Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1292: Killer

Chapter 1292: Murder

Zhongzhou, Tiandi Valley.

The name of heaven and earth means that this valley is special.

Once every millennium, the list of heaven and earth law will be held in this valley.

This valley is extremely wide, thousands of miles in radius.

At that time, the arrogance of the French philosophers from all parts of the Tianhuang continent will gather here to compete for the 72 positions on the French philanthropy list.

Being able to rank in the French rankings is not only honor, but also rich rewards.

Like the Vision List, the Faxiang List is also hosted by Xuanji Palace.

As the dispute over the French phase list approaches, the number of monks near the Valley of Heaven and Earth gradually increases and becomes more lively.

"I heard that the falling snow fairy in Piaoxue Valley has been passed down from the ancient times, condensing the body of the ice spirit. This time, it is expected to compete for the top ten in the French ranking."

"The Pang Yue in the Overlord Hall, the ten hall Yan Luo that has been lost for many years, is not weak!"

"I heard that the fairy of the Su Nu Zong had been passed down to ancient times in the preaching place and condensed the Xuan Nu Fa body. Now she can't be perfected, but the combat power is amazing!"

"I want to say that there is no suspense in the battle for the top of the French Prime Minister list. I heard that there are three heaven and earth French masters gathered in the deserted kingdom, all of which are at a height of nine feet.

"Indeed, it is estimated that no one can compare to the deserted king."

Even before the battle for the list of French ministers began, many monks had already discussed it.

"Yes, do you know what that ancient taboo is?"

"I don't know. It looks like a terrible creature in the ancient times, which is equivalent to the nine fierce creatures!"

"so smart!"

"I heard that it took a lot of effort to capture this taboo."

"Look, Monk Jianzong is here!"

A monk pointed at the distance and exclaimed.

"Jianzong came early this time."

As the time approached, the powers of the major gates, the super gates came out, and landed in the valley of heaven and earth.

This time, there are also a dozen monks in Wufeng, led by the old Xianhe to Zhongzhou.

Among the peaks, Nianqi is most likely to compete for a position in a French leaderboard.

"My son has already left, why hasn't he appeared yet?"

When Nianqi arrived at Tiandi Valley, she started looking around, but couldn't find Su Zimo.

"There must be something delayed, it doesn't matter."

The old fairy crane smiled.

It didn't take long for the monks from the four main gates to come together.

This time the battle of the French leaderboards, like some super sects, was led by the combination of power, leading the disciples.

The four big side doors are the same.

At the forefront is the power of four fits.

The most conspicuous is a middle-aged man in a red crested robe, Bai Yumen. Qi Yuxuanang, his eyes are bright, as if a flame is burning!

This realm of power is just the beginning of the fit, but the momentum has overwhelmed most of the fit powers present!

This person is the blaze of rebirth!

Shangguanzi of Qianhemen stood next to Jihuo and looked very close to Jihuo.

Behind her, is the disciple of Qianhemen, Qianhe Fairy.

It's the tenderness to go out from the peak!

In Danyang Gate, Xiao Ning and Ji Chengtian also arrived with Zongmen.

The fat man of the tomb sect was also in the crowd.

These people all ran to Ji Feng and talked with the old fairy crane.

"Nianqi, did my brother come?"

Xiao Ning asked softly.

Nian Qi said: "I don't know. The son has already left, but it should not have arrived yet."

Xiao Ning nodded, with a little anxiety between Meiyu, and asked, "Do you know what the ancient taboos are this time, has anyone seen them?"

"I don't know. The mystery of the mystery palace is so deep that no one has ever seen what this ancient taboo looks like."

Nian Qi shook her head.

Xiao Ning sighed in his mind, and the scene of the night when Ling Ling left emerged in his mind.

With the passage of time, the nine schools of Xianmen, the Seven Sects of Momen, and the Six Temples of Bumen have all counted!

There were also descendants of the five left lanes.

People from the three great families and the two islands still did not show up.

"What's wrong, what are you thinking?"

Seeing the extremely frowning thoughts of Shangguanzi, Shangguan Zi could not help asking softly.

"Not quite right."

Furious fire frowned on the super-jongmen such as Jianzong and Fengleidian, saying: "This time, the battle between these schools is a bit big."

Normally, in the dispute over the rankings of the French, the main protagonists are the main monks.

It is sufficient for each major gate force to send at most one or two combined powers.

But this time, Jianzong's combined power has exceeded thirty!

The same is true of Fengleidian, Liuli Palace, Tianyi Religion, and Yuanyuan Sect!

"It's weird indeed."

Shangguanzi nodded, her expression confused.

The scorching eyes glanced across Jianzong's camp, his eyes were like a torch, and he slowly said, "And have you noticed that among these gates, there are some powerful powers of integration, not like these gates! "

"What do you mean?"

Shangguanzi listened a little.

He said bluntly, "Some people inside don't look like humans!"

"Not human?"

Shangguanzi was startled, and the subconscious thought that a demon was in it.

But she turned to think about how capable the demon was, and she could hide her powerful eyesight on the occasion.

Not a demon, is it ...

"You mean the people of Taikoo Nine?"

Shangguanzi whispered.


The fire nodded, looking dignified.

"The nine ethnic groups have not set foot in the sky for so many years, and have appeared in the battle of the French leaderboard. What do they want to do?" Shangguanzi asked.

"It's not clear yet, let's watch it change."

Extreme Fire said.

The French phase list has not yet begun. It may seem calm on the surface, but Jiuhuo feels that the undercurrent of this calm water is surging and the killer is in danger.

Jihuo suddenly asked: "The French phase list is about to start, Zimo has not come yet?"

"I didn't see him."

Shangguanzi also shook her head.

the other side.

Heavenly machines, fairy swords, and other people gathered together to convey sound.

"How can I deal with Jun Wudao yet?"

Xianjiandao: "He may be aware of the danger and will not come."

"It's impossible."

Secret smiled slightly, confident tone.

After a short pause, Tianji said again, "Desolation didn't show up, just because he hadn't seen the beast yet. Hehe, Desolation was too careful."

"If he doesn't come out, I will force him to show up!"

Tianji said a word, and moved into the air.

"Everyone be quiet."

Tianji pressed with both hands, and the sound was not light or heavy, but it spread to every corner of the valley of heaven and earth, attracting countless eyes.

"The battle for the list of French ministers is about to begin. Before then, please rest easy."

Tianji said faintly: "In the ancient times, there were taboo creatures that were cruel and bloodless, bloodthirsty and killing, which caused resentment from all people, and people from all over the world! In this world, I heard this taboo blood awakened.

"Today, under the testimony of the monks in the world, kill this man and drink his blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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