Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1283: Birth of Shura

Chapter 1283: Shura Was Born

Li hate sword was a weapon of the ancient Li hate emperor.

In this ancient magic sword, there is a huge and terrifying power, and Lijun Daojun has not been completely released.

Now, this power can be seen again!

This kind of power brings more changes to Yan Beichen than just blood and flesh.

The endless magical energy poured into Yan Beichen's sea of ​​knowledge and surrounded him.

The scars on his Primordial Healing are also healing quickly!

Feeling the change in Yan Beichen, Su Zimo's heart was mixed.

Fortunately, Li hate the magic sword to recognize the Lord, at least Yan Beichen's life is worry-free, Yuan Shen's injury can be considered resolved.

The worry is that, following the inheritance of the Lige Demon Emperor, what Yan Beichen will look like in the future is not clear to anyone.

About an hour later.

Yan Beichen's Yuan Shen has recovered!

This speed is faster than taking Jiu Zhuan Hui Dan Dan!

After all, the power hidden in the sword of hatred comes from the ancient demon emperor!

Yuan Shen healed, under the support of this huge force, the breath in Yan Beichen's body quickly climbed!

Less than half an hour, a bang.

Yan Beichen was shocked, and Xiu has climbed a level for the realm!

He stepped into the realm of law 20 years ago, and then Yuan Shen was injured and restored to the realm, always staying at the beginning of the realm of law.

In less than half an hour, he is already in the middle of the state of law!

And this breakthrough trend has not stopped!

After an hour.

Yan Beichen broke through again!

Late phase of the French phase!

You know, when Lijun Daojun obtained this ancient magic sword, he only inherited the Li Hen Jing, but he failed to inherit the power in this magic sword.

Because Li hate Daojun did not really get the recognition of Li hate the sword.

But Yan Beichen is different.

Yan Beichen has completely inherited the sword of Lige!

He is the master of the revenge of the Hate Sword!

When night falls.

Yan Beichen broke through again!

The state of law is complete!

It took only one day from the beginning of the French phase to its completeness.

This speed has never been reached by anyone since ancient times.

This opportunity is definitely called Zhen Gu Shuo Jin!

But Su Zimo sighed softly, without envy in his eyes, but showed deep sympathy.

To others, such an opportunity may not be desirable.

But he knew that if Yan Beichen was allowed to choose, he would rather heal the wounds of the Yuanshen and never heal this opportunity.

Because it was the death of the closest relative, that inspired the hatred in his heart, and attracted the confessor who hated the sword of hatred.

Yan Beichen's wounds were healed.

But the scar in his heart would never heal.

After entering the state of law, Yan Beichen's breath gradually calmed down.

After all, there is a qualitative change in strength between the realm of self-cultivation, and there are unimaginable nature barriers.

The power of Li hate the sword can make Yan Beichen break through to the state of law within a day, which is already the limit.

In an instant, the night passed.

Yan Beichen sat still there, holding the sword of Lige in both hands, her eyes were dark, her eyes were not white, her gray hair was flicking gently.

One day and one night, Su Zimo always stood next to him without leaving half a step.

He didn't even cultivate his own spirits, but just ate a few tablets of Lingdan, and then he stood by Yan Beichen, for fear that there would be any problems with Yan Beichen.

The rising sun rises.

A warm glow fell on Yan Beichen's cheek.


When Yan Beichen's expression moved, the black in the pair of magic pupils gradually faded, revealing his eyes, and returned to normal.

"Brother Yan?"

Su Zimo tried to call.

"I'm fine."

Yan Beichen spoke slowly, looking calm.

Su Zimo breathed a sigh of relief.

He was also a little worried about whether Yan Beichen would be completely changed as he inherited the inheritance of Li Hengdao, similar to the possibility of being taken away.

Now it seems that at least Yan Beichen still remembers him.

Of course, Su Zimo also felt vaguely that Yan Beichen was indeed a little different from before.

At least, Yan Beichen's body didn't have the kind of deadly spirit just found.

"That's right."

Yan Beichen said suddenly, "I want to live peacefully with Pianran. This is impossible at all. I am Shura. With endless blood in my hands, I can never leave the realm of cultivation."

Su Zimo was silent.

Li Hendao said something before his death, and did not want to become slang.

"Today, I can find you from Li Heng, and tomorrow, there will be other people coming! You Shura never want to withdraw from the cultivation world, don't think about peace!"

Li hate Daojun into a phrase.

Sword indeed found it!

"I am so naive."

Yan Beichen looked mocking and smiled, and said, "I thought that I could really escape the world, stay away from strife, and stay away from strife."

"People die, all blame me."

"I am Shura, who has tried to kill the evidence. Since I chose this path, there is no way back! I killed Pranan!"

"I shouldn't be passionate about her!"

These words, speaking from Yan Beichen's mouth, were very calm.

But Su Zimo knows that every word of these words is like a sharp thorn, which is constantly piercing Yan Beichen's chest!

Yan Beichen, holding Qin Pianran's cold body, slowly got up, and came into the crack that had split from the birth of the Hate Sword.

"Ranran, you can rest assured. I will not let anyone who hurt you this time! I will make them pay ten times, hundred times!"

"I want to make Jianzong blood flow!"

Yan Beichen's tone revealed the endless meaning of killing. The coldness and gloom was chilling!

Su Zimo knew.

Shura is back!

To be precise, the real Shura has just arrived in this world!

Today's Shura is several times stronger than the former disciple Yan Beichen!

Yan Beichen's body no longer had any weaknesses.

He has no concerns and will not be emotional again.

Even more frightening is that Yan Beichen inherited the legacy of Li Heng Mo Huang!

Shura Road, Li hate Road!

What kind of realm Xiuluo who will practice the Lijing Su and take charge of Lili Modao, I am afraid that no one knows, and Su Zimo cannot imagine.

Perhaps, he is even more terrible than the ancient Lichen Demon Emperor!

Yan Beichen took a deep look at Qin Pianran, and his eyes showed endless resentment and attachment, before he relented and loosened his hands.

Qin Pianran's body fell into the dark and deep crack abyss, and gradually disappeared.

"From today on, there is only Shura in the world, no Yan Beichen!"

Yan Beichen said, waving his sleeves lightly.


The crack on the ground healed slowly under his powerful mana. In a blink of an eye, the crack had recovered as before!

It seems that Yan Beichen has accompanied Qin Pianran, buried under this abyss.

"Zimo, I'm gone."

Shura jumped up.

"Brother Yan, where are you going?"

Su Zimo asked in a hurry.

He was afraid that Yan Beichen would be confused for a moment, and his blood would surge, killing Jianzong.

Shura's inheritance from the Demon Emperor is not false, but after all, he is just a state of law. When he kills Jianzong, he will only be relentlessly suppressed by many strong Jianzong!

"Don't worry, I won't be impulsive."

Shura said without looking back, the figure disappeared quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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