Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1250: Hellfall

Chapter 1250 Burial Knife

Su Zimo put away the storage bag, turned his eyes, and landed on the sorrowful sword not far away.

From the first glance he saw the magic knife, he could feel the horror of the knife!

Even his good fortune lotus platform was just barely able to deal with this sword. If the killing time is longer, it will inevitably be suppressed by this magic sword like Xuanci Mountain!

Su Zimo held out the palm of his hand, holding the handle of the Lizard Sword, and wanted to pull this long knife out and take a closer look.

However, as soon as the palm of his hand touched the handle of the magic sword, he felt a lot of negative emotions. He poured into the sea by his fingertips, affecting his primordial spirit!

At the same time, he felt a strong tingling in the palm of his hand, and Su Zimo retracted his palm subconsciously, glanced down, and could not help but shrink his pupils and frown.

His palm bleeds!

Although this Qinglian's true blood is not strong, her physical skin is indestructible, and she can fight against the innate Taojun weapon!

But he just touched the handle of the Lizard Sword, and his palm was hurt by the power of the Sword!

If the blade of this magic knife is blessed on him, I am afraid that this Qinglian real body will be cut directly in half!

The weapons of the ancient demons are truly extraordinary!

You know, this Li Heng Dao is an imperial weapon.

However, to this day, no one can really use the power in this magic knife!


Su Zimo murmured softly.

Li hatred the sword so much against him.

I don't know if it is because he has two traditions of immortal Buddha, or some other reason.

Although "Li hate sutra" was not found, this sword of Li hate is also a treasure.

Although he can't control the Lizard Sword now, but as he becomes more advanced, he may not be the master of this sword in the future.

At this point, Su Zimo runs his mana, drags the Lizou Demon Sword directly into the storage bag, prepares to step into the combined environment, and tries again.

Then he walked towards Yan Beichen.

Within a few steps, Su Zimo's face changed!

The palm of his hand quickly slaps on the storage bag, and immediately pulls the Lizhan Demon Knife out, throws it directly to the ground, his expression is in wonder!

At this moment, the dark enchantment encircled the body of Lihengmao, as if it could devour all things in the world, all beings!

As Su Zimo threw out Li Li Mo Dao, the enchantment on this Dao Mo gradually subsided and became dull again.

"what happened?"

Yan Beichen noticed Su Zimo's movement, and frowned.

"This knife is terrible!"

Su Zimo recalled a scene in the sensation before he whispered: "This magic knife in my storage bag actually emits a powerful magic, eroding all the treasures around it!"

While talking, Su Zimo took out a few Daojun magic instruments from the storage bag.

Yan Beichen and Qin Pianran looked at each other, could not help but take a breath.

These Taojun instruments are all perfect!

But it was just the time to breathe, these perfect Taoist magic instruments were already contaminated by magic, the light was dim, and they had been completely used up!

Good bossy sword!

It doesn't work in a storage bag.

Unless, Su Zimo is ready to give up all the treasures in the storage bag!

For the first time since his practice, he encountered such a tricky weapon.

He didn't even dare to sacrifice this sorrowful sword, fearing that his Yuanshen would be swallowed up by this sword!

Su Zimo's heart moved, and he suddenly said, "Brother Yan, try it. You don't have the breath of the two practices of the Immortal Buddha. Specializing in Demon Shura, maybe you won't be rejected by this sorrowful sword."

Yan Beichen heard the words, and when she was curious, she came to Li Hen's sword and tried to hold the sword's handle.

The magic knife did not respond.

Su Zimo nodded.

as expected!

Although he practiced the three methods of immortal Buddha and magic, with powerful strength and repression of the same order, his breath was mixed and rejected by this demon hated sword, but Yan Beichen did not have such exclusion.

Su Zimo laughed: "Brother Yan, it seems that this disgusting sword has nothing to do with me, you should accept it."

If it had been before, Yan Beichen would be so happy to have such a powerful magic soldier.

But at this time, he shook his head: "I am hurt, even if I am not repelled by the sword of hatred, I have no way to worship."

Su Zimo said quickly: "Brother Yan, rest assured, I will definitely help you to heal the wounds on your Yuanshen! When your Yuanshen is healed, you can sacrifice the Sword of Hatred."

Yan Beichen smiled and said, "I have decided to withdraw from the cultivation world and no longer participate in any disputes. This Shura sword that has been with me for many years, I am ready to abandon it. It is useless to leave the hatred sword."

When Yan Beichen said these words, he was determined to never change.

After a short pause, Yan Beichen said, "What's more, this sorrowful sword is somewhat ominous. Neither of its two masters is a good ending. There is nothing to end."

"Yeah, this knife is really a bit tricky, you can't hold it, you can't touch it."

Su Zimo said with emotion.

Yan Beichen groaned a little and said, "This handle is ominous to the hatred sword. If you don't want it, bury it on the spot."

"it is good."

Su Zimo didn't hesitate.

Although this Li hate sword is powerful, he will only bring endless trouble to him.

Su Zimo wielded the sleeve of the robe and used a powerful mana to punch a deep hole in the ground, which he could not see at a glance!

This pit, at least hundreds of feet, is like an endless abyss!

Su Zimo directly threw Li Li Mo Dao into it.

The Li hate sword turned into a dark shadow, submerged into the abyss, and as Su Zimo covered the soil, he completely buried the Li hate sword.

"Brother Yan, what are your plans for the future?"

Su Zimo asked.

Yan Beichen thought for a moment, and said, "Zi Mo, I have to ask you something."

"Brother, but it doesn't matter, please be kind, please."

Su Zimo waved his hand.

Yan Beichen said: "It's dead from hatred. It won't be long before I think it's necessary, and the gate will be clear, and this thing can't be hidden."

Among the magic gates, there are many omnipotent powers.

What's more, if Li hate Daojun has a life in Jane, he disappears, and Jane is broken, and he will know the first time!

Yan Beichen went on to say, "After you leave this place, you can send a message saying that I fought with Li hate, I lost both, and both died!"

"In this way, I can also take advantage of this war, get away with false death, and completely withdraw from the cultivation world. In the future, the cultivation world will no longer be like Yan Beichen!"

Qin Pianran and Yan Beichen held hands and remained silent.

No matter what Yan Beichen's decision is, she will support it.

Su Zimo sighed.

He was very clear that Yan Beichen had this plan, not only for his own death, but also for him!

Li Heng Dao Jun equals the second Li Heng Demon Emperor. What is the low position in the Demon Gate?

If the magic gate knew that Li hate the king to die in his hands, he would surely be strangled and madly revenge by the entire magic gate!

Yan Beichen's move was on the surface for his own death, but in fact, it was also to help Su Zimo resist all this.

(End of this chapter)

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