Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1257: I'm a deserter!

Chapter 1257: I'm Formidable!

"Give it up."

Muyun Daojun came to Su Zimo and did not say a nonsense to Su Zimo. He was too lazy to ask Su Zimo's name and division.

He has this confidence and confidence!

As a result, the list of French ministers almost included the most powerful Tianjiao evil in the Tianhuang continent. As the 11th list of French champions, he had never seen this blue-shirt monk.

Not even the French leaderboard, naturally he is not qualified to fight him.

In the second place, he leaned back on the Yuanzong.

And the body of this monk in blue shirt does not have any signs of sectarian power. Being alone, the most likely thing is casual repair!

San Xiu's body has treasures that can swallow the golden rat's heart, so what is he to worry about?

Su Zimo frowned slightly and asked, "What should I make?"

"You have my treasure from Yuanzong!"

Muyun Daojun said coldly, "My monster feels very clear. I urge you to hand it over honestly, maybe you can save your life."

Many onlookers monk sneered secretly.

This is obviously a confession. Even if this monk in the blue shirt has mixed treasures, can an animal be distinguished?

Su Zimo was still a little puzzled. He had any treasure on him and was caught by this beast.

He is truly a treasure, and it is nothing more than the creation of Liantai, Xuanci Mountain, and the Ming Dynasty rosary.

But these three treasures are not metal.

Su Zimo changed his mind and soon understood.

It is Qinglian true body!

His green lotus real body is made of the lotus stem of the forged green lotus and the lotus leaf as the skin.

Emperor Xi's mixed Yuan Zhong, fighting dragons.

Colorful glazed pagoda of the glazed Taoist.

The long sword of the gods.

The thunder hammer of the wind thunderman.

What the golden rat feels should be the breath of these innate instruments!

"Over the years, the Yuanyuan Sect has acted so aggressively."

Su Zimo said something meaningful.

If you think about this sentence carefully, you can hear something unusual.

However, Mu Yun Daojun didn't put Su Zimo in his eyes at all, and naturally he wouldn't ponder the meaning of Su Zimo.

He proudly said, "Hunyuan Sect has always acted this way!"

"I thought that after the fall of Hunyuan Shuangjiao, your ancestors would be restrained, but I didn't expect that there would be no growth like this."

Su Zimo looked cold.

"I think you're looking for death!"

Muyundao Jun narrowed his eyes, and the whole person suddenly became murderous!

The rest of the dozen mixed Yuan Zong Daojun were also ugly.

Emperor Xi and Ye Tiancheng were very famous at the time and were invincible in the same order. However, they were beheaded and killed by the deserted army one after another.

Now, this monk in blue shirt, in the presence of many monks, opened the scar fiercely. How could the Junyuan Zongzhu not be angry?

Su Zimo said faintly: "You better not mess with me. Today I came here for the ancient temple of Taichu, and I don't want to have branches outside the festival."

This is indeed what Su Zimo thought.

Taichu ancient temple, everything is unknown.

He didn't want to fight with others when he didn't enter the ancient temple and saw nothing.

Of course, this sentence is his last warning!

However, this warning completely caused the anger of Muyun Daojun and others.

"What kind of thing do you dare to threaten me!"

Muyun Daojun yelled, clawed his palms in the storage bag, sacrificed a flying sword, and stabbed towards Su Zimo.

Feijian turned into a streamer, emitting a bright and dazzling light, extremely fast, and soon.

Su Zimo stood still, without moving, not even sacrificing the magic weapon or dodging, but his eyes were as bright as a torch, and he suddenly opened his mouth and said four words.

"I'm a barbaric!"

These four words, like a thunder, exploded in the crowd!

Immediately after that, when Fei Jian was about to pierce Su Zimo's eyebrow, he stretched out his white palm, and directly caught the Fei Jian in his palm!

The sword of this flying sword has six patterns on it, which are innate Taojun magic instruments.

Sharp edge, cut iron like mud!

Not to mention the flesh and blood, even if it is a superb Taoist weapon, it can be cut off with one sword!

However, under the gaze of countless eyes, this innate Taojun weapon was caught in the palm of Su Zimo's palm, unable to move!

The most frightening thing is that there is no trace of blood in Su Zimo's palm!

In other words, this innate Taojun magic instrument has not even punctured Su Zimo's skin!

Use flesh and blood to greet the innate Taojun weapon, but it is safe!

how can that be!

Qun Xiu uproar!

What shocked many monks was the same four words-I'm a deserter!

Nothing is more deterrent than these four words!

On the continent, the road number is endless, but there is only one person who dares to use the road number ‘barren’!

Desolate King Arrives in Nakasu!

Muyun Daojun was also on the spot.

He figured everything out, and even imagined how Su Zimo should deal with it. He even prepared many backhands.

But that's not the case.

I am a wild martial art. These four words shocked his mind, causing an instant loss of mind.

"Not only do I dare threaten you, I dare to kill you!"

Su Zimo took advantage of the moment when Muyun Daojun was lost, and suddenly shot, throwing the flying sword in his backhand, and pierced Muyun Daojun's head at a faster speed!

After all, Muyun Daojun is the eleventh arrogant in the phase list of the law. Between the electric light and the flint, he reacted and quickly gathered the gods.

This flying sword is his instinct.

Rao is so, Su Zimo's sword-throwing power is almost beyond his control!

Feijian just shifted slightly, and passed across Muyun Daojun's cheek, and an extra **** wound appeared instantly!

If he was slow to react, the flying sword would be enough to pierce his head!

It was only for a moment that Muyun Daojun scared a cold sweat.


An imaginary shadow rose from the body of Muyun Daojun and quickly climbed.

Heaven and Earth!

Knowing Su Zimo's identity, Mu Yundao Jun dare to take care and prepare to sacrifice the heavens and earth and the first phase to protect himself.

However, at the same time that Su Zimo threw out the flying sword, his fingertips also burst into a dazzling sword atmosphere.

White and blank!

It ’s amazing!

God kill sword trick!


This sword gas directly fell into Muyun Daojun's eyebrows and pierced his head into a blood hole. Yuan Shen died on the spot, and the dead ca n’t die anymore!

His heaven and earth law, before he could really condense, was killed by the heavenly sword Jianqi!

The monster under him swallowed the golden rat, and was also stabbed by the sword, and chopped in half.

Muyun Daojun's eyes gradually faded.

Still a step slower.

If the heaven and earth were to be sacrificed, with his combat power, he would not lose so quickly.

It's a pity that masters fight for a moment.

Muyun heard the words ‘I ’m a barbaric’. With a moment of distraction, he could n’t live!

(End of this chapter)

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