Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1338: Master of Phoenix Island

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1338

In fact, just a moment ago, Su Zimo even killed Tianfeng's power!

If Tianfeng can offer to fight with him, it will prove that his speculations are true!

In the battle of slaughter, he will make a logical move. Even if he does not kill Tianfeng, he will have to abolish it!

It's a pity that Tianfeng Da Neng didn't express his stand.

He just stood behind and allowed Jing Ming and Jing Sheng to come forward.

He didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Now, when other monks are a little hesitant, Tianfeng Da Neng is the first one to stand up and take the lead to worship him as a young master!

Therefore, even if Su Zimo felt that Tianfeng was capable of something else, there was no evidence.

All of this is just his guess and feeling.

If you change to a normal monk, you can see Tianfeng Power taking the lead in worshiping him as a young master, for fear of being grateful and giving infinite trust to Tianfeng Power.

But Su Zimo came all the way in the field of cultivation, experienced too much blood and rain, and saw too many intrigues and conspiracies.

He believed in his feelings.

Therefore, he was always wary of Tianfeng's power.

Moreover, Tian Feng was able to actively bow his head, and Su Zimo would not relax at all, but heavier and heavier!

"What are you still doing, and you haven't met the young master yet!"

Tianfeng turned around and looked at many Shenhuangdao monks not far away, reminding loudly.

"Meet the young master!"

Many monks reacted and bowed down.

Mo Ying looked pleased, and also showed a smile, arching in front of Su Zimo: "Meet the young master."

"Tianfeng, you are fine."

The owner of Shenhuangdao Island nodded slightly, and praised Tianfeng's power.

Originally, a fierce conflict was likely to erupt on Shenhuang Island, and it might even have evolved into an internal fight.

Today, Tianfeng's ability to actively lower his head is tantamount to resolving the conflict.

"Island owner, Tianfeng has a merciless invitation."

Tianfeng knelt down and said.

"Tianfeng, you don't have to be like this, just say anything."

Avoiding a battle, the Lord of the Phoenix Island was pleased, and he quickly waved his robe sleeves to help Tianfeng up.

Tianfeng Da Shen said in a loud voice: "Although Jingming and Jingsheng made a big mistake, they were inadvertent."

"You want to plead for the two of them?"

The owner of Shenhuangdao Island frowned slightly.

"Do not."

Tian Feng said sincerely: "I know, the island owner just said that they abolished their cultivation, and it was just swearing. I want to accept punishment for the two people, and ask the island owner to show grace and restore them two Opportunity."

"They practiced to the state of France, and for thousands of years, it was too difficult."

Jing Ming and Jing Sheng were moved to tears, and they nodded continuously toward Tianfeng Da Neng and Shenhuang Island Master, crying silently.

Su Zimo was silent.

I have to say that it is not a fluke that Tianfeng can have such prestige on Shenhuang Island.

In this, Tianfeng could play a good eye.

He did not plead directly, let the owner of Shenhuangdao Island let Jingming and Jingsheng go.

Instead, he proposed to accept punishment instead of Jing Ming and Jing Sheng.

What is Tianfeng Power?

The combined power of God's Phoenix bone!

Moreover, even if it is not the young master, its status in Shenhuang Island is extremely high, which is difficult for others to reach.

Tianfeng Da Neng said this proposal, the Shenhuang Island owner could not be severely punished.

Sure enough, the owner of Shenhuang Island took a deep glance at the power of Tianfeng and said, "Since this is the case, go to the South China Sea to face the wall."

"Thank you Lord."

Tianfeng smiled slightly.

This punishment is already negligible.

The owner of Shenhuangdao Island turned to Mo Ying and said, "The accommodation and palace of the young master will be given to you as soon as the trivial matters of life."


Mo Ying nodded.

Mo Ying is the servant of the sword. Whoever holds the Dragon Sword is her master.

The Lord of the Phoenix Island turned and left.

"Young Master, I have to go to the South China Sea to face the wall. For the time being, I can't be driven by Young Master. Please ask Young Master not to blame." Tianfeng said apologetically.

"No wonder."

Su Zimo seemed to smile.

At this moment, the voice of the Lord of the Phoenix Island sounded outside the Dragon Spirit Hall.

"The princes of Shenhuang Island listened to the orders. The Dragon Sword already had a master, that is, Dragon Mo, and the master of Shenhuang Island!"

"Kings of Shenhuang Island, in the future, you must obey the order of the young master, you must not disobey!"

The sound was not loud, but it spread to every corner of Shenhuang Island.

Every creature on Shenhuang Island knows one thing. The master of Shenhuang Island has established that it is not the Tianfeng power they are familiar with, but a monk named Long Mo!

On the island of Shenhuang, it suddenly boiled.

Su Zimo's heart suddenly gave birth to an unreal feeling.

After surging through the void and escaping from the dead, he came to this island of Shenhuang, and was so miserable that he became the young master of the island of Shenhuang. He also had a combined power as a servant!

Even more frightening is that he is the young master of Shenhuang Island and can mobilize the power of an island!

This can be described as one person and more than 10,000 people.

Of course, so far, Shenhuang Island should not know his true identity.

This incident must not be concealed, and it will spread to Shenhuang Island sooner or later.

If he knew it, he would be hunted down by the three gods of the Immortal Buddha and Demon, and the barbarian monarch who would be evil with the ancient fierce tribe. I don't know what he would think.

Abolition of his young master?

These things are hard to say.

Anyway, when it comes, it will be safe.

At least for now, it's not a bad thing to become the young master of Shenhuang Island.

Moreover, on Shenhuang Island, Su Zimo had a chance to practice the "Tidal Volume" and "Dinghai Volume".

If you realize something, you may find an opportunity to step into the fit.

At that time, even if Shenhuang Island can't tolerate him, he will be able to protect himself and leave here!

"Young Master, let's go."

Mo Ying said: "I'll take you to see your residence palace, and just go out, and let the monks on the island meet."


Su Zimo nodded and left side by side with Mo Ying.

In the Temple of Dragon Spirit, the monks Jingming and Jingsheng remained calm for the rest of their lives, and gradually calmed down. They came to Tianfeng Da Neng and worshiped deeply, saying, "Brother Tianfeng, for this kindness, we must remember this heart!"

"Get up, it's all trivial."

Tianfeng smiled slightly.

Then, his eyes fell on the back of Su Zimo in the distance, and he gradually narrowed his eyes, his eyes were deep, and he did not know what he was thinking.


Led by Mo Ying, Su Zimo made another round on Shenhuang Island.

This time, most monks on Shenhuang Island already knew him.

Many monks looked at his gaze and showed deep curiosity.

Some Hai girls turned their eyes, waves of light, stood in the distance, pointed at Su Zimo, smiled secretly, and cheeks were red.

"What are those monks doing?"

Su Zimo pointed to the beach not far away and asked curiously.

Over there, some reefs emerged from the sea, and there were some monks sitting on it, with their two knives on their knees, looking at the sea, not sure what they were doing.

"They are feeling."

Mo Ying explained: "At that time, the Emperor Dao enlightened at the seaside and created two secrets of the Daoist Book" Tide Volume "and" Ding Hai Volume ". These monks also wanted to follow the footsteps of the Emperor King to realize that state of mind.

The third is later ...

(End of this chapter)

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