Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1197: Receive baptism

Chapter 1197: Baptism

"Dragon Candle, are you sure?"

The four elders of the Candle Dragon tribe looked dignified and whispered: "To be baptized with ancestor dragons is no trivial matter, no joke! If you can't bear it ..."

The four elders of the Candle Dragon tribe did not continue to speak, but the meaning was obvious.

Long Cang also frowned slightly, Shen said: "Dragon candle, you better calm down, take a step back, just self-decision. But you can't bear the baptism of Zulong God's pillar, you will lose your life!"

Although Long Cang's words were awful, it was out of kindness.

However, Su Zimo was determined and shook his head.

Seeing this scene, the four elders of the Candle Dragon tribe no longer advised.


The Elder Scorpion did not continue to press, and smiled quietly, saying: "It is just right, I will also be a witness to see how deep you are, the young master of the candle dragon's veins!"

"You guys, let's go."

The four elders of the candle dragon clan looked at the elders of the clan dragon clan and others and said something.

Want to start the baptism of the ancestral pillar of the dragon, only a dragon elder is not enough, there must be at least five!

The crowd walked towards the central area of ​​the Valley of Dragon Skeletons.

"Dragon candle, you are a little impulsive."

Long Xi was worried and said, "The baptism of the ancestral dragon **** column was not so easy to bear. After some dragons stepped into the realm of law, they suffered failures!"

"That's it, just try it."

Su Zimo looked relaxed and smiled indifferently.

It didn't take long for the news that Dragon Candle was about to receive the baptism of the Dragon God's Pillar, and it spread throughout the Valley of Dragon Skeletons!

"What? Dragon candle is going to be baptized with the ancestral pillar of Zulong. Isn't he returning to the realm?"

"Can it be broken?"

"Impossible, you see, Qianlong's top name is still him!"

"Dragon Candle is crazy! When returning to the virtual world, he will be baptized by the ancestral pillar of Zulong!"

The news spread, as the same stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, causing a commotion.

Almost all the dragons who did not retreat were shocked, and they all set off, rushing towards the ancestral dragon **** pillar in the central area.

Before long, thousands of dragons had gathered around the ancestral pillars of Zulong, densely packed and full of noise!

The ancestral pillar of the ancestor dragon, standing up to the sky, is gray all over, exuding an ancient atmosphere, and is located in the middle of the valley of the dragon skeleton.

It can be said that this valley, the habitat of this dragon family, is expanded around the ancestral protoss, and we can see the significance of this pillar to the dragons!

According to legend, this stone pillar came from the immortal realm, and it already existed in the time of Taigu Manghuang.

Inside the stone pillar, there is even a ancestral spirit!

That is, the carved five-clawed dragon on the surface of the stone pillar.

Of course, there are many more legends about the ancestral pillar of Zulong.

Around the ancestral pillar of Zulong, there is a wide raised pentagonal stone platform.

At this time, Su Zimo was standing on the stone platform, under the ancestral pillar of Zulong, with a calm look and firm eyes!

On the five corners of the stone platform, the four elders of the candle dragon tribe and the other five elders of the tribe stand separately.

"Dragon candle, have you decided, if it is too late to regret it."

The four elders of the Candle Dragon tribe condensed: "Once baptism begins, we can't stop it. If you are in danger, no one can save you!"

"Thanks to the elders for their concern, I have decided!"

Su Zimo nodded.

The four elders of the candle dragon clan Shen said: "Dear everyone, let's go!"

The elders of the five pulses looked at each other, each pinched the law, and uttered obscure characters in their mouths, which contained strange powers and shocked the ancestral pillar of Zulong!

This is a language unique to the Dragons.

Five elders simultaneously cut through their fingertips, squeezed out a drop of blood, and merged into the tactics to form a bloodstream that was poured into the ancestral pillar of the dragon.

Using the blood of the Dragon clan as a guide and applying the secret method, you can activate the ancestral pillar of the dragon!

This scene is no stranger to the dragons present.

They have spent countless years in this valley of dragon bones, and I have not seen how many times they have opened the pillar of the ancestral dragon.

However, in the eyes of the Witch people, they are very novel.

A Witch whispered, "Elder Scorpion, do you say that this dragon candle can successfully receive the baptism of the Zulong stone pillar?"


The Elder Scorpion sneered, and said, "It's impossible!"

"Don't you hear that, even the five-pronged celebrity dragon was baptized after the state of France. This blood is impure, comparable to the five-pronged celebrity dragon?" Explained another witch.

"In case, this dragon candle is the owner of the candle dragon after all."

The witch said.

This time, the Elder Scorpion did not speak.

However, he secretly understood and transmitted in the dark, saying: "Even if he is lucky, he will be able to abolish him unconsciously by my means!"

With the words of the elder scorpion, many witches no longer worry.


Just then, the elders of the five-pulsed dragon cried out at the same time.


There was a sudden shock on the ancestral pillar of Zulong, and a loud noise came out!

In the eyes of everyone, I saw a claw of the claw of the dragon carved on the pillar of God shining, as if burning a heavy flame!

Immediately afterwards, all the dragons burning with flames burst out from the stone pillars, flying around the sky, looking at them, densely, exuding the horrible dragon power!

This scene is extremely shocking!

The Dragon clan present was okay. Most of them have seen this kind of scene, but everyone in the Wu clan has a pale face.

The red flame **** dragons circled a little in midair, suddenly bowed their heads, and rushed towards Su Zimo standing under the stone pillar!

These dragons are all agglomerated from the dragon spirit in the ancestral pillar of the dragon.

The so-called baptism is the dragon qi perfusion. This dragon qi will continue to temper the blood of the nourishment of the dragon clan, making the dragon clan's combat power soar!

Normally, when the candle dragon is baptized, it will awaken the dragon pulse.

When Ying Long is baptized, he will awaken the spirit of Ying Long.

Of course, this is not absolute.

If there are excellent dragon talents, and the blood is pure and strong, the Dragon God Pillar will naturally be sensed and awaken more dragon spirit!

Like Dragon Cang, who bears the veins of the five-clawed **** dragon, the ancestor dragon **** column releases as much as the five-pulse dragon spirit!

The scene at the moment, although shocking, is actually just a wake of a dragon.

Because only one claw of the five-pronged dragon carved on the stone pillar lighted up!

In an instant.

Countless red flame dragons dived down and poured into Su Zimo's body from all sides!

A huge hot force suddenly burst into the body!

Su Zimo grunted, his body shaking.

This power is too overbearing and too pure, and will burn almost every inch of flesh on him!


Su Zimo directly urged the blood, and the tide surged, trying to contain this power.

But soon, his entire body has become a huge fire man, a red flame, burst from his body!

His skin, under the baptism and tempering of the dragon spirit, was burnt with cracks, shocking!

Khan, yesterday's college entrance examination, really a friend of Taoism ...

(End of this chapter)

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