Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1273: Daming Monk

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1273

Su Zimo glanced around.

The Taichu Ancient Temple carried them and had already left Yuchanling.

From the storage bag, Su Zimo took out some spirits for restoring the primitive spirit and ate them, taking a short break.

Later, in the surrounding jungle, he grabbed a black fog hawk casually, as his own foot strength, headed for the bamboo forest where Yan Beichen lived in seclusion.

In this way, when he is on the road, he can rest and regain his strength.

Xuanwu Eagle walked through the clouds and mist, and it was very fast and flying very smoothly.

Sitting on the back of Xuanwu Eagle, Su Zimo recalled the strange and treacherous experience while adjusting his breath.

This trip to the early ancient temple was a disaster for most monks.

More than 5,000 monks entered, I am afraid that less than ten people came out alive!

But for Su Zimo, it was a turn of the peaks and turns, and he got a chance that was unimaginable!

Until now, he still couldn't understand why the Blood Demon Daojun suddenly changed his mind, let him go, and gave him the complete Ming Wang rosary!

Ming Wang rosary is of great significance to Su Zimo.

His combat power has also been significantly improved.

Because the two lost beads contain the two most powerful seals in the Daming Seal, the Diamond Seal and the Osuyama Seal!

According to the old monk Yuan Bei, these two French and Indian forces are the strongest and fierce without casting!

What's more, the combination of the six methods and India will lead to more powerful spells!

Su Zimo gently rubbed the Ming Wang rosary, and his heart moved, remembering the eyes of the man in the robe who saw the Ming rosary ...

It seems that the man in Suipao changed his attitude after seeing the Ming Dynasty rosary!

"What is the relationship between Blood Demon Daojun and Ming Wang Rosary?"

Su Zimo murmured, "It's almost the same that the Ming monk has a relationship with the Ming Dynasty rosary ..."


Su Zimo's voice stopped abruptly.

He widened his eyes and thought of a terrible and ridiculous possibility!

Is it true that the man in the robe who he saw was not the Daemon monk at all, but the monk?

This speculation is too appalling.

But Su Zimo regained his energy at this time, his thoughts gradually became clear, and thinking about the scenes in the hall, he had to think in this direction!

A man in a robe can practice four sacred Buddha statues and four guardian diamonds.

Moreover, his accomplishments in the Dharma are so terrible, perhaps just because this man in the robe is a great monk!

In fact, there are many traces of Buddhist monks on the body of the man in the robe.

Su Zimo preconceived first, and the first reason that the man in the robe was the blood demon prince, the most important reason was that the man in the robe knew the "Lianxue Demon".

But this does not prove that the man in the robe is the Blood Demon Daojun.

Because, Su Zimo also understands!

He had been trapped in the sarcophagus for a long time before he understood the Book of Blood Purification. The man in the robe had been trapped in the sarcophagus for 40,000 years. It was normal to learn the Book of Blood Purification.

More importantly, Su Zimo remembered one thing.

The man in Supao acknowledged that he had a relationship with Su Zimo.

Even, he has admitted that he is the skeleton who was resurrected in the underground magic palace more than 100 years ago!

But from beginning to end, the man in Supao did not admit it, he is the Blood Demon King!

The man in the robe once said: "The devil may become the Buddha, and the Buddha may become the devil. There is no difference between the two."

In retrospect, this sentence seemed to come from him!

Only this kind of explanation can make sense, why the Supao man suddenly changed his attitude when he heard the identity of Su Zimo Daming Temple.

He even took out his two beads and returned the complete Ming Wang rosary to Su Zimo!

Even if the monk is enchanted.

He has a kind of difficult feelings for Daming Temple!

For more than 100 years, the ancient Taichu temple has appeared many times on the continent, but it has never been to the Northern Territory. I am also afraid to avoid Daming Temple.

But the man in Supao didn't know that Daming Temple was long gone.

Moreover, with the monk's seniority, it is very likely to know the old monk of Yuanbei!

That may be the only acquaintance he knows.

"Is this true?"

Su Zimo looked confused and murmured.

Deep in his heart, even thinking of this possibility, he did not want to believe it.

Forty thousand years ago, the Ming disciple of Daming Temple, in order to suppress the blood demon monarch, and to save the lives, the Ming monk with compassionate heart, will become what it is today?

In fact, Su Zimo's mind already has the answer.

Because, he has also practiced the "Lingxue Demon".

To be precise, he has only practiced a few spells in the Book of Alchemy.

Even so, he almost fell into the demon path, becoming a bloodthirsty killer!

Each time he urges the Book of Blood Alchemy, he will have a dependence on this exercise.

That bloodthirsty can get the feeling of endless power, it is really hard to extricate yourself!

Of course, deep down in Su Zimo's heart, he still believed that the man in the robe did not truly become the demon head like the Blood Demon Daojun.

At least, there is a kind of nostalgia and nostalgia for the Daming Temple in the hearts of the men in Supao.

Otherwise, the man in the robe will not return him the complete Ming Wang rosary, nor will he let him leave.

Perhaps in the mind of the man in Supao, he was no longer worthy of carrying the artifact of Daming Temple, so he gave it to Su Zimo.

Of course, all this is just Su Zimo's speculation.

Inside, there are still some doubts that are difficult to explain.

For example, if the man in Surobe was a monk, why was he locked in that sarcophagus?

Who carved the "Lingering Sutra" in the sarcophagus?

All of this, is it the blood demon prince?

What's the purpose of Gore Demon King doing this?

There is also the most important question, is the Blood Demon Daojun still alive!

Su Zimo's mind couldn't help thinking of the blood-stained face that emerged from the sea of ​​blood for thousands of years in the Valley of Wan Yao Yao.

Of course, there is something unexplainable about the whole thing.

If the man in Suopao is a monk, it has passed 40,000 years!

Daming monk trapped in a sarcophagus, how could he live for 40,000 years without dying?

Even if there is a rosary of the Ming king in the sarcophagus, it is polished by the soul-cultivating wood, which can conceive the gods, but it is not possible to extend the monk's life.

There must be something else in it, which Su Zimo did not consider.

After thinking so much, straighten out these speculations, and unknowingly, it has been day and night.

With the best elixir, Qinglian's true body has recovered to seven or eight.

"Go ahead."

Su Zimo stood up, tapped the Xuanwu Eagle under his toes, gave him a few bottles of magic, and gave him a magic weapon.

Xuanwu Eagle was rewarded, and he couldn't help but hang out, and the anger in his heart was swept away.

With a smile, Su Zimo smiled, Xuanwu Eagle couldn't match his speed!

His body turned into a blaze of golden light, and he flew away.

Su Zimo should return to the bamboo forest as soon as possible, and return Jiuzhuanhundan to Yan Beichen.

(End of this chapter)

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