Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1248: Three respects

Chapter 1248: Three Facial Aspects

Those blood-red eyes were full of negative emotions such as sadness, pain, despair, resentment, and silence.

In these blood-colored eyes, it seems like a vast abyss.

Su Zimo just looked at him and was almost swallowed up by this abyss!

The heaven and earth law phase is the unity of all the laws, the ultimate of magic, without life, it is impossible to carry any emotion.

But this heaven and earth law of Lijun Daojun is different.

This Fa phase is just standing there, like an abyss, endless hatred can devour everything and destroy everything!

Looking at these eyes, Su Zimo suddenly thought of the legend about Li Li De Mo Huang.

It is said that Li hate the Demon Emperor finally hated himself and died of himself.

Su Zimo couldn't imagine what kind of hate he hated to kill himself.

Seeing these eyes, Su Zimo suddenly understood.

There is no hope in these eyes.

To live is a torture to the Lige Demon Emperor.


Just between Su Zimo's thoughts, Li hated Daojun's thoughts. The heaven and earth law behind him had already come.

Just one step across the endless space and instantly came to Su Zimo!

The huge body of up to ten feet exudes hatred, such as the coming body and heavenly magic body are both a lot taller, and the momentum completely suppresses Su Zimo's two heaven and earth laws!


Li Henfa picked up the long knife in his hand and severed it down towards Su Zimo's head.

Tian magic body also rotates the sickle in his hand, facing the magic sword to resist the past.


Two long knives collide and Mars splashes!

Li hate the law body motionless, there is no wave in the eyes.

However, the magical body of the sky is full of shocks, the mana is shaking, and the whole Fa almost is split apart from the hated Fa body!

The heavens, the earth, the heavens, the heavens, the heavens, the earth, the heavens, the earth, the law, and even can compete with some combined power.

Relying on this heavenly magical body, Su Zimo is invincible in Longhu Pavilion, no one can resist his killing, even the mighty one must bow his head!

But in front of this Li Heng Fa body, the gap between the two is too great!

Don't look at the height between Ba Zhang Wu and Ji Zhang.

The height of this half foot is the difference between cloud and mud!

If you change to the heavens and the earth, which is condensed by other monks, you will not be able to resist even the sword of hatred!

The reason why the heavenly magic body can resist is because the foundation of this Dharma body originates from the "Traditional Magic Book of Taoism", but on top of the Dharma body, there are many magical Taoist methods, mysterious mysteries!

This heavenly magical body is a masterpiece of magical magic!


As soon as the Fa body has moved, stretch out the golden glittering palms, covering the sky, and suppress it towards the Li Fa body!

You ca n’t even see the hated Dharma body, and you punched it with your backhand in the palm of the Dharma body.


Fists collide!

Rulai was shocked, but also took a half step back.


Li hate Daojun laughed and looked proud, and said, "Desolate military, if you continue to practice, practice the two heavens and the earth to the height of Hachijo-jiu or Jijojo, or you can fight me."

"Unfortunately, you have no chance."

"Today, I want your life!"

As Lijun Daojun screamed loudly, the hatred on Liheng Fa body became heavier, and the whole person has fallen into endless sorrow and resentment, and issued a stern roar!

The magic knife in his hand lifted up and came again.


The long knife broke through, and even a burst of crying sounds came out, and it was breathtaking!

This knife actually shrouded the two heaven and earth aspects of the body, such as the body and the magic body of heaven and magic!

Su Zimo looked dignified.

If you really fight with Jiuzhang Supreme Master, you can feel the horror of Supreme Master Fa.

Nine is the number of poles.

Jiuzhang is supreme.

This is not a lie!


Under this strong pressure, Su Zimo had no reservations anymore, and a loud noise erupted in his body, and it was a ghost image rising into the sky!

The third respect of heaven and earth is coming!

This heaven and earth phase is covered with dark clouds, flashing endless thunder and lightning, majestic and overbearing, the king is coming to the world, holding a long whip condensed by millions of thunder and lightning, imposing!

This statue of heaven and earth is like an ancient thunder **** in charge of heaven and earth!

The thunder and lightning method is coming!

This thunder and lightning body is based on "Taixu Lian Shen Pian" as its foundation, condensing many mysterious Taoist methods and mysteries, condensing, and quickly climbing to the height of eight feet five!

Three heavens and five heavens and earths!

In Li Yandaojun's eyes, there was a deep dread.

Fortunately, Jun Wudao is just the beginning of the state of law. If he waits until the state of law is complete, I am afraid that even his supreme law will not be able to shake the three heaven and earth states!

But now, the three heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens again, still can not threaten his sorrowful body!


The thunder and lightning fluttered the long whip in his hand and broke into the air. The wrists of the Lishen Body were wrapped around instantly, and the huge thunder and lightning force poured into the Lishou body along the Longblade!

The power of thunder and lightning is the most restrained demon.

Suddenly, the magic of Li Heng ’s body was even suppressed!

But then, the blood color in Li Hen ’s eyes was flourishing, his heart was angry, the hatred was rolling, and the magic gas was gushing out, breaking the shackles of the thunderbolt directly!

boom! boom! boom!

Li hate the body even cut three swords.

The thunder and lightning occurred, such as the Falai body and the heavenly magic body, all the three body bodies resisted, but they were all shocked, and they took a few steps back!

Can't resist!

Su Zimo's look finally changed.

Even the three heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens are still unable to stop the power of the Supreme Law!

He did not expect that this time when he came to Zhongzhou, he encountered such a terrible enemy!

boom! boom! boom!

From the hate law body constantly shots, long swords passing, hatred, billowing magic, suppress everything.

Su Zimo's three heavenly, heavenly, and legal aspects are constantly receding.

"Desolate, you are defeated!"

Li hate the prince, and he couldn't help but laugh and said, "What eternal evil is not to be killed here by me!"

"Zimo, you go!"

Just then, Yan Beichen's voice sounded in the sea of ​​knowledge of Su Zimo, "With your ability, you can escape!"

"Leave here and wait for you to practice to the completion of the French state, you will be able to make a comeback, suppress resentment!"

Su Zimo was silent.

He has a lot of cards, and even though Li hate Daojun has the upper hand, if he wants to escape, Li hate Daojun will never kill him.

However, if he escapes, Yan Beichen and Qin Pian will fall here!

How could Su Zimo put Yan Beichen to death and escape by himself.

As if guessing the thought in Su Zimo's heart, Yan Beichen once again said: "It is better for two people to die than the three of us die here."

"You escape and you can avenge us in the future!"

Su Zimo still did not respond.

In any case, he could not leave Yan Beichen here and leave alone.

What's more, he is desolate!

Invincible, proud of the ancient and modern desert martial arts king!

Even though it is only a Qinglian real body, it can not represent his full combat power, but this Qinglian real body has also experienced the accumulation of spiritual practice for nearly five thousand years, precipitated and transformed!

He would never give up so easily!

There must be other solutions!

(End of this chapter)

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