Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1329: One year

Chapter 1329: One Year

"How could this be?"

Bei Mingxue was startled.

It's just that this action is much better than the effect of her repeated exercises of nine types!

Does the martial arts nine become true, as Mr. Su said, a movement that is so insignificant that it is thousands of miles away?

If every action can have such amazing effects, maybe she can break through to the second martial art change in one or two months of practice!

Maybe three years later, she really has the chance to cultivate Jin Dan of Qi and Blood and re-enter Dan Tao!

Thinking of the faces of Dongfangxuan, Dongfangyu, Nangongyu, and others, Bei Mingxue's eyes glanced over a bit of cold light, and at a young age, the spirit of killing had been revealed!

Su Zimo nodded secretly, and said, "Did you remember the action just before?"


Bei Mingxue nodded, and practiced again in front of Su Zimo.

Su Zimo stretched out his feet again, kicked three times, and fell on Bei Mingxue's body like lightning, the latter couldn't react at all.

There was a sting in his body, and Bei Mingxue inhaled slightly, but clenched his teeth tightly without saying a word.

She knew that Su Zimo was helping her correct her movements.

In the first pass, Bei Mingxue made a dozen mistakes in this movement.

Su Zimo only practiced it once, and there were only three of Bei Mingxue's mistakes. Such memories and talents are quite rare.

However, Su Zimo's expression was bland and did not praise and encourage.

In order to cultivate martial arts, Bei Mingxue has to go through many difficult obstacles that cannot be imagined. This is only the first step!

After Bei Mingxue mastered the first action, Su Zimo practiced the second action.

Bei Mingxue continued to practice.

Over the night, the first nine changes in martial arts, Su Zimo has taught all to Bei Mingxue.

Although the martial arts changes, it has spread all over the world.

But does anyone teach confusion, this is exactly two effects.

What's more, those who preach and doubt are those who create martial arts!

With Su Zimo's practice as his realm, his eyesight and insight, let alone teaching Bei Mingxue, even if he is a preacher and a monk, it is more than enough!

If Su Zimo was a founder, he would never be weaker than the one hundred and eighty-eight continent!

After Su Zimo taught the first change of martial arts to Bei Mingxue, he stopped showing up, staying behind closed doors for a long time, thinking about how to break the desperate curse.

In a flash, a month passed.

On this day, Bei Mingxue knocked on the door and called softly, "Mr. Su?"

Su Zimo pushed out the door, turned his eyes around Bei Mingxue's body, and nodded slightly, saying, "Yes, the first change of martial arts has been cultivated to completion."

Bei Mingxue also smiled and said, "Thanks to Mr. Su for teaching me all this."

Bei Mingxue is very clear, if there is no Su Zimo, let alone a month, even if it is a year, he may not be able to cultivate the first transformation of martial arts to perfection!

"I will show you the second change of martial arts. Walk carefully."

Su Zimo came to the courtyard and practiced the nine moves of martial arts in the second step and five energies toward the Yuan.

Bei Mingxue keeps her eyes open and refuses to miss any detail.

"The root of martial arts is to constantly open up your own potential. The human body is a huge treasure with unlimited potential!"

"The five internal organs of the human body can be called the Five Great Divine Treasures. The five internal organs can be tempered to obtain the Five Divine Prestige and pass through the Seven Tips. It has the ability to listen to heaven and earth, soaring strength, long breath, and amazing physical strength.

Su Zimo imparted the essence of the second transformation of martial arts to Bei Mingxue without reservation.

What Bei Mingxue didn't understand, Su Zimo said a few words, which made her feel enchanted and suddenly realized.

Bei Mingxue can clearly feel that his body, every day, is undergoing obvious changes!

It was a reinvention!

Two months later, Wu Qi Chaoyuan was complete. Her eyesight, ear strength, smell, and all kinds of sensations even exceeded her time in Jin Dan!

This situation is too scary!

This is the second change in martial arts!

Another three months have passed.

The third martial arts change, the copper skin and iron bones are complete!

At this point of practice, Bei Mingxue's body is even stronger than when she was in the Jin Dan Realm. It can be said that it is inaccessible to fire and fire!

Four months later, the fourth change of martial arts has been achieved!

After the third change of the martial arts and the fourth change, the body of Bei Mingxue is already rigid and flexible, with a flexible figure, and the strength can even be comparable to the pure blood fierce beast of the same order!

The nine changes in martial arts have almost developed the physical potential of Beimingxue to the extreme!

Time flies. Su Zimo has been in Beiming Town for a year.

For the past year, he spent most of his time in the room closing his eyes and trying to communicate with the world and get rid of the spell of death.

But no progress.

Bei Mingxue's cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds.

In just one year, she has cultivated to the fifth transformation of martial arts, cutting the marrow to exchange blood, and it is only one step away from the sixth transformation of Qi and blood Jindan!

"Mr. Su, the fifth change in martial arts, I have cultivated to the level of blood such as lead and mercury! Can I now try to condense the Qi and Jindan?"

Bei Mingxue looked delighted.

She has changed so much this year!

Others may not feel it, but she knows that she has been born again in just one year!

Although the Jin Dan of blood and blood has not been condensed, Bei Mingxue believes that with her current combat power, even some Jin Dan real people can win!

"Blood like lead and mercury? The fire hasn't arrived yet."

Su Zimo shook his head and said, "If you are bystander, you can practice blood such as lead and mercury, even if you can, but you can't! You have to continue to cultivate, blood like lead and mercury, but you just have to mutilate the blood and exchange blood!"

"The sign of completeness is blood like the tide!"

Since Su Zimo has a willingness to accept the apprentice, naturally, he must let Bei Mingxue lay the perfect foundation. There must be no vagueness!

"Blood like the tide!"

Bei Mingxue was shocked.

She used to be Jin Dan's real person and knew what blood was like.

But is that possible?

Not to mention the three great families, even the entire cultivation world, I haven't heard how many people can cultivate to the state of blood like the tide!

"Blood is like a tide, that's the limit of the power of blood, can I do it?"

Bei Mingxue's heart gave birth to a little doubt.

"Do not."

Su Zimo shook his head and said, "Blood like the tide is not the limit of blood."

"Isn't the blood tide the limit?"

Bei Mingxue was startled.

Just then, there was a shout outside the door.

"Sister, sister, I'm back!"

A slightly excited voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a quite young boy broke into the courtyard with strong spirits and extremely strong body. After seeing Bei Mingxue, he ran over excitedly: "Sister, I have stepped into Dan Road, now it is Jin Dan Real people! "

Bei Mingao is just thirteen years old!

At this age, the talent is really amazing.

However, in the view of Su Zimo, it is not necessarily a good thing for Bei Mingao to enter Jin Dan's realm too early.

Dan Dao is not trivial, but the sooner you step in, the better.

Because stepping into Dan Road may cause a Golden Dan Vision!

Before stepping into the Dan Road, the more accumulated and deposited, the possibility of the Golden Dan vision, the greater the power of the vision!

(End of this chapter)

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