Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1195: Dragons, ca n’t bow!

Chapter 1195 Dragon Race, Can't Bow!

The elder scorpion praised secretly.

Wu Jie's appointment may seem reckless, but in fact it can be advanced and retreated, killing two birds with one stone.

Wu Jie is one of the best in the family to return to the virtual world!

Otherwise, he would not be qualified to follow the elder Scorpion and travel.

If the two sides fight together, Wu Jie can take the opportunity to kill this dragon candle, then it is best, but it can also be regarded as the young master's revenge!

If the two are deadlocked, as long as they drag on for a few rounds, he can stand up and blame the Dragons.

After a few rounds, this dragon candle couldn't suppress Wu Jie, how could it be able to obliterate the young master of the Wu tribe!

The Dragon race counts the Wu race master and deliberately conceals the truth. If these two things are true, the Wu race will be enough to wage war!

At that time, it is impossible for the Dragon Clan to fight the Witch Clan because of an impure blood lineage!

"Battle of life and death, isn't it necessary?"

The four elders of the Candle Dragon tribe frowned slightly and said something.

The elder Scorpion asked with a smile: "What are you worried about between the juniors? Are you guilty?"


The four elders of the Candle Dragon tribe laughed and scolded an idiot in their hearts.

He was a little worried.

However, what he was worried about was not Su Zimo, but what witch he was, he was killed by Su Zimo!

At that time, in this hall, in front of everyone's eyes, another witch is dead, and the situation may be worse.

"Since you Dragons have no objections, we have to say something in advance."

Scorpion elder Shen said: "Since it is a junior fight, we as elders do not need to intervene. What do you think?"

"That's natural."

The Canglong elders nodded.

"it is good!"

The elder Scorpion glanced slightly and said, "Wujie, go."

Wu Jie stepped out slowly, looking arrogant, and screamed at Su Zimo: "hybrid, why don't you speak, are you afraid!"

"Don't worry."

Su Zimo smiled slightly and said, "I'll take you on the road now to see your young master."

The words did not fall, Su Zimo burst out of blood and blood, his body flickered, and he was slain in front of Wu Jie in an instant.


Wu Jie was dismayed.

He didn't expect that Su Zimo was so strong, the speed was fierce, and the body shivered in the void everywhere he passed!

too fast!

How terrifying is Su Zimo's flesh and blood?

Cultivate the Secret of the Desolation King, and integrate the dragon's blood, under full force, the distance of several feet is just an instant!

In this hall, Wu Jie's mind was slightly relaxed, and Su Zimo had already killed himself!


One punch!

Wu Jie's head exploded on the spot, and Yuan Shen died!

The corner of Long Cang's eyes beat.

In addition to the four elders of the candle dragon tribe, the other elders of the four-pulsed dragon tribe also stunned.

Elder Scorpion was about to sit back in his chair and watch a big battle.

Unexpectedly, before his **** sat down, the battle was over.

The witch who was still alive just now has become a headless body!

Elder Scorpion expected everything.

Even prepare in advance, if Wu Jie falls into the wind, how should he intervene.

But he didn't expect that it was just a round and Wu Jie was killed!

In other words, this can only be regarded as a half round, Wu Jie did not fight back from beginning to end.

In fact, if the distance is widened, Wu Jie is alert. Unless Su Zimo uses some big killing moves, it will be difficult to kill him with one stroke.

After all, Wu Jie is in the blood of the Wu tribe. As long as he takes all his efforts and explodes many mystical skills, he can still resist Su Zimo's half-stroke.


He has no chance.

Said to be a one-shot kill, never shot a second time!

The elder scorpion had a frosty face and stared at Su Zimo.

The four elders of the Candle Dragon tribe came to Su Zimo and protected him behind him, and said, "I have just reminded you that it is better not to have a battle of life and death."

The elder Scorpion closed his eyes for a long time before he breathed out, saying, "Your dragon clan, don't you plan to give me an account?"

"What account do you want, this person is trying to kill himself, who is weird?"

The four elders of the Candle Dragon tribe sneered.

The Elder Scorpion shook his head and said, "I don't see any process. I only know that my tribe master died in the valley of your dragon bones for unknown reasons. Let me discuss this. Your dragon tribe has killed another of my tribe!"

"Everyone thought, what will happen to the Malays when this matter is passed back?"

The Elder Scorpion yelled, "Your dragon clan is to protect an impure bloodline relic. Will you hesitate to fight with my witch clan!"

Except for the four elders of the candle dragon tribe, the other four-pulse dragon elders were silent.

The elder Long Zhong of the Dragon Dragon had a suspicion with Su Zimo.

That's for the time being.

The other three-pulse elders have no feelings for Su Zimo.

After playing the game, Su Zimo entered the Valley of the Dragon Skeleton for eleven years.

For a relic that has just entered the Valley of Dragon Skeletons for eleven years, to fight against the witches?

This is ridiculous!

The Dragons are indeed short guards, but they will not be so unwise.

"Actually, this dragon candle is not pure in blood, and originally had no chance to enter the valley of dragon bones."

Long Zhong said: "Let him practice in the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, it is already a gracious enze. Who knows that he has broken into another calamity. We really don't need to quarrel with the witch because of a relic."

The elders of the Canglong family, the elders of the Yinglong family, and the elders of the dragon family also had some intentions.


The four elders of the Candle Dragon tribe had a hot temper, and said loudly, "Even if his blood is impure, it is because I have no master of the candle dragon. No one can let him defeat him!"

"The fourth son of the candle, because of a legacy, involving the entire Dragon clan, can you afford this responsibility!" Long Zhong sang loudly.

"I bear your mother! Do you want to fight!"

The four elders of the candle dragon clan swear.


Dragon Bell also stood up, murderous.

"Fun, fun."

The elder scorpion smiled and said, "Because of a relic, you dragons can fight themselves. It is really a great wonder of my ancient nine."

"Okay, you two, be quiet, and let others see the joke!"

The elder Clan Dragon frowned.

A little silence, the elders of the Canglong clan looked slightly and asked, "Long Cang, how do you say?"


Long Cang glanced at Su Zimo and resolutely said, "He is not an ordinary relic. He is number one on the Qianlong list, how could he be defeated!"

"My dragon, don't bow your head!"

Long Cang is a five-clawed dragon, and this sentence is very important.

Even though he and Su Zimo were at odds with each other, he couldn't understand these things.

"Anyway, you have to give me an account of the Witch tribe."

Elder Scorpion said: "My young master, plus another tribe, died in the hands of one of your relics. The Dragon tribe wants me to go back empty-handed?"

Elder Canglong said: "What do you want?"

The Elder Scorpion said lightly: "That being the case, I will take a step back. You cut off this person's right arm, and I brought it back to the Wu tribe. It was an account."

The elders of the Canglong tribe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Both sides took a step back. Dragon Candle just broke one arm and was able to avoid the war with the witches. It was already considered to be able to reach the limit, and they were all happy.

After all, the Wu tribe's main body dies, it is no small matter!

When the place is changed, if the dragon clan master falls into the witch clan, the dragon clan must not be so good.

This time, even the four elders of the Candle Dragon tribe no longer spoke.

It may be a bit late, but I still wish the students in the college entrance examination to cheer and play well in the exam! In addition, I will have the college entrance exam tomorrow. In order to get the best score, it will take a few more days. By the way, how many people believe in my college entrance examination, I decide not to go ...

(End of this chapter)

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