Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1315: Rebirth

Chapter 1315: Waves of Rebirth

Su Zimo's mana is running and injected into this broken animal skin. The lines on it are bright and filled with a mysterious wave of power!

"Brother Yan, Xian Jian is dead, leave me here first!"

Su Zimo persuaded again.

More than half of the six fierce powerhouses have fallen, but there are still more than three hundred, including more than twenty fierce powers!

Yan Beichen couldn't resist this kind of power!

What's more, Tianji has already disappeared in chaos, and I don't know where it is going. Yan Beichen staying here is also extremely dangerous, so it is better to follow him away.

Yan Beichen frowned slightly, hesitantly.

Although Xian Jian is dead, the people he wants to kill are far from enough!

Just a fairy sword, it is not enough to bury Qin Pianran!


Just then, Su Zimo's expression changed.

The lines on the animal skin have been fully activated, and rich mana lingers near the animal skin, but it seems to be blocked by a strong obstacle.

"How could this be?"

Su Zimo's expression changed slightly.

Although he urged this formation for the first time, as long as he preached, he had fully understood the formation and would never go wrong!


Jin Wu Santianzi's arrogant laughter sounded very proud.

"Desolate, you don't want to use space to transmit. The space here has already been blocked by us. You can't go away!"

Jinwu Santianzi loudly.

The corner of the mouth of Tianji hidden in the crowd was slightly tilted, and his expression mocked.

It was his idea to block the space in the Valley of Heaven and Earth.

At first, after hearing this proposal, the six big fierce powerhouses didn't take it seriously and disdain it.

From their point of view, dealing with a small human race practitioner, even if it is an eternal evil, need not be so motivated.

Hundreds of fierce tribe strong men, can't suppress the legal princes of a human race?

It was still under the persistent insistence of Tianji that it was said that Prince Jinwu III and others joined forces with him to seal off the space in Tiandi Valley!

In the preaching place, Su Zimo once escaped under the hand of Banzu with the help of the large movement symbol.

Tianji will never make the same mistake.

Su Zimo's heart sank when he heard what Prince Jinwu said.

The blockade of space means that the formations on the skin of the animal cannot be condensed at all. Things like small shift symbols and large shift symbols are also invalid!

If it is impossible to teleport, let alone the night spirit with serious injuries, even Su Zimo's two true bodies, it is difficult to escape the siege of the six fierce clan!

This time, it is equivalent to cut Su Zimo's retreat completely!

If you want to break the blockade of space, you need to find a node of blockade of space in addition to strong enough force.

The current situation is dangerous and the war is not over. How could the six fierce clan give Su Zimo this time?

What's more, even if he can find the space node, with his strength, plus the power of the Dragon Tribe and Yan Beichen, I am afraid it will be difficult to break this space blockade!

At this time, the Hanling God, Jinwu Santianzi and others killed again.

The situation instantly became extremely detrimental to Su Zimo!

"Brother, you go, leave me alone."

Ye Ling half-opened his eyes and said weakly.

"What to go! Let's go together if you want to!"

Su Zimo refused without hesitation, his tone was firm.

The dragon body took a deep breath, his eyes were like a torch, his eyebrows sent out a divine light, and instantly fell into the sky.

The power of magic is pervasive!


There was a loud noise in the sky!

The clouds burst, a huge stout stone pillar descended rapidly from the sky, exuding terrifying coercion!

This stone pillar is gray in color, with a five-clawed dragon climbing on it, exuding an ancient atmosphere, coercion, and fierce violence, it seems that it can suppress the people!

This is the second talent of the Dragon Clan who once awakened in the Valley of Dragon Skeletons!

This giant ancestral dragon **** pillar is more than a thousand feet long, and it takes hundreds of people to hug each other. It comes down, and it is suppressed severely towards the six fierce strong men who rush over!

This sense of oppression made the strong men of the six fierce clan feel a choke!

puff! puff! puff!

Some of the fierce princes of Daoxian can't resist, they are directly crushed into a ball of **** mud by the ancestral pillar of the dragon, and they are destroyed!

Only some powerful gangs can join forces to stop this huge ancestral pillar of God!

But even so, dozens of murderers were killed under the ancestral pillar of Zulong!

Of the six fierce clan present, there were only more than two hundred.

"Ancestor of Dragon Dragon!"

At this moment, among the strong men of the fierce clan, there was a dark sound of gritting teeth.

I saw that the scorpion's face was gloomy, staring at the true body of the dragon tribe.

Originally, he was just skeptical.

But seeing the appearance of Zulong God's Pillar, he had no doubt at all.

At first, when the dragon real body awakened this magical power, he was watching beside him!

The Witch believes that only the dragon master can release this terrific talent!

The scorpion slowly said, "It really is you! Don't hide, you are a little dragon ..."

"Old dog!"

The dragon tribe suddenly shouted and interrupted the scorpion.

The dragon's true body can be exposed, but Su Zimo does not want to be implicated in the dragon, so that the dragon will fall into the siege of several major fiends!

"You must kill Witchtown!"

In the eyes of the real dragon race, there was a touch of ruthlessness.

Witches do not die, the dragons are really the masters of the dragons, so they can't hide them, the dragons will inevitably be involved in this matter, and it is likely to encounter any devastation!

Just then, Su Zimo's ear suddenly remembered a sound.

The sound was very light and almost inaudible, but it sounded familiar.

This voice said only one word-broken!


Su Zimo froze.

What's broken?

Immediately afterwards, Su Zimo felt the animal skin in the palm of his hand, gradually heating up, and sent an unusual wave.

The mana that originally lingered around the animal skin is rapidly condensing!

Su Zimo's mind flashed.

The space blockade was broken!

Su Zimo was overjoyed.

At this time, the six fierce tribes had just been stunned with the talent of Zulong Shenzhu, and no one noticed that the space blockade was broken.

It seems that no one except Su Zimo heard the voice.

But the clever side of the crowd stayed out of the crowd, watching coldly, but noticed Su Zimo's anomaly!


Tianji narrowed his eyes and felt for a moment. He couldn't help but change his face and said incredibly, "The space block was broken? How is this possible!"

Tianji's eyes flickered, and his expression was a little hesitant.

Today's situation, although there are some changes in the middle, but always under his control.

Now, Tianji suddenly feels that the situation seems to be out of control!

Space blockade, fierce battles, the deserted army had no chance to find space nodes.

Moreover, the power of the barren martial arts is not enough to break the space nodes, nor can it be added to Shura!

In other words, there is someone else who breaks the space node!


The heavenly machine trembled and thought of a possibility, his face suddenly became extremely ugly!

(End of this chapter)

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