Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1234: Luo Huafu

Chapter 1234 Luo Hua Fu Xi

The Longhu Pavilion group looked at this scene in a hurry, silently.

When the elders of these three sects say "Meet the King of the Wilderness", it means that the battle is over!

The three elders are too powerful.

Now, the power of the party standing at the pinnacle of the self-cultivation world, but stole the pride in their hearts, bowing their heads to Jun Wudao Jun!

Su Zimo glanced slightly, looking at the combined power of the three, and asked lightly, "Why not stop?"

The three elders had a complicated look and laughed bitterly.

Luo Hua Dao Jun, standing on Dragon Tiger Peak, was unwilling, flashed a crazy idea, and looked sternly, shouting loudly: "Three elders, the desolate world of heaven and earth can no longer support it for a long time, you can join hands to make him town kill!"

After a great battle, the light of the magical body of God and the body of Rulai Fa really blew a lot, no longer solidified.

However, the three elders did not respond.

It seems that this is indeed an opportunity.

But the three elders dare not bet!

The bet was lost, and their years of deeds will dissipate once and they cannot afford to lose!

If they show weakness now, the three of them, and the rest of the monks in Dragon Tiger Court, may have a way of life!

"Jun Wudao."

An elder elder in the middle hugged his fist and said, "We have all heard of your encounters and experiences. These things are indeed the sin of Longhu Pavilion, and we have no reason to dispute."

"That being the case, Longhu Pavilion will disperse today."

Su Zimo waved his hand, his tone was flat, but the words spoken were enough to shake the northern world ’s cultivation world!

Longhu Pavilion is one of the top ten doorsteps of the Northern Territory. It has been passed down for more than 10,000 years and has survived many calamities.

Unexpectedly, today came to an end!

The three elders sighed in their hearts, realizing that there was no room for manoeuvre.

The elder Taishang on the left hand said Shen Shen: "The crime of Luo Wudao, Luo Hua cannot be forgiven! But these things have nothing to do with other monks in Dragon Tiger Court."

"As far as I know, some of the elders in Zongmen even discouraged Luo Hua, but he was rejected."

After a short pause, the elder elder bit his teeth slightly and exclaimed: "The old man entreats the Emperor Arathi to be merciful, and not to link other innocent monks in Dragon Tiger Pavilion!"


Fabulously fit and powerful, he actually confronted a prince of law, saying the word ‘please’!

The other two elders also clenched their fists at the same time, and said, "I beg you to be merciful to the Emperor Wu Budao!"

The three fits can plead at the same time!

This scene will spread to the cultivation world, and it will surely cause an uproar!

Su Zimo was silent and no one knew what he was thinking.

There was silence between heaven and earth.

The air seems to have frozen!

At this moment, the hearts of all the people in Longhuge were raised.

They didn't know the decision of the barbaric.

If the deserted martial arts king prepares to slay the killing ring, although they are numerous, they will definitely not stop the deserted martial arts!

Their destiny lies between the next words of Arama!

The triad power is also stressful.

Normally, cutting the grass and rooting is the safest way to cultivate the world!

After all, Longhu Pavilion disbands today, so many Longhu Pavilion monks leave, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will get the opportunity of the sky, rise against the trend, make a comeback, and get revenge!

But now it is Jun Wudao!

Although they were closed year round, they also faintly heard some legends about the deserted martial arts monarch.

The deserted Wu Road, Bu Wu Cang's life, even made the three of them feel shocked and stunned!

Desolate is not a killer.

Perhaps the monks at Dragon Tiger Court still have a glimmer of life!

"Actually, you don't need to do this."

After a while, Su Zimo spoke slowly, his tone still calm.

Su Zimo pointed to the fallen powerful bones and said, "I came here today to kill Luo Hua. If these people do not stop me, I will not kill them."


Qun Xiu breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, completely relieved.

Now that these words have been said by the desert princes, their lives have been saved!

"Thank you for your mercy.

The three elder elders were so happy that they hugged their fists and thanked them.

Su Zimo glanced at the three elders, seemed to see their minds, and proudly said, "Since I dare to let you go, I am not afraid that you will take revenge!"

Qun Xiu was shocked!

Let you go, you are not afraid of revenge!

So bold!

Just this sentence, in the hearts of the three elders, there will never be a rebellious thought!


Su Zimo took a step and descended directly on Dragon Tiger Peak

Luo Huadao Jun also wanted to struggle and hit hard, but Su Zimo found his big hand, and directly suppressed it with a strong mana!

Su Zimo held Luo Hua Daojun's neck and looked down at the Longhu Pavilion group repairers below, and said, "Look, Longhu Pavilion Sovereign, Luo Hua Daojun, killed me! Dismiss! "

"If anyone wants revenge in the future, just come to me!"

After a short pause, Su Zimo's words turned sharply, and said arbitrarily, "But come to me to get revenge, and end up like him!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Zimo's palm shook and shattered Luo Hua Daojun's Yuan Shen instantly!

Sovereign of the Dragon Tiger Pavilion, die dead!

If the Longhu Pavilion group is repaired, the atmosphere will not dare to breathe!

There was a hint of fear in each monk's eyes.

This fear will always be imprinted in their hearts.

Perhaps one day, some of these monks will step into the realm of law, and some will step into the realm of combination, stand side by side, and suppress numerous powerful enemies.

But they still dare not shoot at Su Zimo!

This blue figure, standing on Dragon Tiger Peak, is like an inaccessible being, they can only look up!

"Let's go away."

Su Zimo looked down at Qun Xiu and waved his hand gently.

After a short period of silence, Qun Xiu realized something, such as amnesty, and set off to gallop away from the gate.

Lights of swords flew up, Xiangyun swarmed.

Qun Xiu dare not stay for a while!

Less than half a column of incense, in addition to Su Zimo, Monkey and others, only three senior elders of Longhu Pavilion were left and up.

The three elders looked at Longhu Pavilion and sighed deeply at every inch of land under their feet.

After practicing in this Longhu Pavilion for thousands of years, they are about to leave now, after all, they are a little bit reluctant.

Su Zimo did not urge.

After a long time, the three talents calmed down, worshiped again toward the deserted martial arts monarch, and turned away.

All three knew that from today, the pattern of the Northern Territory will be completely rewritten!

Outside the gates of Longhu Pavilion, there are still many monks, most of whom are from the major families in the northern region. They are all waiting for the final result of this battle.

Not long after, the Longhu Pavilion group repairs left.

These monks rushed to ask and almost all got the same answer!

Luo Huadao Jun is dead, Longhu Pavilion disbands, and Northern Territory is removed!

The group repair was frightened, and tore up the prepared Linghe Crane quickly.

This news spread quickly in the cultivation world of the Northern Territory, and continued to ferment, forming a strong storm, which swept the major families!

(End of this chapter)

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