Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1290: Taboo

Chapter 1290: Taboo Clan

"Nothing can go wrong?"

A Tianyan tribe looked cold and frowned.

"It's impossible."

The cold spirit shook his hands and proudly said, "This **** lock is a gift from my elder tribe. Even if the magic weapon is dropped, it will be intact!"

The weapons used by Mahayana ancestors can be called magic weapons when they are integrated into the power of magical powers.

Tianji also nodded: "You can rest assured that this taboo is born, not only your Nine Ancients, but our people can not let it live."

"A taboo is an enemy of all races, and whoever dares to protect it will have to be buried with him."

In these words, although Tianji said with a smile, there was a trace of cold murderous power!


Ye Feng.

Su Zimo has returned to this place since the old monk sat down, but recently he always feels a little uneasy, as if something big is going to happen.

This is a whim, no coincidence!

But he didn't have any clue.

On this day, Su Zimo was sitting in the Dongfu meditation. Suddenly his heart moved, waving his sleeves, and the door of the Dongfu opened slowly. A messenger crane flew in.

Detective Su Zimo took it.

"Xiao Ning?"

The Ling He carried a familiar breath, which was from the hand of Su Xiaoning.

"Brother, I miss you. How are you recently? The battle for the French Prime Ministers is about to begin. Will you participate? We will be able to meet by then."

Seeing this, Su Zimo smiled slightly and continued to read.

"Did you see the Overnight Spirit in these years? More than 90 years ago, the Night Spirit suddenly left me without knowing where it was, and never returned."

"When he walked that day, he looked different and didn't seem to be right. If he's on your side, you can get back a message and let me know."

Seeing this, Su Zimo was lost in thought.

Yeling is gone!

Normally, with Yeling's combat power, it would be okay to disappear for a hundred years. I am afraid that no one on the continent can hurt him.

Even if he can't beat him, he can escape.

What happens to Yeling?

Is the origin of the night spirit exposed?

Immediately, Su Zimo shook his head again.

Ye Ling was so cautious that he only revealed the body once in front of him, how could it be easily exposed.

Just then, a Linghe flew again outside the gate of the cave.

Su Zimo took it and glanced at it.

This Linghe came from Lin Xuanji.

"Legal battles, don't go, don't go!"

There is not much information on this crane, only a few words, with a clear warning meaning.

Moreover, it seems to be written in a hurry.

"Did the major supersects speculate that Master has passed away and are preparing to fight me to fight against the French leaderboard?"

Su Zimo quickly thought of this possibility.

Over the years, Liuli Palace, Fenglei Hall, Jianzong and other super-jongmen have tolerated him because they are afraid of killing the old monks.

Now, the old monks of sorrow are sitting, and it is also common sense that these super-sects are eager to move.

Su Zimo sneered.

In this case, he will not go to this battle of the law.

Let Lin Xuanji remind him so, that the fierce danger in the battle of the French phase list must be hard to imagine!

While he was thinking, a figure came out of the door, and it was Nianqi.

"My son, there is news of the law phase list."

Nian Qi came to Su Zimo and said, "I heard that the battle between the French and French leaders is still in Zhongzhou, but I heard that this time is a little different from before."

"In addition to some specific rewards, the seventy-two monks on the French list also have the opportunity to drink taboo blood."

"What taboo blood?"

Su Zimo didn't think much, and asked casually.

Nianqi shook her head and said, "I don't know, it seems that Xuanji Palace and some super-sects have joined forces to catch the Archaic era, a terrible taboo creature!"

"It is said that every drop of blood in this taboo contains tremendously unimaginable power!"

Su Zimo's look changed!


At the same time, the Valley of Dragon Skeletons.

The retreating dragon real body was awakened by a rapid percussion.

Su Zimo is already the young master of the Dragon clan, and has five veins of common respect. Unless the matter is extremely important, the Dragon clan will never come to disturb him.

Su Zimo did not hesitate, and got up and left the dragon's lair.

"Master, elders, please go to the hall to discuss matters."

A candle dragon looked respectfully and bowed.

Su Zimo nodded, and walked to the main hall in the central area.

In these years of retreat, the Dragons have really got the help of three talented supernatural powers. The practice speed is extremely fast.

Of course, if you want to achieve a complete success from the French state, you need not only an opportunity, but also a long period of precipitation.

Su Zimo came to the meeting hall and looked up.

There are more than a dozen elders sitting in the hall, not only the elders of the candle dragon, but also the other four elders have arrived!

"Such a big battle?"

Su Zimo secretly whispered, "What's the matter, startle so many elders."

"Long Mo, sit down."

Elder Candle Dragon waved his hand to signal that Su Zimo could sit and talk.

As a dragon master, he stood side by side with the elders present, even above some ordinary dragon elders!

"I'm here to tell you something."

The Elder of the Candle Dragon tribe said: "One taboo in the ancient times is still alive with blood, and has been captured by the six fierce tribe!

Hearing here, Su Zimo felt a shock.

In his mind, the night spirit came to mind!

But Su Zimo remained calm, took a deep breath, and asked, "What taboos, please explain to the elder."

The elders of the Candle Dragon tribe recalled slowly and said slowly: "In the ancient times, there were many races, and the ranks were severe, far more cruel than now!"

"Our nine fierce tribes have dominated the sky in the ancient times."

"But there is another kind of creature above us, which is the taboo!"

as expected!

Ye Ling's bloodline is indeed stronger and more terrifying than Taikoo Nine!

It's no wonder that when they first entered the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, Yeling dared to eat the dragon eggs without hesitation!

The Elder of the Candle Dragon tribe continued, "The Taboo tribe is extremely special, with a very low chance of birth and scarce bloodlines. Only one or two exist in each life."

"The currently known taboos are Dragon Phoenix!"

"In the body of Dragon Phoenix, there is not only the blood of the Dragon family, but also the blood of the God Phoenix. It is extremely powerful and towering. It is a veritable taboo in the ancient times!"

Having said that, the elder of the Candle Dragon tribe took a deep look at Su Zimo.

After a short pause, the Elder Candle Dragon tribe continued to say, "Forbidden tribe, and Kun Peng!"

"Among the nine Taikoo ancients, one of them is the Qiang tribe. Xunpeng is far more powerful than Xun. It can transform fish, but for thousands of miles, it can swallow the sea, it can transform birds, and bear the power of the overcast sun.

These things were the first time Su Zimo had heard of them.

Su Zimo did not interrupt and continued to listen.

Although Yeling is a taboo family, it is by no means Dragon Phoenix or Kun Peng.

The Elder of the Candle Dragon tribe slowly said, "A taboo tribe, there is another vein, called 犼!"

(End of this chapter)

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