Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1227: Knock on the mountain

Chapter 1227

Ghost Sect.

Heige Daojun and other monks returned to Zongmen, one by one ashamed, looking as if they had suffered a great scare!

"What? You didn't succeed?"

The Sovereign Sovereign Frown frowned, and asked, "Which sect was taken away by the Wasteland Relics? The Blood Mist View or the Seven Killing Sect?"


Heige Daojun shook his head.


The Sovereign Sovereign snorted and said, "There are so many treasures in the desert, none of you grabbed them?"

"Master, things have changed!"

Heigedao Jun calmed down his mind, and said, "Longhu Pavilion sent over a hundred French princes, and there was a fit power, and they went straight to Pingyang!"

Before Heihe Daojun finished speaking, the Sovereign Lord nodded his head and hated, "No wonder you didn't succeed. For the relics of the war, Longhu Pavilion even invited out of the power of the unity!"


Heigao Daojun said quickly: "No one succeeded, the barbarity has broken through and entered the realm of law!"


The Sovereign Sovereign stunned, his expression stunned, and an incredible color appeared in his eyes.

"how can that be?"

The Sovereign Sovereign said quickly: "The deserted martial art has only a few decades to live, the blood and blood are declining, the oil is exhausted, and he can step into the state of law?"

"It's true!"

Heigedao Jundao said: "More than that, as soon as Arima entered the realm of law, he condensed the world of heaven and earth at a height of eight feet!"


The face of the Sovereign Sovereign has changed again!

However, this makes sense.

In the beginning, when he returned to the virtual realm, the deserted army condensed the heavens and the earth, and now it crosses a great realm, and it is indeed possible to grow to eight.

Heigao Daojun continued: "Later, Tiger Tiger Pavilion was able to fight against this Dharma, and was wounded and defeated, and was beheaded by the unknown demon beside Huang Wu!"

"Longhu Pavilion has more than a hundred French princes, and the whole army has been wiped out. No one has survived!"

The look of the Sovereign Sovereign was already a little numb.

However, from the depth of his eyes, he can vaguely see the waves and fears in his heart!

"The Northern Territory has changed, the Northern Territory has changed!"

The Ghost Sovereign murmured.

After a while, the Lord of the Ghosts asked again, "How did you come back? The deserter didn't find you?"

"Wan Wu stared at us for a long time, and then regained his eyes." Heigao Daojun remembered that scene, still bewildered.

He really thought he was going to be a disaster!

"Sovereign, can't the desert army see our purpose?"

Heigedao Jun groaned a little and asked carefully: "After all, we didn't do anything at the time, and Wu Wu didn't know what we were going to do."

"Do you think it's possible?"

The Sovereign Sovereign stared at Heige Daojun and said coldly, "Where the barren martial arts cultivate to this point, he will not be able to guess your purpose?"

"Then why did he let us go?"

Hei Gedao's heart was puzzled.

The Sovereign Sovereign thought for a moment and analyzed: "As you said, you did n’t do anything, and the deserter may let you go for a while. On the other hand, the deserter may have something more important."

"By the way, have you noticed what happened after the desert?"

Asked the Sovereign Sovereign.

"It seems to be heading northeast."

Heige Daojun recalled.

"To the east ..."

The Sovereign Sovereign took out the map of the Northern Territory, glanced around, and murmured, "Longhu Pavilion!"



"Master Qiyu, there is news from outside!"

A Zongmen disciple arched his hand and said, "The deserted Wu stepped into the realm of law, and killed the dragon and tiger pagoda with a fit power, and more than a hundred masters of law."


In the hall, all the elders shook and took a breath.

"Desolate martial arts are demon!"

"With only fifty years to live, we can still break through and enter the realm of law. It is really unimaginable."

Many Xingyuezong elders sighed.

Xingyue Sovereign's expression was still calm, and Shen Sheng asked: "After?"

"Then the deserted monks stared at the ghost monks, the Seven Killing Sects, and other monks for a long time before letting them go." The disciple said.

Many elders stared at each other, and all fisted towards the Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign: "Sovereign wise!"

Although the sectarian forces such as the Seven Killing Sects and the Ghost Sects did not take action, this matter must also leave no small knots in the heart of the desert!

This major event was due to the fact that the Xingyue Sect was the main force to disagree, and no monk Zongmen was sent to participate in this matter, so the Xingyue Sect could stay out of the matter.

The Sovereign Xingyue Sovereign slightly shook his head and said, "The deserted martial arts stand, Bu Wu Cang Sheng is born, I do not agree with the Zong Men to compete for his relics, only out of respect for him."

"Now it seems that the Wilderness is scarier than all of us imagine!"

After a short pause, the Sovereign Sect of the Xingyue Sect said, "If it is not what I expected, the deserted Wu should go to Longhu Pavilion."

"Go to Longhu Pavilion?"

The disciple disciple asked: "As soon as the deserted army stepped into the realm of law, dare to go to Dragon Tiger Pavilion?"

The Sovereign of the Xingyue Sect said: "In these years, Longhu Pavilion has repeatedly provoked the barbarity, attacked Fengfeng, and surrounded it with power, and forcibly broke into Pingyang Town. With the nature of barbarism, it will inevitably go to Longhu Pavilion to discuss an argument!"

After a pause, Sovereign Xingyue said again: "Also, there is another purpose of the deserted war, which is to knock on the mountain!"

The knock is Longhu Pavilion.

What shocked other family members in the North!

"Longhu Pavilion, I'm afraid it's over."

Xingyue Sovereign sighed slightly.

"Not yet?"

An elder Zongmen frowned slightly and said: "After all, Dragon Tiger Pavilion is one of the top ten doorsteps, and it also has a long history of over ten thousand years. There is more than one power in Zongmen, and Wu Wu can use his own strength to close a door ? "

Xingyue Sovereign shook his head and said, "Elders have never seen the barbarity with their own eyes, they will never feel his power!"

"In the beginning, when returning to the realm, there was a lot of means to kill Faxiang Daojun! Nowadays, he has stepped into the realm of Faxiang. I am afraid that the ordinary fit power may not be his opponent."

"After today, in the Northern Territory, the sectarian forces that can control the deserted martial arts, I am afraid that there is only one Liuli Palace left."

"Our top ten visits are all under him!"

The elders looked shocked.

"Sovereign, this is a bit exaggerated, right?"

"Yes, after all, Wu Wu is just a prince of law, can he still stand on our top ten door?"

"Even the world of heaven and earth condensed by the deserted martial arts is not invincible even if it has a height of eight feet and five feet. How can the details of Dragon Tiger Pavilion be so easy to deal with?"

Several Zongmen elders shook their heads.

"Wait for the outcome of this battle."

Xingyue Sovereign faintly said.

He couldn't believe that Wu Wu could challenge Longhu Pavilion.

However, no one knows what level of combat power has reached after entering the realm of law.

No one knows what the deserted army got in the past five thousand years!

The only thing he can conclude is that there must be a battle in Longhuge!

If this battle is frustrated, the situation in the Northern Territory will not change much.

If it is defeated by the deserted martial arts, the general situation is already in place.

You should be able to write a change at 12 o'clock. Don't wait any longer. Go to bed early and see it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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