Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1295: Suppression of the law list!

Chapter 1295: Suppression of Falun Gong!

The law of heaven and earth is the most powerful method of Daoxun.

The heavens, earth, and heavens of the Eighth and Eighth Phases are more ancient and ancient, and replaced by the previous vision list, it is definitely the top of the list of French prime ministers!

But now, this colorful glazed body has been cut apart by Su Zimo with a spell!

Not to mention the level of this spell, the mana that burst out this time is too horrible, even the heavens and the earth can not bear it!

Fengchen Daojun had no blood on his face, his body was backwards, and he almost fell from the air.

All his pride, under Su Zimo's fist, is gone!

"No, the deserted martial arts is not the middle of the state of law!"

As soon as Su Zimo's shot was taken, his cultivation was a realm, and he couldn't hide it.

"The state of law is complete!"

"This, this, the deserted Wu entered the state of France only a little over a hundred years ago, and has actually cultivated to the completion of the state of France!"

"It is indeed the first evil in eternity. This practice speed is too appalling!"

An exclamation came from the crowd.

Su Zimoxian Buddha and the three tempered primordial gods, the magical powers of the state of law are so vast that it is unimaginable and far beyond the state of law.

"Give me away!"

Su Zimo's gaze was like electricity, and he fell on the body of a dozen Faxiang Daojun, including Wulei Daojun, and said coldly.

In fact, these Faxiang Daojun have been deterred by Su Zimo's fist, and dare not act lightly.

But these people, after all, are the arrogant demon in the realm of the cultivation industry. Under the eyes of everyone, they are scolded in such a way that no one's face can be hung up.

"Desolate, you are too arrogant!"

Wu Lei Daojun snorted coldly and said, "Now, the super super gates are gathered together, and Tianjiao is gathered together. You are just a state of law. How powerful is it!"

"I'm strong, I can suppress you!"

Su Zimo's heart is Ye Ling, and he is unwilling to entangle with these Dao Dao Jun. Without saying a word, he shots directly, condensed the immortal seal, and detained toward Wu Lei Dao Jun!

"it is good!"

Wu Lei Dao Jun is also not afraid, and he yelled, "I want to see, when can you arrogantly arrogant!"


Wu Lei Daojun's body suddenly burst into a tall imaginary shadow, which instantly climbed to Hachijo, and there was no stopping trend!

In an instant, a heaven and earth encircling the wind and thunder descended into the air, a foot taller than just the colorful glazed body!


A thousand years ago, this wind and thunder law body was still eight feet high, and for a thousand years, Wulei Daojun has condensed heaven and earth to the height of eight feet nine!

"Desolated Wu, you kill me to mix the two evil spirits of Yuanzong, let's die!"

On the other side, a Junyuan ancestor Daojun stood out and also discovered Tiandi at the first release!


A phantom is rising!

In a blink of an eye, it has grown to the height of eight feet four!

One yuan!

"Desolation, I heard that you have more than one heaven and earth, and I want to see today!"

A prince of Taoism stood up and also released the heaven and earth.

Hachijo's heavenly body!

boom! boom! boom!

Magic magic body!

Zhang Liu Jinshen!

Jinghong sword body!

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen French princes Daojun appeared, forming a trend of encircling Su Zimo, one by one, heaven and earth, standing against the sky, magnificent, and terrifying!

"It's time to join forces against the desert!"

"These fighters are absolutely at the forefront of the phasor, and the battle for the phasor has evolved to look like this."

Looking at this scene, Xian Jian suddenly grinned.

"Elder Xianjian, what's wrong?"

The disciple behind Xian Jian, also a prince of law, Daojun asked quietly.

Xian Jian shook her head slightly, her mouth slightly tilted, and said sarcastically, "These philosophers are not rivals at all."

If anyone is present who knows Su Zimo's combat power best, Xianjian is definitely one of them!

Because, he was almost killed by Su Zimo in the bamboo forest!

"Why doesn't Master stop these Daojun?"

The disciple asked again.

The fairy sword laughed and said nothing.

At this moment, Tianji looked over, and the two eyes stared at each other, both of them being secret.

They will naturally not come out to stop it.

The more fierce the killing of the Emperor Wu and these philosophers is, the more there is no room for manoeuvre between the Emperor Wu and the super super gates!

At that time, the deserted martial arts are all enemies. Whatever evils and evils are born are also a joke!

On the battlefield.

As soon as the prisoner Xianyin came, he was smashed by the wind and thunder of Hachijou!

This wind and thunder body has been infinitely close to the Supreme Dharma, with pure mana and condensed to the extreme.

The imprisoned immortal printed in the Great Seal of the Ming Dynasty, the power of ordinary, failed to shake Wulei Daojun's wind and thunder body.


Wu Lei Dao Jun laughed at the sky and said, "This is just the same for the deserted Wu!"

"But that's it?"

Su Zimo also sneered, changing the seal in his hand and slightly flexing his fingers, as if pinching a wheel, condensing a weird seal, smashing towards the wind and lightning method!

Among the two seals of the Great Seal of India, one of the two strongest seals of strength and power-the Diamond Seal of the Donkey Kong!


A loud noise.

A huge golden wheel emerged in the air, filled with a heartbreaking breath, constantly rolling towards the front!

The void beneath the golden wheels is trembling and twisting!

As if nothing could stop this golden wheel!

The wind-thunder and lightning method of Hazhangjiu doesn't work either!


In a blink of an eye, Donkey Kong wheel prints collided with Feng Leifa!

Click! Click!

On the body of the wind and lightning method, there was a sound of infiltration, and a crack appeared on the surface, which continued to spread and spread throughout the body in an instant!

Mana flows quickly!


Group repair is shocked!

The heavens, earth, and heavens of Hachijoji were also broken by Su Zimo's seal!

Wu Lei Dao's mind shook with a big mouth, and a blood arrow was emitted.

At the same time, the dozens of heavens, earth, and heavens standing tall around them also moved at the same time, killing Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's eyes were magnificent, he urged Yuanshen, and he squeezed his hands with his hands to instantly gather a series of horrific spells!

A steady stream of mana surged towards Su Zimo's body.

Even the magical powers of these heavens and earths were forcibly sucked by Su Zimo!

The mana between Su Zimo's hands is almost boiling!

"Osumiyama Seal!"

"Feisha walks away!"

"Abi hell!"

"Dawei Tianlong surpasses Dafa!"

"Mystery of the Burial Sea!"

"Missing Sky Magic Fist!"


Su Zimo also erupted a dozen horrific and terrifying top-level spells instantly, colliding with these dozens of heaven and earth!


The whole void seemed to burst in an instant!

A dazzling semi-circular halo, which suddenly spread, the heat wave was pressing, and the force was unparalleled, sweeping all around with the wind and the clouds!

The group repairs retreated.

Even some combined powers are slightly discolored, their bodies are backwards, and their sharpness is avoided!

Is this the power of the state of law?

It didn't take long for the smoke to clear.

In the air, there was only a figure standing, wearing a blue shirt and black hair dancing, his eyes were like a torch, and he exuded a powerful aura that swept across nine days and ten places, like an emperor who came to the world.

More than ten heavens and earths, all broken!

There was a moment of silence in the whole world.

Qun Xiu realized that one thing, Huang Wudao Jun, by his own strength, suppressed the Tianjiao on the entire Fa Xiangtan list!

There was something wrong with the group ID yesterday. The search was not possible. There might be a powerful shot to block the secret. When I was furious, I displayed the great magical power and revealed it. The Taoist friends joined the group as soon as possible, and the mana could not support it anymore ... If there were fairies and fairies joining the group, it would help me. I think I can support it for a while ... … Group number: 340879231

(End of this chapter)

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