Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1259: Four Diamond

Chapter 1259: The Four King Kong

"Ha ha ha ha, a mighty martial arts king, turned out to be a timid man!"

Elder Lei Lie saw that he could not catch up, so he deliberately laughed, trying to anger Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's expression remained unchanged, but he just looked at Elder Lei Lie behind him, without interest in refutation.

The Taichu Ancient Temple is about to open, and he has no intention of going out yet to play against the body.

What's more, he obviously felt that more than one fit power had gathered together towards him!

There is more than one mixed Yuan Zong who stares at him!

Like the Wind Thunder Hall and Jianzong, they all want to kill him and capture the secrets of Gongfa on him!

Zhongzhou is no better than North China.

Su Zimo is in the Northern Territory, and all parties are still afraid of the late ancestor buried under Dragon Valley, but here is Zhongzhou!

The Mahayana ancestor is not omniscient, omnipotent, the burial Longgu has entered the twilight, the energy is limited, it is impossible to know in advance what crisis Su Zimo will face.

Even if you know it, it is beyond reach.

Therefore, Elder Lei Lie dared to do something with Su Zimo!

"Desolate Wu, how proud you are to create martial arts, Bu Wu Cang was born, and now you are embarrassing, and you are not afraid of shame!"

Elder Raylie still reluctant to give up, yelling in the back.

Many monks rolled their eyes.

As a fit power, regardless of status, chasing and killing a prince of law, but he still wants to make people stop, so sorry to say that others are ashamed?

In their eyes, Elder Lei Lie seemed to be an idiot who was desperate and lost his mind, but there was still a little bit of power.


At this moment, there was a vibration in the direction of the Taichu Ancient Temple.

The mana barrier that originally enveloped the ancient temple is gradually disappearing, attracting countless monks.

Even Elder Raylie paused and looked back.

Taichu Ancient Temple has opened!

The ancient temple opened, and no one was willing to fall behind.

If you can enter the ancient temple first, it will probably occupy the first opportunity!

Elder Lei Lie is unwilling, but he can only give up chasing Su Zimo temporarily. The most important thing now is to enter the Taichu ancient temple first!

Resentful in his heart, he glanced back, but found that Su Zimo's figure had already taken a step earlier, turning it into a golden light, galloping towards the ancient temple of Taichu!

"Thunder friends, let's go."

Just then, Jianzong came to Lei Lie.

Only then did he sneak in, trying to intercept the barbarians.

It is a pity that the wild army seemed to feel the danger in advance, and he could avoid his ambush one step at a time.

Jianzong said: "Into the ancient temple, the chance of killing this child is even greater!"


Elder Raylie nodded.

The two looked at each other, and left at the same time, heading towards the ancient temple of Taichu.

At this time, in this jade ridge, the Taichu ancient temple looks like a behemoth with a large mouth and blood, and monks from all directions are swarming towards it!

At first, there were only more than 2,000 monks who appeared near the Taichu ancient temple.

But after the Taichu Ancient Temple was opened, many monks hidden in the surrounding area also appeared and rushed towards the ancient temple, trying to get some chance!

It's just an ancient temple in the early Taichung period, which attracted more than 5,000 French princes!

The prosperity of Zhongzhou's Xiuzhen civilization is evident.

There are four entrances to the ancient temple, which correspond to four major directions.

Su Zimo entered from the North Gate. When he came to this ancient temple, he could feel the magnificent atmosphere of this ancient temple!

The wall of the ancient temple was actually constructed from a whole huge stone without any gaps in the splicing.

Su Zimo condensed with vigilance, and as the crowd broke into the Taichu ancient temple.

Entering the ancient temple, his eyes suddenly opened up.

In the ancient temple, it is almost like a small world, with its own space inside and extremely wide.

Under the four walls in the ancient temple, there is a row of blue lights. There seems to be no light inside, and they are all extinguished.

On the four walls, there are many portraits, which seem to be some legends about the Buddhist gate.

Of course, on the four walls, the most conspicuous are the four angry King Kongs portrayed in the middle. They are huge, as tall as nine feet tall, standing in the sky, with their eyes open, their eyes protruding, their looks are awesome!

According to the legend, the Buddhist monk has four guardian princes, also known as the four monarchs of the Buddhist monk, who are the King of the Kingdom, the King of Growth, the King of Wide Eyes, and the King of Heaven!

The portraits on the four walls are obviously derived from the legend of Buddha Gate!

The four King Kongs stared angrily. Although this is a portrait, it exudes endless majesty. Qun Xiu looked at each other with a tremor, and bowed his head subconsciously.

Do n’t say it ’s the prince of the law, even a lot of fit powers, under the anger of the four King Kong, their momentum is weak!

Su Zimo's feeling is even stranger.

From the moment he stepped into this ancient temple, his spiritual consciousness was constantly on the alert!

But in ancient temples, such warnings have little meaning.

Because Su Zimo couldn't tell where the danger came from.

It may be derived from the Taichu ancient temple.

May also be from other monks!

The most weird thing is that when you step into the ancient temple, Su Zimo's heart has a feeling of being peered into.

However, he couldn't distinguish among the chaotic crowd, where this sense of peep came from.

In other words, it seems to come from all directions!

"This ancient temple really is a bit evil!"

Su Zimo frowned tightly.

Many monks have long dispersed.

Some rushed towards the ancient temple, looking for other hidden routes and spaces.

Others came under the wall and looked at the many Buddha statues on the wall, trying to find out what secrets there were.

Some came to a stone pillar embraced by ten people, and the surrounding stone pillar turned.

Some monks even ran to the green lantern, looked up carefully, and wanted to tell if it was a powerful treasure!

Su Zimo stood still, motionless.



Above the entrance on all sides of the Taichu Ancient Temple, a large stone gate suddenly came down, sealing the entrance deadly, and the entire hall was instantly darkened!

On average, he is a prince of law, although in the dark, he can still see the surroundings, but this sudden change has caused a lot of restlessness!

"what happened!"

"what happened?"

"Which one is careless and what mechanism is touched?"

Mess in the hall.


At this moment, the blue lights under the surrounding walls suddenly lit up, burning flames, flickering with flickering lights!

Under the dim light, the four King Kongs seemed extremely embarrassed, as if suddenly coming alive!

Many monks were startled.

There was an exclamation from the crowd!

Even with Su Zimo's heart, his face changed dramatically. He took a breath and felt a horror!

(End of this chapter)

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