Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1204: How dare you!

Chapter 1204 How dare you be!

In fact, when the two elders descended on the ancestral pillar of Zulong, they realized that they were one step too late to save Su Zimo.

The two elders were shocked and angry!

After clearing the guess in his mind, Su Zimo's life was more important than their own lives.

But now, there are even foreigners strangling the young master under their eyelids in the valley of the dragon skeleton, which is tantamount to touching their inverse scale!

But just after the appearance of the two elders, a strange scene happened.

Under the stone pillar, Su Zimo remained motionless, closed his eyes, and continued to perceive the magical powers, without seeming to be affected by a little bit.

On the contrary, he moaned at Su Zimo's scorpion, and his face changed greatly, as if he had been hit hard!

The scorpion originally shredded the large movement symbol, and was about to be teleported away. However, because of the delay, his body was stunned and there was an instant stagnation!

The entire process took place between electro-optic flint.

The two elders were too late to think about the reason in the middle.

"Where to escape!"

The elder of the Candle Dragon tribe hummed coldly, his eyes twinkled out two hot and fiery beams, the speed was extremely fast, and it was about to hit the Elder Scorpion.

However, the big move symbol has been broken.

Behind the elder Scorpion, a huge black crack appeared. He leapt forward and jumped directly into the crack, his figure disappeared.

The two flaming beams, submerged into the dark and cold cracks, did not stir the slightest ripples.

This huge crack closed quickly.

After the cracks are closed and the space is restored, even if the two elders have the ability to penetrate the sky, they will not catch the elder scorpion!

Unless, they kill the ghost curse graveyard.

"Come to kill me in the Valley of Dragon Skeletons and want to escape!"

The elders of the Canglong tribe were furious. They were tens of feet apart, and they protruded directly out of their arms. The huge claws of the dragon emerged, and they actually entered the crack!

With the help of the cracks in the space, the elder Scorpion avoided the killing attack of the elders of the Candle Dragon tribe, and secretly said a fluke in his heart. Before breathing a breath, he felt a strong sense of crisis!

Immediately, a horrifying claw came down in the darkness, grabbing him directly!


His flesh, like a piece of paper in front of the sharp claws, was punctured instantly, and his blood flowed!

There is no race that can use the flesh and blood to resist the sharpest claws of the dragon.

What's more, among the Taikoo Nine, the Wu nationality is the weakest.


The elder scorpion made a scream.

I saw the void, just when the huge dark crack was about to be closed, the elders of the Canglong tribe directly pulled the scorpion elders out of it!

There were a few more blood holes in the elder scorpion.

Dark green blood slowly flowed out, exuding a burst of fishy gas.

The claws of the elders of the Canglong tribe have pierced the flesh of the elder scorpion, broken bones and bones, and destroyed all the internal organs!

The combined powerful mana is boundless and can be reborn with severed limbs.

Such injuries are not fatal to the Scorpion Elder.

But he fell completely into the palm of the elder of the Canglong tribe. The key was to be penetrated, the blood and blood were decaying, and it was impossible to break free!

The elder of the Canglong clan held the powerful combination of witch clan like a weak chicken.


The elder scorpion was pale, spitting blood.

He whispered in his heart.

If he had not been known by Su Zimo in the sea, the mysterious spirit turtle roared, the Yuanshen was back bitten, and his body paused. Even the elders of the Canglong tribe could not catch him!

I'm afraid at this point, he has returned to the ghost curse graveyard!

Many dragons look confused and don't know what happened.

The elders of the Dragon clan will not easily show up.

Now, even the two of them appeared, murderous, and excited!

Moreover, the elder Scorpion actually provoked the two elders to shoot at the same time, showing the anger in the hearts of the two elders!

The people of the Wu tribe were all scared and trembling!

They are not fools.

The scene where the elder scorpion shattered the large movement symbol, they could see clearly.

Elder Scorpion obviously wants to leave them and run away alone!

If the Elder Scorpion flees, and the dragons are angry, their end can be imagined.

"You are so brave!"

The elders of the Canglong tribe yelled.

What he said casually contained the concussion power of Long Yin.

Although the scorpion is a strong fit, he was severely wounded, his blood was declining, he still felt tingling in his ears, and his features were twisted together!

This is true of Witches, and the other Witches are even more unbearable!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The remaining more than ten Wu clan screamed again and again, their eardrums pierced, and they all fell to the ground, looking pained, curled up in shape, and green blood flowed from the ear holes.

The two elders were really angry!

"I don't know what happened to me, but it caused the murder of the Elder Dragon!"

Elder Scorpion gritted his teeth and asked slowly.

"Ask me knowingly!"

The elder Canglong tribe sneered: "You came to the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, and you dare to start against my young master of the Dragon tribe.

Master of the Dragon Race?

The dragons listened for a moment.

But the group of dragons didn't think much, only when the elders of the Canglong tribe were angry, and they made a mistake.

What he meant should be the young master of the candle dragon tribe.

"Ha ha."

Elder Scorpion laughed at the meal and quibbleed: "It's ridiculous, look at the scars on Dragon Candle? If I hit him, can he be alive?"

The powerful Wu tribe in the combined realm is easy to handle against a dragon tribe that has just stepped into the realm of law.

But at this time, Su Zimo was standing under the ancestral pillar of Zulong, still feeling the magical power, but was not affected in any way.

This is really weird.

The two elders were also confused.

The most weird thing is that after the elder Scorpion shot, he seemed to be suddenly shocked, but he was injured!

Although in my heart, what are the roles of the two elders?

They are all decisive masters, not to be moved at all!

The Elder of the Candle Dragon tribe must be gray, but in his eyes, two groups of raging anger are burning, and he whispered: "Do you think that this kind of speech can save your life?"

"I tell you clearly that fortunately, Dragon Candle is okay today. If he has a three-pronged or two-pronged one, my dragon clan will wage war against the witch clan at all costs!"

Everyone can hear the meaning of killing in the tone of the Elder Candle Dragon!

There was a thought in Qunlong's mind.

If something happens with Dragon Candle, the Dragons will really start a war at all costs!

But Qunlong's heart was a little puzzled. Even if Dragon Candle was the young master of the candle dragon, it seemed that the reactions of the two elders were a little too excited.

"Do not kill me!"

Elder Scorpion was really panicked.

He felt clearly that the two elders of the dragon clan really wanted to kill him!

In the front line of life and death, his mind was moving quickly, and flashed aura, and he quickly said, "I can use a secret for my life!"

"What a secret, I don't want to listen at all."

The elders of the Canglong tribe sneered slightly and looked dismissive.

In his opinion, this was nothing more than the dying struggle of the elder Scorpion.

Elder Scorpion said, "You must want to listen! And this secret is related to the safety of our nine gangsters!"

"If you kill me, you dragons will regret it!"

According to the news, there was heavy rain in Guangzhou, many roads had accumulated water, and there were accidents such as equipment and electric poles that hurt people by exposure to electricity. The little friends over there went out carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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