ambiguously.

The meeting between the two was a bit embarrassing. Su Zimo didn't say much, so he switched the topic and asked, "What did the little fox say before he left?"

"Nothing, just don't worry everyone."

Qing Qing laughed: "She said, maybe it won't be long before she comes back to find everyone."

Thinking of the little fox blinking big eyes and reluctantly, Su Zimo's face showed a smile.

"Why don't you stay at Xiaoyue Mountain and come here?" Su Zimo asked again.

Hearing these words, Linghu and Qingqing turned red and did not speak.

The monkey couldn't help complaining, "Don't mention it! Lao Qi and Lao Wu are away. You and the little fox are gone, and we are left."

"what happened?"

Su Zimo didn't understand.

The monkey gave the Linghu and Qingqing a glance, and said quietly: "The two are tired together all day, if there is no one beside them, not shy or shy, noisy and noisy, I can almost vomit ..."


The crowd laughed loudly.

"I won't run out anymore, I'm getting tired of it!" The monkey exaggerated.

Su Zimo couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, "You monkey."

Their brothers had a rare gathering, as if they were back in the past, and in those days of laughter and scolding, everyone had a smile on their faces.

Even Ye Ling, the ruthless and silent master, followed the crowd to make a fuss with everyone.

Coco felt the innocence of the innocent and undisciplined brotherhood between them and couldn't help but be happy for them.

Nianqi was still worried about Su Zimo's engagement with Xuanyu Daojun, but at this moment, she didn't want to mention it again, breaking this laugh, this joy, this warmth.

She also enjoyed it.

What could be more important than reunion?


In less than ten days, the news of the Northern Territory Association spread throughout the cultivation world!

The return of the barren martial arts, the strong suppression of Tianjiao at the same level, even beheaded a lot of Faxiang Daojun!

In the end, the army of Wan Yao came down, forcing many Faxiang Daojun to bow their heads and admit their mistakes, which caused the northern region to shake, and the desolation and repair of the realm of the world was uproar!

"Ten years ago, Huang Wu was hit hard by the ancestors, and his body was abolished. How could he still have such strength?"

"I don't know. I heard that the physical blood of the barbaric is really not as good as before, but its mana is vast and the mystery of the Yuan Dynasty is terrible, but it can be cut off!"

"It's terrible! This child is so lucky that he was hit hard by the half-ancestors, but he can slow down!"

Qun Xiu was shocked.

"This person has resentment with many sects. These forces would never want to see him rise. I guess there will be someone who can't sit still!"

"There are Mahayana ancestors behind this son. Which sect forces dare to kill?"

"Hum, you don't understand this. If you really want to go out and kill a returnee, there are many ways!"

Northland Road Association, half a month later.

Dragon Tiger Court.

Behind the Zongmen Mountain, in a hidden cave house, the light was dim. The Lord of the Tigers and Tigers stood inside, bowed slightly, and looked respectfully.

A Taishang elder in Longhu Pavilion retreats in this cave house.

And this elder is too strong, but he is a strong one!

At the deepest part of Dongfu, at the intersection of light and darkness, a vague figure was reflected.


Elder Li slowly opened his mouth and said, "If this son is defeated by Xuan Yu's hands, he will die, then everything will be fine. If this son wins ..."

After a short pause, Elder Li opened his eyes, and the killing was fleeting, and he said, "I'll be out of the mountain and kill this child!"

"But the Mahayana ancestor behind this son ..."

Longhuge Sovereign looked dreadful and asked in a low voice.

"You do not have to worry about."

Elder Li said: "Before that, I would declare that I had betrayed Zongmen and had nothing to do with Dragon Tiger Pavilion! This matter would not involve Zongmen."

The Sovereign of Dragon Tiger Pavilion breathed a sigh of relief.

"The wild Wufeng is too strong, and it's not just me who want to kill him."

Elder Li said coldly: "In order to ensure foolproofness, at that time, I will try to unite other forces to suppress it and not give him any chance to escape from birth!"

This is tantamount to fate!

The deserted Wu was killed, and the Mahayana ancestor behind him must take the shot and kill Elder Li!

"Do you want to wait any longer?"

The Sovereign of the Dragon Tiger Court suggested: "I heard that the Mahayana ancestor behind this son is not much, and it is already dry and dry. As long as he falls, the elders do not have to bear the stigma of betraying the sect, and they have not been Mahayana The treacherous pursuit of the ancestors. "

"Can't wait any longer."

Elder Li sighed and said, "This son is returning to the realm, and he has such a combat power. When he enters the realm of law, even if he is not protected by the Mahayana ancestor, I am afraid we will not hurt him."

"At that time, he was in a strong position, and the Northern Territory had common respect. All the family members, the gatekeepers, must bow to him!"

The Sovereign of Dragon Tiger Pavilion opened his mouth slightly, his expression shocked.

Northern Territory, respect and worship!

(End of this chapter)

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