Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1236: Prostitute

Chapter 1236 Dao Tong

The first monks to arrive at Longhu Pavilion were the ghost monks.

As soon as they arrived, everyone in the Ghost Sect saw a weeping boy standing at the gate of Longhuge Mountain, with a small face and a serious expression, blocking the way for everyone.

"It is forbidden to trespass here, and I ask you to go around."

Tao Yingyang chanted.

"Where are the children running out of this old forest?"

Many ghost monks have never seen Tao Yan.

"You can see clearly, this is not a child, but a demon who has become a fine!"

The speaker was the Heige Daojun who originally went to Pingyang Town, and he whispered next to the Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign: "Sovereign, this boy has guarded the deserted Wu Daojun outside Pingyang Town, and has done his best.

The Ghost Sovereign nodded and smiled at Tao Yan, and said, "Under the Ghost Sovereign, come to visit the desert Wu Daojun, and the troubled boy will let you know."

"Not right now, my son is still resting."

Tao Yan shook her head and refused without thinking.

The ghost ghost's face sank.

In any case, as the overlord of the door, he has a distinguished status and came to visit in person, but he was turned away by a boy. This is justified.

However, his city was extremely deep and did not occur.

The Ghost Sect still smiled and asked, "Dare to ask the boy, I wonder how long your son will rest?"

"do not know."

Tao Yan shook her head.

The ghostly suzerainer frowned.

A Faxiang Daojun next to him couldn't see it, stood up and snorted coldly: "Little baby, my ghost sect is coming from the northern region. What kind of thing are you? Dare to be the master! Let you report it, and you will speed Hurry up, take a break! "

"What happened?"

Tao Yan shook his lips and said, "Longhu Pavilion is also here, not yet broken up by my son!"


The Faxiang Daojun was speechless, angered, and said coldly: "What a wonderful baby tongue, today I will teach you something for your son!"

"Are you going to fight?"

Tao Yan immediately became alert and stared at the Ghost Sect.

"Stop me!"

At this moment, the lord of the ghost ghost looked somber and scolded.

"Master, he's a little baby ..."

"Go back and don't come out and shame me!"

The Faxiang Daojun still had to argue, but he was scolded by a ghost ghost suzerain, and his expression was haggard and he retreated.

The Sovereign Sovereign took a deep breath and turned his head. The gloom on his face dissipated a lot, and a smile appeared. "Anyway, since the deserted Wudaojun is resting, we'll just wait here."

"If your son wakes up, it would be tedious for the boy to go and report it. Okay?"

The ghost ghost group Xiu listened for a moment.

Their suzerain has a somber temperament, and there has never been a smile on his face, let alone a tone so gentle as today.

"That's natural."

Tao Yan nodded, but did not reject this request.

The Sovereign Sovereign laughed again, waved his hand, retreated with the group repairs, and rested outside the gate of Longhu Pavilion Mountain.

"Sovereign, if the barbarity rested for ten days and a half months, would we have to wait that long?"

"This desolate shelf is too big!"

"Sovereign, we can give Arima face, there is no need to show weakness to this little boy!"

Many monks in the Ghost Sect are angry.

The Sovereign Sovereign Lord shook his head slightly and said, "I heard that this boy is very close to Arane, and it can't be provoke! One person can say that the chicken and dog are ascended to the sky, not to mention the Tao boy around Arane.

It didn't take long for the Blood Mist Viewing Qun Xiu to arrive at the Longhu Pavilion Mountain Gate, but Tao Tao was also turned away.

Like the Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign, the Blood Mist Sovereign Sovereign did not trespass, and after a few conversations, he retreated.

Longhu Pavilion trespassed Pingyang Town and was destroyed.

Who dares to try!

Not long after, the monks of the Qishazong and Yuwen families also arrived at Longhu Pavilion.

Similar to the Ghost Sect and the Blood Mist View, after the Seven Killing Sovereign and the Yuwen Family Owner were rejected by Tao Yan, they were not angry, but chose to wait outside the mountain gate.

Before noon, the top ten of Beiyu came to the door, already halfway there!

Four gate valves also arrived at three.

The owners of the two great families have all come!

These on-site suzerains, the family's lords lame, will cause vibration in the Northern Territory, but at this time they are honestly outside the gate of Longhuge Mountain!

These on-site lords, the family lords ate a closed door, looked at each other, and they all knew each other, no one made a joke.

Almost all of them had a relationship with Su Zimo.

Today, Su Zimo stepped into the realm of law and set foot on Dragon Tiger Pavilion. The general situation has been achieved. In order to resolve the past grievances, they can only come to visit in person!

Just after noon.

Xingyue Zong, Murong Shijia and other Zongmen forces have also arrived.

The family members of the Northern Territory's cultivation world gathered outside Longhu Pavilion!

"Step into the Fa phase, worship in heaven, even in ancient times, no Fa phase Daojun can do this!"

Xingyue Sovereign sighed.


The elder Zongmen next to him said: "However, this is not a small amount of pressure for Arima! After all, he faces almost the northern world's cultivation world!"

"Yes, even if the Emperor Wudao is strong enough, if he can set foot on the Dragon Tiger Pavilion, he will definitely not be able to fight against the nine gates, the four gate valves, and all the sectarian forces of the two families!"

"This time the heroes are here, and worship in the sky is a test for the deserted Wudao Jun. Let's see how he handles it."

Many elders of Xingyuezong whispered.

Just then, in the Longhu Pavilion, a quiet voice came out suddenly, falling into the ears of the group repair outside the gate, not trivial, but extremely clear!

"You have been waiting a long time, come in."

Outside the gate, there was a hustle and bustle, but it suddenly quieted down!

Tao Yan's spirit shook, and Yang cried: "My son is awake, you follow me."

The group slender breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the guidance of Tao Yan, the group repaired the fish, entered the Dragon Tiger Pavilion, and went straight to the palace on Dragon Tiger Peak.

This palace of Longhu Pavilion is huge, and it can accommodate tens of thousands of people!

Qun Xiu entered into it, looking up subconsciously, and couldn't help but feel a shock, a shock in his eyes!

At this time, a monk in a blue shirt was sitting in the hall with dark hair on his shoulders and deep eyes, exuding a powerful aura, as if fused with heaven and earth.

Tao Yan has returned, standing side by side with Nian Qi, respectively, behind Monk Tsing Yi.

They both looked young, like a pair of children, guarding the monk's side.

The group Xiu looked at this scene, but they were a bit surprised.

According to legend, behind some immortals who have attained Taoism, there are virgin boys and girls guarding them.

How similar this scene is to the fairy tale!

What are the figures of the nine major northern gates, the four gatekeepers, the suzerain and the heads of the two families?

Gathering together, naturally, will form a powerful aura!

Now, when they step into the hall, they are suppressed by the aura of monk Tsing Yi alone, and they bow their heads unconsciously and dare not look at them!

(End of this chapter)

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