Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1215: Martial arts nine hundred!

Chapter 1215 Nine Changes in Martial Art!

These eighty-one golden characters, although seemingly revealing endless mystery, can not see any famous people even if they are many fit powers and semi-ancestors.

"Those who have spiritual roots can sense the aura of heaven and earth, then condense, build the foundation, and form Jindan."

Su Zimo's old voice continued to ring and spread throughout the sky.

These words are common sense to the practitioners.

Speaking at this time, but it is for the world to hear!

"A person without a spiritual root cannot sense the aura of heaven and earth, and can only find another way. In fact, the human body is a huge treasure with endless potential!"

"The essence of the Wujing is to use the secret method to temper the body, stimulate the body's potential, and step into the Dan Road!"

Su Zimo is a child of the flesh, but with the help of the Great Demon King's Secret, he condenses a demon tribe.

Whether it is to cultivate monsters, cultivate immortals, cultivate Buddha, cultivate magic, or Dan Tao, they are all insurmountable, and they are also the most important realm!

It's like a watershed.

Step into Dan Road, Shou Yuan will climb to 500 years!

At this time, not only the mortals in the world, but also many cultivators, regardless of their level, are listening to the deserted evangelism!

"The martial arts uses the secret method to train the body. There are nine changes! Each of these changes has a unique method of breathing.

"I call it, the martial arts change!"

In fact, in this half of the Wu Jing, many secret scriptures in it contain the mysteries of the three Buddhas and deities, as well as Su Zimo's own insights.

But the inspiration came from Xiu Yao.

As in the ancient battlefield, the tomb sect could say that Su Zimo's existence is unprecedented.

Because of this, he was able to create his own way!

"The first change in martial arts-nine cattle and two tigers!"

As soon as the voice fell, above the sky, nine large golden characters emerged individually, emitting a bright light.

These nine golden characters seem to transform nine villains into nine different moves in mid-air, and finally freeze!

Nine characters are the breathing secrets of the first change in martial arts.

And these nine kinds of movements are the first transformational techniques of martial arts!

After the first martial arts has grown, you can have the power of nine cattle and two tigers!

"The second change of martial arts, five vitality toward the Yuan!"

The second change is to train the viscera.

The five internal organs of the human body, also known as the Five Great Divine Treasures, have powerful unimaginable potential!

Tempering the five internal organs can condense the spirit of five possessions, through seven tricks, can have the mystery of heaven and earth, the power soars!

Five fierce horses are difficult to divide into corpses!

The fifth chapter of the Great Demon King's Secret began to refine the dirty.

In the "Wu Jing", Su Zimo advanced the tempering of viscera by a lot!

With his voice falling, on the sky, nine large golden characters emerged, emitting a ray of light, practicing different postures.

"The third change of martial arts, copper skin and iron bone!"

This change is practiced with skin and bones.

When you practice to Dacheng, you can reach the knife and the gun, and the fire and water will not invade!

In the sky, there were again nine large gold characters flashing, transfiguring humanoid shapes, and evolving nine types of refining secrets.

"The fourth change of martial arts, telescopic Ruyi!"

This change can be practiced to a great extent. It can change muscles, stretch your bones, change your face, and your body can be high or low, strong or thin!

"The fifth change in martial arts, blood is like lead and mercury!"

Fifth change the marrow to exchange blood!

The blood is strong and condensed, and moves slowly in the body, just like lead and mercury, bone marrow is like frost and snow, and it is flawless and free from impurities!

This change, practiced to the end, is blood such as lead and mercury.

Cultivation to completion is blood like the tide!

It's just that it's not only for mortals, but also for those who are true practitioners, and want to cultivate to the state of blood like the tide, it is also difficult to ascend to heaven!

What's more, in the "Wu Jing", being able to cultivate to the state of blood such as lead and mercury is enough to step into the next change!

"The sixth change of martial arts, Qi Jinda!"

Refining the viscera, cutting the marrow and exchanging blood, qi and blood are strong, and finally converge, a qi and blood jindan is condensed at the Dantian, and officially entered the dandao!

Above the clouds, nine golden villains are practicing nine postures, and finally embrace blood and gather Jin Dan!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

In the mysterious palace, the old man of the Confucian crown nodded again and again, his expression shocked.

With his eyesight, it is difficult to realize the mysteries behind all these moves in a short time!

But the old man knows that if you practice well and have sufficient qualifications, this half of Wu Jing will definitely let mortals without spiritual roots step into Dan Tao!

After Dan Dao, the same goal was achieved.

None of the sects will refuse to join Jin Dan.

Although the "Wu Jing" is only half, after cultivating the sixth change in martial arts, it is entirely possible to worship any sect and practice the subsequent method of refining gods.

After stepping into Dan Dao, he has got rid of the shackles of spiritual roots!

Su Zimo's cultivation as a realm is nothing more than returning to the realm. It is already the limit to be able to perform the exercises and mysteries of Dan Dao.

Therefore, there are only half of the Wujing.

"The seventh change in martial arts.

From this change, the difficulty of cultivation has increased sharply. Even among 10,000 people, one may not succeed in cultivation.

Of course, if the cultivation is successful, the combat power will increase greatly!

"The eighth change in martial arts, King Kong is not bad!"

The transformation of this change is even more terrible!

Although it has not exceeded the realm of Dan Tao, but the physical body is not bad, the healing power is extremely amazing, and the blood is strong!

"The ninth change in martial arts, the power of the dragon!"

This is the last change in Budo!

Cultivate to the peak, the power can be compared to the dragon and idol!

You know, the ninth change in martial arts has not yet passed Dandao.

How terrible a Jin Dan real person can be to have the power of a dragon and idol!

The last nine golden characters are practiced in midair, slowly settingtle down.

Eighty-one golden characters, transformed into eighty-one golden villains, standing in the air, flashing a ray of light, seems to never die, immortal!

Having said that, Su Zimo's voice paused, breathing slightly, and continued:

"The last three changes of the nine martial arts changes are extremely difficult and cannot be forced. If you want to continue practicing, condense the Yuanshen, it is enough to practice to the sixth change!"

"It's unimaginable!"

Bai Lianmen, with a fiery and powerful look shaking, slowly said: "Even the power contained in this half of Wu Jing, I feel mysterious and longing for it!"

"If I can practice again, I will practice this martial art and try it!"

"These achievements are much better than the Emperor of the Ancients!"

Another fit said with emotion.

"The most rare thing is that Zi Mo didn't hide anything at all, but spread this half of the" Wu Jing "all over the world. Such a mind is not as good as me!"

In the practice world, no one can easily spread any exercises or feelings.

But Su Zimo exhausted his mind and spent nearly 5,000 years to promote the half of the "Wu Jing", but passed down without reservation!

Bu Wu Li Dao, Bu Wu Cang Sheng

Preaching in the desert, Fuze world!

(End of this chapter)

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