Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1269: Born by heart

Chapter 1269: Born Together

The sound of fighting and fighting around has gradually faded.

Today, less than 200 monks can still stand in the hall!

Even though the remaining mana has run out of mana, they are still fighting for treasure, their eyes are flushed, and they are fighting like blood.

From beginning to end, the man in the robe almost didn't take any shots!

All he had to do was release some specious news, lead these monks to the Taichu ancient temple, release magic, and bury all the five thousand monks here!

Man in robe, just the state of law!

I have heard the old monk Yuan Bei mentioned some legends about the blood demon prince, but Su Zimo really felt the horror when he faced this former strong man!

Not only in strength, but also in nature, mind, strategy, and aura.

There is also a kind of pressure that is unclear and unknown!

When Su Zimo realized that the man in the robe in front of him was the Blood Demon Daojun, the whole thing had an explanation.

Of course, there are some places that he still can't figure out.

"What's going on in this ancient temple? Although there are no treasures in it, this ancient temple is real. How can you continuously transfer such a huge ancient temple?"

Su Zimo asked.

According to rumors from the outside, the first advent of the Taichu Ancient Temple was in the southern part of Tianhuang.

Then, every once in a while, this ancient temple will come to a place, attracting many monks to go in for treasure hunting.

This ancient temple is magnificent and old, dozens of times larger than the Great King Zhou City!

It is difficult for Su Zimo to imagine how a man in a robe would move and carry such a behemoth constantly and take it with him.

"You're so smart, you might as well guess."

The man in the robe also seemed to appreciate Su Zimo quite a bit. He didn't immediately answer it, so he asked with all his heart.

Su Zimo groaned a little, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he blurted: "This ancient temple is your magic weapon!"

Only this possibility can explain the doubts.

Only this possibility can explain why the man in the robe can control the four stone gates at the entrance of the ancient temple, trapping everyone here!


The man in the robe nodded and laughed mockingly, and said, "This is my natal instrument. These people ran into my natal instrument. How could it be my opponent."

A moving ancient ruin is a little weird in itself.

But no one ever thought that this so-called ancient ruins turned out to be a monk's innate weapon!

Su Zimo asked again, "When was your illusion released?"

After a pause, Su Zimo showed the color of memories, and said, "It was the moment when the row of blue lights under the wall came on after the stone gate fell, right?"

At that time, Su Zimo was very impressed.

The stone gate suddenly fell, and everyone in the hall became a little panicked.

At this time, the blue lights were lit, and the lights were suddenly on and off. The four guardians of the law on the wall seemed to have come alive.

Many monks were frightened.

At that moment, the minds of all monks fluctuated, revealing flaws!


The man in the robe did not conceal, and nodded.

Subsequently, the man in the robe smiled slightly and said, "These monks are deeply trapped in the illusion, and it is difficult to extricate themselves. My illusion is just an inducement."

"The real root is in the heart of each of you!"

The man in the robes stretched out his long, white fingers and pointed at Su Zimo's chest.

Su Zimo frowned slightly, thinking for a moment, seeming to realize, said: "The heart is born from the heart."


The man in the robes nodded and said, "The treasures you see are the result of your own inner desires."

This also explains why all monks can find the treasures they want in this ancient temple.

Because these so-called 'treasures' are just the 'phases' born in the heart of every monk.

This is exactly the terrible aspect of this illusion!

There is only one way to break this illusion and break free.

It is to temporarily suppress the obsession of the heart, to have no desire in the heart, no phase in nature, and you can escape from the illusion.

Su Zimo also realized that she was wrong, and forbearing the perseverance in her heart, she threw out two beads, so as to get real relief!

The process is seemingly simple, but it is really thrilling!

If he could not get rid of his inner obsession, Su Zimo would be immersed in his own hallucinations and fight like these monks in the hall.

What if he was so powerful that he killed everyone?

His ending is still inevitable to be killed relentlessly by the man in the robe, and the death is unknown!

Su Zimo said: "It is rumored that the blood demon prince is extremely addictive and cold-blooded.


The man in the robe laughed, and in his eyes, he passed a touch of incomprehensible emotions, and said, "This is even a killer? You can cultivate to this state, and the human life in your hands is not counted!"

Su Zimo was silent.

The world of self-cultivation is extremely cruel. These so-called Tianjiao demons can reach the point where they are today. Which one did not climb on the numerous bones!

The man in Surobe said: "These people's desires smoke their hearts, there is no cure, the greater the greed in their hearts, the deeper they fall. It is a pity that such people die."

"What's more, I didn't kill much. They were killing each other."

The man in the robe looked mocked and smiled lightly.

Becoming a blood demon prince and creating exercises such as "The Blood Scripture" will naturally have his own ideas and it is difficult for others to change.

"Also, this is not a dead end."

The man in Supao said, "In this game, I have kept two places alive."

"If these monks did not act greedy, they would not have come to this ancient temple, and they would not have experienced this calamity. This is a vitality!"

"Even if you enter the ancient temple, as long as some of these monks can lay down their minds and break free from the illusion, I will spare them and send them out of the ancient temple. This is the second vitality!"

"If you can let go of your mind, I will also give them a chance, or a magic trick, or a panacea, or a treasure of heaven and earth."

For more than 100 years, some monks who entered the ancient temple of Taichu survived.

These surviving monks left the Taichu Ancient Temple and got a lot of chances. It turned out to be this reason.

Su Zimo said faintly: "The reason why you let these monks go and give them chances, the more important reason is that these monks can attract more people!"

If every monk who entered the Taichu ancient temple died inside, who would dare to come in and explore?

Only if the pixel robe man is like this, he intentionally releases some monks and gives these monks some chance to attract more monks!

"You are really smart."

The robe man smiled.

Su Zimo frowned, and suddenly said, "According to you, I have been freed from the illusion, and you will let me go?"

The smile in the eyes of the man in the robe was heavier, and he slowly shook his head and said, "You, no!"

(End of this chapter)

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