Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1252: Taichu Ancient Temple

Chapter 1252

Today, Su Zimo only shows the breath of the state of law.

If he showed his true countenance and showed his name, these monks were afraid that they would scare their livers, their legs soft, and kneel on the ground!

One of the monks quickly said, "We don't know what the origins of this ancient temple were, but I heard that this ancient temple first appeared in the Southern Region more than 100 years ago."

"Then, every once in a while, the Taichu Ancient Temple will appear somewhere on the continent, attracting countless monks and rushing to it."

There was a trace of confusion in Su Zimo's eyes.

This is kind of weird.

For example, what ancient ruins, predecessors Dongfu and so on, are mostly fixed in one place, an ancient temple is missing, and Su Zimo heard it for the first time.

"I heard that when the Taichu Ancient Temple came to the Southern Region, some monks strayed into it and got an extremely powerful ancient artifact. It attracted a lot of shock and more monks came to search."

After a short pause, a little fear appeared in the eyes of the monk, saying, "However, it is good for one of ten monks who have entered this ancient temple to come out alive."

Su Zimo frowned, and asked, "What kind of monks are you looking for?"

"The minimum is also the state of law. I heard that there are still some great powers of integration."

The monk hurried to answer.

Su Zimo asked, "The fit can enter the Taichu ancient temple, and something happened?"

"I heard that over the years, at least a hundred fits have entered the Taichu Ancient Temple and never came out again!" A monk grinned, his expression frightened.

Hundreds fit together!

This is not a small number!

Like Longhu Pavilion, which is one of the door-to-doors, the number of combined powers is less than ten.

From this point of view, this ancient temple is definitely a dangerous place!

Su Zimo groaned a little and asked, "Even so, there are still monks who want to go in and explore?"


A returning Taoist nodded and said, "It is said that monks who can survive from the ancient temple in the early days did indeed get a lot of benefits, such as what is lost in ancient antiquity, top-level exercises."

"I also heard that once a prince of the Daoist regime has entered the twilight and entered the ancient temple of Taichu. I don't know what kind of opportunity to break through to the realm of integration!"

"In the ancient temple of Taichu, will there be nine transfers to the soul?"

Su Zimo asked again.


A monk hurriedly said, "I heard that once a fit power came out alive, I got nine transfers to the soul!"

Su Zimo nodded, already having a decision.

No matter how dangerous the ancient temple is, he will have to break through!

Su Zimo had already thought about it, so he left the restaurant, ready to say goodbye to Yan Beichen, and then went to Taichu Ancient Temple.

In the deep bamboo forest.

In the past few days, the traces of that war have been cleaned up.

With the means of Yan Beichen and Qin Pianran, it was easy to rebuild a wooden house, which was located there, simple and simple.

"What, are you going to Taichu Ancient Temple?"

In the wooden house, Yan Beichen heard Su Zimo's plan and shook his head flatly: "No, this is too dangerous!"

"Big brother knows Taichu Ancient Temple?"

Su Zimo asked.

"I don't know much, too. The ancient temples in the early Taizhou were quite mysterious. Although it only appeared for a short period of more than a hundred years, I don't know how many fit energies have fallen in these years. You are just at the beginning of the state of law can not go!"

Su Zimo shook his head without saying a word, apparently determined.

Yan Beichen said earnestly: "Zi Mo, the beginning of this ancient temple in Zhongzhou will inevitably attract a lot of Tianjiao evildoers. When the time comes, the heroes will come together, and the combined power will appear. You alone, this is too risky! "

Su Zimo smiled and said, "In the beginning, I just heard that Xianjian Daojun and others had to go to Bailianmen to find me. Brother Yan also went to Bailianmen alone, relying on his own strength outside Bailianmen. Intercept Jiu Dadaojun! "

After a pause, Su Zimo whispered softly: "At that time, Brother Yan had just stepped into the state of law."

That scene, Su Zimo is unforgettable.

What a pride!

That is the righteousness of Shura!

Where is the righteousness, though thousands of people will go!

Yan Beichen is just the beginning of the state of law, but he went back and forth. He fought against the well-known Daojun, such as the Xianjian Daojun, and suffered from the wounds of Yuanshen.

Since there may be nine reversions in the ancient temple of Taichu, even if it is a dragon cave, a sword and a sea of ​​fire, Su Zimo will have to make a breakthrough!

Yan Beichen sighed softly and did not advise again.

They have different personalities and different cultivating skills, but they are all affectionate people.

Yan Beichen groaned a little and said, "I heard that the Taichu ancient temple just came down, but there is a mana barrier on the periphery. It will take some time before the mana barrier weakens before the monks can break in."

"Zimo, don't rush. During this time, you will stay here and practice well. If you can step into the middle of the state of law, the heaven and earth and the law will be improved. With the presence of the three deities, your combat power will surely rise. At one level, there is also a certain amount of self-protection. "


Su Zimo nodded and said: "I have learned a lot from fighting Lili, and I'm about to calm down and feel it."

"Zimo, at that time, I will go with you!"

Qin Pianran said: "This matter is related to Beichen. I can't let you take the risk alone."

"No need."

Su Zimo smiled and refused, and said, "I am alone, and when I am in danger, I can get away in time. If there is someone else, I am bound."

"What's more, the elder brother is hurt. Sister Qin is here to accompany the elder brother, waiting for my good news."

Because of Yan Beichen's relationship, between the two people, the Taoist friends always called each other, but they seemed to be born, and their names have been changed.

Qin Pianran hesitated.

Yan Beichen said: "Let Zimo go by himself. This trip to the early ancient temples is expected to startle the arrogant evils of many super monks. If you go, it will easily cause other troubles."

Qin Pianran nodded.

She is a monk of Jianzong. Now she is staying with the fierce demon Shura. I am afraid that Jianzong has expelled her from the ancestors long ago and regards her as a renegade to Xianmen. Jianzong is ashamed!

If you encounter an old swordsman, the two sides are likely to face each other.

At this point, Qin Pianran stopped thinking about it, stood up, deeply worshiped Su Zimo, and said sincerely, "Thank you Zimo!"

"Sister Qin is polite."

Su Zimo quickly helped her up.

Qin Pianran laughed: "I can't help you anymore. During this time, I will make a few small dishes for you every day to try."

Yan Beichen next to her couldn't help but admire: "The graceful craftsmanship is really good, and I will also follow him."

Cultivation to their level has long reached the state of persuasion.

However, even immortals have tongues and cannot be exempt.

The next month, Su Zimo stayed in this bamboo forest and meditated on his mind.

Finally, after a month, I felt the opportunity to break through!

(End of this chapter)

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