Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1317: Desperate curse

Chapter 1317

On the battlefield, changes are rapid.

The space blockade was broken and Tianji appeared. Yan Beichen chased away Tianji and broke out.

On the other side, the lines on the animal skin are bright, and the teleportation matrix has gradually taken shape. A huge vortex of mana emerges, dark and deep, I do not know where to go.

This mana vortex is the space tunnel formed on the skin of the animal skin. As long as you jump into it, you can break through the **** of space and leave here!

Su Zimo can leave at any time!

But before he left, he had one more thing to do!

That is to kill the Witch!

This variable must be strangled, otherwise the consequences will be endless!

"Everyone rush out and stop the deserted war. His space tunnel will be formed, so he can't let him escape!" The Han Ling God sang loudly.

Without him reminding, the remaining fierce powerhouses have also shot.

It would be terrible to leave Huang Wu and that ancient taboo away.

"You have to kill these three beast towns!"

A blood rattan clan powerfully.

In this battle, the six fierce tribes suffered heavy losses, and the Bloodvine tribes were the most miserable.

The dragon race came down in a ‘desolation’, and the blood cane ’s legal princes were almost annihilated by the army. In a few breaths, they died and died!

There are only a few blood vines with great power, which is naturally the hatred of the dragon's true body.

"Want to kill me?"

The dragon's true body looked cold, but he leaped forward without retreating, and rushed towards the crowds of the six fierce tribe, and said coldly, "I want to kill you!"

The dragon race rushed towards the scorpion, with cold eyes in his eyes, sharp as a knife!


The scorpion had long noticed it, withdrew quickly, and sneered, "Why, I saw the secret and wanted to kill me?"

As long as he distances himself from the dragon real body, the dragon real body will fall into the siege of the six fierce tribes and fight against Qing Lian real body.

By then, Qinglian Zhenshen has only two choices.

Either just stay, the two true bodies may be buried here!

Either, he left Yeling one step ahead, but the end of the dragon's true body can be imagined.

"Want to run away?"

The dragon's true body gaze was fixed, his eyebrows flickered, the huge consciousness was condensed and compressed, and a trembling consciousness wave pervaded!

The brows of the dragon's true body slowly floated out a palm-sized red-red scale, which was crescent-shaped and plain.

But this dragon scale emerged, and the whole world seemed to tremble!

Space seems to freeze!

The stature of the six fierce strong men who rushed to Su Zimo was one after another!

The pupils of the three princes Jinwu and Hanling God contracted violently. On this dragon scale, they felt a terrible breath!

In the Great Demon King's Secret, the only meta-mystery-inverse scale!

This element of mysticism has only been released twice since the Dragon's true body practice.

Because this mystery is too scary. In the valley of dragon skeletons, many dragon elders are not allowed to use it.

The dragon scale emerged and slowly flew towards the Witch.

The speed of the dragon scale is not fast, but somehow, no matter how the Witch retreats, he cannot pull away from this dragon scale, but is getting closer!

"It's just a meta mystery, what a fear!"

At the heart of the Hanling God's eyebrow, the golden light flashed, and the mystery of the Protoss broke out.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

The six fierce powerhouses shot one after another, a mystery of Yuan Yuan broke out, and ran into this dragon scale!

"In front of my witch tribe, using metamysticism, you are seeking your own way!"

Several Wu clan screamed loudly, offering the mystery of the Wu clan for the first time!

The nine fierce tribes each have their own strengths. If they talk about the cultivation of the Yuanshen and the mysticism, they must be the strongest of the witches!

Among the nine fierce races, the witch race has ordinary blood, the weakest body, and the longevity is not long enough, but it can dominate Taikoo, one of the nine races, relying on the many mysteries of the Yuan God!

These mysteries are not only powerful, but also weird and invincible!

A mystery of Yuan Yuan came, hitting the crimson dragon scale!

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked everyone!

After these metamystic techniques touched the dragon scale, the fierce fighters who shot shot down from the air.

Before the body shape has fallen to the ground, the vital energy in the body has completely dissipated!


Just in a blink of an eye, all of the more than one hundred fierce fighters shot were all dead, and none of them was spared!

Even the Hanling God stared at his eyes, his face was stiff, and there were no scars on his face, but in his knowledge of the sea, the Yuan God had broken!

One side of the Hanling God's head fell from mid-air and died dead!

The dragon's inverse scale will die if you touch it!

This dragon scale cannot be touched, you must die if you touch it!

Of course, so many elements of mystery hit on the inverse scale. This dragon scale is already full of cracks, and it is about to collapse!

By this time, Inverse Scale had come to the Witch!

From beginning to end, the Witch didn't take any action, he just wanted to dodge.

Because he lived for so many years, he felt very deeply on Yuanshen. He smelled an extremely dangerous breath on this scale!

Therefore, he did not take any action.

Now, the Witch is inevitable!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The scorpion whispered, "You let me die, you can't live! You two of me, let me die!"

In the scorpion's knowledge of the sea, the dark green primordial gods are constantly expanding, and a crack has emerged from their bodies, which is supposed to explode!

"Death spell!"

The scorpion shouted loudly.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, his Yuanshen burst, bursting out a terrifying and huge sense of God, condensing a banned skill of the witches!

The desperate curse is forbidden in the witch tribe.

Because, the premise of releasing the desperate curse is that the element **** explodes!

At the moment of self-explosion, you can get a huge sense of God in an instant to complete this desperate curse!

It can be said that this curse is all about life!

Hearing the words "Fateful Mantra", Prince Jinwu and others changed their color.

In the ancient times, among the nine gangsters, although the physical blood of the witch tribes was weak, the other gangsters were reluctant to proactively provoke them!

Because the Witches have some secret methods, which are done at the expense of their lives!

Once the witches went crazy, the rest of the murderers couldn't afford it.

Like a scorpion, he exploded with his combined and powerful primordial spirit and released the desperate curse, even the fierce half-ancestor might not be able to resist it!

The scorpion knows that he will die, so before he dies, let the real dragon and Qinglian really be buried for him!

This desperate curse immediately descended on the sea of ​​knowledge of the real dragon dragon body and the true human body of Qinglian, and emerged out of thin air, directly targeting the Yuanshen.

Even if Qing Lianzhen was carrying a primal weapon like the Ming Wang rosary, she couldn't stop this desperate curse!

This is the terrible thing of the Witch!

"Come on! Come on!"

The scorpion's original **** kept himself alive, and the remaining divine thoughts were still crying frantically, his expression gazed, his eyes staring, and he wanted to see the miserable end of Su Zimo's two true bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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