Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1332: Heavenly Phoenix Power

1332 Sky Phoenix Powerful

Mo Ying only spoke a few words. In Su Zimo's mind, a scene of **** kings came to the world, sweeping the island of Shenhuang, and the heroes were deterred!

Su Zimo was silent.

At the bottom of the dragon valley, although Butterfly Moon also appeared briefly, but the red hair ghost still felt terrified and terrified when she mentioned Butterfly Moon.

Mo Ying bowed his head slightly, his face was reddish, and he yanked the red robe on his body, saying, "Since that day, I also like to wear red robes."

"It's just that I'm far worse than that senior."

Su Zimo was a little stunned.

Not even Butterfly Moon is known by anyone, but its name is unknown. This strange film has completely fallen.

Looking at this situation, if Die Yue asked her to die, she would not hesitate.

However, Su Zimo was still a little confused.

Theoretically speaking, Butterfly Moon came to Shenhuang Island, took the shot to steal the bones of Shenhuang, and also fought with the strong men on the island. The people of Shenhuang Island hated him.

Although the treasure was also taken away by Butterfly Moon, it is understandable that the old monk and the red hair ghost looked at Su Zimo differently.

Because the butterfly moon came to bury Dragon Valley, and the existence of blood face was found to be an indirect help to the old monk and the red hair ghost to solve a huge calamity!

But why is Shenhuang Island?

Does Shenhuang Island also have a **** face?

Su Zimo tried to ask: "After the woman in the blood robe came down, what hidden scourges on this island can be found and helped to solve it?"


Mo Ying shook his head, a little confused, wondering why Su Zimo asked such a question.

Mo Ying said: "The predecessor will take away the Phoenix Phoenix bones directly, but the strong man on the island is naturally not allowed, and the two sides will fight."

"As a result, the island's strongest defeated."

For this result, Su Zimo was not surprised.

Mo Ying said: "The predecessor said that this phoenix bone does not belong to Shenhuang Island, but is a relic of her friend."

"Her friend?"

Su Zimo was a little confused.

Mo Ying said: "In fact, there was originally a bone left by the **** phoenix on the island of Shenhuang. However, about 200 years ago, an undead **** Phoenix fell on the island!"

"More than 200 years ago?"

Su Zimo thoughtfully.

He should also be the Butterfly Moon discovered outside Pingyang Town more than 200 years ago, and I don't know if there is any relationship between the two.

"When this **** phoenix fell on the island, he was seriously injured and was dying. He was about to die, so he burned himself and started nirvana."

Legend has it that the phoenix and phoenix family possess the ability of nirvana.

Once successful, you can come back to life and become more powerful!

Of course, if Nirvana fails, it is natural to die and die, leaving only one thing left.

Shenfeng will leave a drop of Shenfeng essence blood.

And the **** phoenix will leave a bone, which is the **** phoenix!

Mo Ying continued: "Unfortunately, this God Phoenix Nirvana failed, and in the ashes, there is only one God Phoenix bone. This bone is the God Phoenix bone taken away by the predecessor."

Su Zimo exhaled.

Hearing here, many things have become clear.

If Yueyue said well, the so-called friend in her mouth should be the undead phoenix that fell!

And this **** Phoenix Nirvana, the bones left behind, is Su Zimo's God Phoenix bone on his right hand now!

Shenhuang Island was not hostile to him, on the one hand because of the strength of the Butterfly Moon, and on the other hand, because this God Phoenix bone did not belong to Shenhuang Island.

Mo Ying said: "In fact, Shenhuang Island has been waiting for your arrival. The strong man on the island knows that the predecessor of the predecessor, who has the bone of Shenhuang, will definitely come here!"

Su Zimo thought for a while and said, "According to what you said, there is still a God Phoenix bone before Shenhuang Island?"


Mo Ying nodded and said, "However, this **** phoenix bone already has a master, but it is the power of the sky on the island!"

Another power of fit!

Moreover, it is the combined power of possessing the God Phoenix bone!

Mo Ying said: "However, over the years, Tianfeng Damen still failed to surrender the Dragon Sword."

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

Even the combined power can not surrender this dragon spirit knife, it seems that this knife is really some way.

"You take a break first."

Mo Ying said: "When you are better, I will take you to see the owner of the island. To save you from the turmoil in the void, it is the owner to take the shot himself.

Su Zimo nodded and said, "I'm fine now, I just went to meet the Lord of the Phoenix Island and thank you in person."

At this moment, Su Zimo frowned, turning his eyes and landing at the door of the room.

Somehow, he couldn't hear any sound, but his spirit felt a wave, as if someone was approaching, right at the door!

At this moment, Mo Ying was sitting opposite Su Zimo, closer to the door, but he didn't realize it!

"what happened?"

Mo Ying saw Su Zimo's look different, and subconsciously looked towards the door.


The knock sounded.


Mo Ying stood up and asked.

"it's me."

A man's voice sounded warm, soft and magnetic.

Mo Ying stood up, opened the door of the room, and fainted slightly toward the comer, saying, "I have seen the power of Tianfeng."

Heavenly Phoenix Powerful!

On the Phoenix Island, another person with the God Phoenix bone!

Su Zimo's eyes fell on the power of Tianfeng.

The man looked only in his thirties, dressed in a white shirt, quite elegant, with a gentle expression, and looked over at Su Zimo.

The eyes of the two touched in mid-air.

Tian Feng Dao nodded his head slightly, smiled at Su Zimo, and was quite friendly.

Su Zimo also stood up and hugged his fist in front of Tianfeng Da Neng: "In Halong Mo, when I first arrived in Guidao, I saw Tian Feng Da Neng."

"What expensive island is not expensive island, you have the phoenix bone, I am the person of the phoenix island."

Tianfeng laughed loudly: "When you come to the island, you don't have to be polite, just use Shenhuang Island as your own home."

Su Zimo also smiled.

Tianfeng was able to groan slightly, and suddenly asked, "I have an unforgiving invitation, I don't know Brother Longmo, can you take out your God Phoenix bone and let me have a look."

Su Zimo frowned slightly, hesitated a little, but still stretched out his right hand, saying: "My right hand bone is the God Phoenix bone."

There is no need to hide this.

Tianfeng's eyes brightened, he was surprised.

"It's amazing."

Tianfeng sighed admirably: "I did not expect that there is such a method in the world that can continue to connect the phoenix bones to the bloodline of the human race! This is truly a magical power!

Tianfeng turned it in his palm, holding a fiery red bone piece on it, and said, "Long Mo brothers, look at this, my God Phoenix bone."

Although this piece of **** phoenix is ​​a powerful thing of Tianfeng, it is not connected to his bloodline, it can only be regarded as a treasure of his body.

Tianfeng Da Neng seemed quite interested, and asked, "I don't know where the senior is, can I have the honor to visit?"

There are only two changes today, let's go to bed early

(End of this chapter)

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