Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1324: North snow

Chapter 1324

"Brother, don't be rude to put away your artifact."

The girl patted the boy's shoulder lightly, slamming it lightly.


Juvenile lowered his teeth and stared fiercely at Su Zimo, although he did not want to, he obeyed the girl's order and slowly retracted his take-off sword.

However, the teenager still refused to relax, his muscles were tight, and his look was alert. It seemed that he would jump up and shoot at any time!

Today, Su Zimo Yuan Shen is imprisoned by the power of the utter desperation curse and cannot use his mana. Others seem to be completely mortal.

Therefore, it is not surprising that young girls can't see Su Zimo's cultivation.

At this time, even if the combined power came, the depth of Su Zimo could not be seen!

"Did you save me?"

Su Zimo looked at the girl and asked out loud.

The girl nodded, revealing the color of memories, and said, "I practiced outside that day, and suddenly there were dark clouds, lightning flashes and thunder, a lightning came down and penetrated an ancient tree. I think you fell not far away. Stunned by the thunder and lightning, and brought you back. "

Su Zimo nodded.

"What's your name, sir?"

The girl asked again.

Su Zimo groaned slightly and said, "My surname is Su."

He still doesn't know where he is now, coupled with the imprisonment of Yuanshen, and his combat power is greatly reduced. Naturally, it is impossible for him to fully reveal his details.

Of course, Su Zimo felt it. With the knowledge of this young girl, even if he said his name, the young girl had never heard of it.

The vast continent is known by its name.

But not many people know that the real name of Huang Wu is Su Zimo.


The boy snorted and said sarcastically, "It's not a good person at first glance!"

The girl said nothing.

When she wanted to come, this man in a blue shirt was in a different place, had just woke up, and was wary of outsiders. It was common sense.

"What do you call?"

Su Zimo asked.

"My name is Bei Mingxue."

The girl smiled, but didn't hide it. She took a picture of the young man next to her, and said, "This is my younger brother, Bei Ming proud. He is rude to Mr. Su, please don't blame me."

"Sister, you don't know who this person is, tell him what our names are."

The young man calling North Pride twirled his body, seemingly unwilling.

Bei Mingxue smiled and shook his head.

There is no need to conceal such a thing, nor can it be concealed.

"Bei Ming ..."

Su Zimo frowned slightly and murmured, "This surname is not very common."

Hearing this sentence, Bei Ming proudly shook his fists and seemed a little irritable.

In Bei Mingxue's eyes, there was a gloom of gloom, slightly bowed.

"This is where?"

Su Zimo asked again.

Beimingxue Road: "This is Beiming Town. My people are all in the town."

"Bei Mingzhen?"

Su Zimo looked puzzled, and asked, "Where is Beiming Town? Dongyu? Zhongzhou?"

Bei Mingxue shook his head and said, "The town of Beiming is located in the southern part of Tianhuang."

"Southern Domain!"

Su Zimo was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the teleportation array on the animal skin was started, and because Di Fan took the shot and broke the space tunnel, he had already arrived in the southern wilderness!

He has never set foot in this area, he is extremely strange!

Of course, he also has some knowledge about the Southern Region.

For example, one of the six Buddhist temples, the Lantern Temple where Mingzhen is located, is the super-sect of the Southern Region!

Since they were separated from Mingzhen's missionary work, the two had never seen each other again.

Mingzheng has been passed down by the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva. It must be compulsory and will not fall behind too much.

If he condenses the true body of Jizo, there is every reason to participate in the battle of the French phase list.

Is it true that Mingzhen has completely seen fame and fortune, and does not even want to compete with the French leaderboard?

Or, what happened to the truth?

The Northern Territory is now ruled by the Da Zhou King City and the major gate forces.

Zhongzhou is completely relying on the super super gates.

The southern region is different from the northern region and central state.

The biggest force in the Southern Region is the legendary three great families!

Nine Immortals, Eight Demons, Seven Demon Sects, Six Temples of Buddhism, Five Great Left Roads, Four Great Side Doors, Next, there are Three Great Family

These three great families can be different from any Yuwen family and Tuoba family that Su Zimo had dealt with in the Northern Territory.

These three great families are truly inherited from the ancient times. They dominated the southern region and will never die forever. I do n’t know how many storms they have experienced!

The most terrible thing is that in ancient times, the three great families of the Southern Region had all born emperors!

This is the most important reason for the inheritance of the three great families!

The three great ancient families are all surnames!

Oriental family, Nangong family and Simon family!

In the Southern Regions, any Taoist title does not have any of these three surnames.

The monks of these three big surnames can walk sideways in Nanyu!

"Listen to Mr. Su, aren't they from the Southern Region?"

Bei Mingxue asked Chang'e brows lightly and asked curiously.


Su Zimo nodded.

"Not from the Southern Region, how did you come here? You came to our Beiming town, what are you trying to do!" Bei Mingao immediately asked loudly.

This time, Bei Mingxue did not stop.

After all, Su Zimo's origin is unknown, and she can save Su Zimo back to her.

She also did not know whether Su Zimo was good or bad.

If Su Zimo really has another attempt, she must not let Su Zimo stay in Beiming Town!

"It's a long story."

Su Zimo smiled bitterly.

If he really explained how he ran to the southern region, I was afraid he would scare the young girl to death!


The boy sneered: "Sister, what am I talking about? This man is sneaky and secretive, and it really is not a good person!"

Su Zimo was too lazy to refute.

He turned his gaze and fell on Dan Tian, ​​Bei Mingxue, frowned slightly, and said, "Are you Dan Tian broken?"

Just before, he heard the dialogue between the young girls and thought that Dantian would only break up if Bei Mingxue practiced something.

Now it seems that the Dantian of Beimingxue is obviously broken by people outside!

Bei Mingxue did not answer, but asked: "Mr. Su also knows spiritual practice?"

"Slightly understand."

Su Zimo nodded.

Bei Mingxue pursed his lips and said, "There is nothing to hide, Dantian is broken, and it will be a big deal again."

In Bei Mingxue's eyes, there was no loss of despair and despair in which Dan Tian was destroyed!

That unyielding gaze, even when Su Zimo saw it, he was amazed.

"Sister, don't worry, this feud, I will help you report it back!"

Hearing this, Bei Mingao even temporarily gave up attacking Su Zimo, turned around, gritted his teeth, and hated his voice.

"Brother, don't worry about this."

Bei Mingxue shook his head.

"How can I ignore it!"

Bei Ming proudly said, "My sister finally entered Dan Dao and was ruined by that woman! This hatred is not shared!"

Su Zimo's heart was very moved.

This 15-year-old Bei Mingxue even stepped into Dan Road and condensed Jin Dan!

Such a talent is indeed amazing!

Two more rounds, three today!

(End of this chapter)

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