Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1281: Love is long

Chapter 1281: Deep Love

Xian Jian turned and shot, it was extremely sudden.

What's more, there is a natural opportunity to appear.

He thought that Su Zimo was caught off guard, and he would be frightened. Under the tremor of his heart, he would be wiped out by the two mysteries in an instant. It is very likely!

Unfortunately, Xian Jian was disappointed.

When he turned around, Su Zimo's face didn't have a little confusion.

When he condensed the metamysticism, Su Zimo's consciousness was condensing, and it seemed to have been prepared for a long time!


In Su Zimo's eyebrow, a long whip of thunder and lightning suddenly pulled out, exuding a devastating atmosphere, and drew towards the oncoming sword!

Just a meta mystery is not enough!


Void trembles!

Su Zimo's brows burst into a dazzling group of golden light.

A huge ‘*’ character came down, as if it had a multitude of people, sacred and immaculate, and smashed towards the sword of the Yuan Shen of the fairy sword!

Two meta-mystic outbreaks at the same time!

The magic sword changed color!

If Su Zimo had only one metamystic, it would be nothing.

After all, Su Zimo is just a state of law. Even if this elementary mysticism was inherited from Lei Huang, he would not be hurt.

But now, Su Zimo has exploded two meta-mysteries, all of which rushed towards him, and he ignored the meta-mystics of heaven at all!

"Really crazy!"

Xian Jian cursed.

The three mysteries collide together instantly!

Quiet, but the void is trembling, twisting, or even collapsing!

The terror of consciousness erupted, and the surrounding bamboo forest turned into powder in silence.


The immortal sword screamed, and in the sea, a tingling came from Yuanshen!

This time, his Yuan Shen was injured!

"Desolation, you hurt my Yuan Shen, you will die too!"

The fairy sword looked sullen and roared.

In his view, Su Zimo's two meta-mystic techniques have been released, and there is no way to resist the natural meta-mystic techniques.


At the moment when the Yuanshen sharp arrow erupted from the heavenly machine, Su Zimo's left wrist lit up a sacred golden light.

This golden light spread quickly, forming a mass of golden light mask beside Su Zimo.

Above the mask, there are carved mysterious ancient Buddhist characters.

On Su Zimo's left wrist, there were even bursts of Buddhism sounds, which were extremely large and deafening!


Tianji's face always had a faint smile on his face, and his expression remained unchanged.

But when he saw the golden mask condense, he frowned.

He thought he could do everything.

Before he shot, he had expected Su Zimo's reaction. He expected that Su Zimo would use the Ming Dynasty rosary to resist his metamystic.

He had even anticipated in advance that the incomplete Ming Wang rosary could not stop his meta mystery!

But he miscalculated.

He suddenly found out that Su Zimo's rosary on the left wrist was complete!


A sharp arrow hit the golden mask, and a loud noise came out!

The golden mask trembled fiercely, and a crack appeared on it instantly!


Immediately after, the golden mask shattered.

The piercing arrow of the Yuanshen had also dissipated in the fierce collision.

Tianji closed his smile, squinted slightly, and took a deep glance at Su Zimo, grabbed the fairy sword next to him, the whole person turned into a streamer, and galloped away.

Tianji did not choose to continue to fight with Su Zimo, but took away the sword directly!

His puppet technique is much faster than the sword puppet technique of the fairy sword!

Su Zimo frowned, looking at the two figures away, and did not leave to chase.

The Confucian who appeared later had a mysterious history, powerful fighting force, and amazing ascension.

At his speed, I'm afraid he won't be able to catch up, even if he chases.

Moreover, Yan Beichen was seriously injured and was still in the bamboo forest behind him.

If he chases too long, Su Zimo cannot rest assured that Yan Beichen.

Su Zimo is very clear. People like Yan Beichen seem indifferent and cold-blooded, but if they are emotional, they must be deeply emotional.

After this change, Yan Beichen was hit too hard.

Although unwilling, Su Zimo decided to turn around and go to see Yan Beichen.

Soon, Su Zimo had returned to the bamboo forest.

Yan Beichen was kneeling next to Qin Pianran's body, her head bowed, motionless, with a calm look, her eyes empty.

If you change to someone else, I'm afraid the hysterical yelling is already out of my mind.

But from beginning to end, Yan Beichen didn't say a word or shout.

He just silently looked at Qin Pianran.

Su Zimo was by his side and couldn't bear to bother.

But looking at the silent Yan Beichen, he was really worried.

Yan Beichen shouted and cried, maybe better.

The more Yan Beichen became so silent, the more worried Su Zimo was!

"Brother Yan, why don't you talk?"

Su Zimo could not help but persuade.

"I'm fine."

After a long time, Yan Beichen slowly spoke three words, his voice was hoarse and low.

Su Zimo looked slightly slower.


Yan Beichen opened her mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

This mouth spit out, and the breath of life in Yan Beichen's body had obviously passed away a lot!

His black hair quickly turned gray at the speed visible to the naked eye!

Hui is bound to hurt, and loves forever.

If Yan Beichen always does this, his birthday will be severely damaged!

A lot of scarlet blood splattered on Qin Pianran's white cheek.

Yan Beichen shredded his shirt, gently, carefully, and wiped the blood on Qin Pianran's cheek little by little.

The gentleness in Yan Beichen's eyes caused Su Zimo's heart to burst for a while.

Su Zimo sighed in his heart.

In this way, Yan Beichen knelt in front of Qin Pianran, kneeling for a whole day and night.

He didn't leave.

In other words, his eyes always fell on Qin Pianran, without leaving for a moment.

Su Zimo was worried and always guarded.

In the early morning, the rising sun rises.

Su Zimo couldn't bear it anymore. He stepped forward and took out the spiritual medicine jade bottle he had grabbed in the Taichu Ancient Temple from the storage bag.

In this jade bottle, there were originally two tablets of Jiuzhuan.

Just before he set off to chase down the immortal sword, Su Zimo had already taken one.

In fact, when he set out to chase down the immortal sword, he already felt a murderous effect.

This is a sense of alertness, not an illusion.

At that time, Su Zimo's Yuan Shen had become extremely weak after releasing three heaven and earth laws and hundreds of heavenly killing sword qi.

Therefore, he took a ninth turn to return the soul dan, before catching up, and even released the two subsequent mysteries!

At present, there is still one Nine Turns Back Soul Dan in the jade bottle.

Yan Beichen's Yuan Shen was already wounded.

In this battle, he was severely hit by the fairy sword, and suffered such a blow. If he still refuses to accept this nine-return, he is afraid of the wound of Yuan Shen.

"Brother Yan, please take this elixir first."

Su Zimo handed the nine rounds back to the soul and passed it, saying softly.

Yan Beichen took it without expression.

Su Zimo was slightly safe.

As long as Yan Beichen took nine turns to return the soul Dan, at least he could save his life.

The idea did not fall, I saw Yan Beichen rubbing her fingers!

This ninth reversion soul pill turned into powder instantly and spilled into the dirt!

(End of this chapter)

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