Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1366: kill

Chapter 1366 Zi Yue Dao Jun

Bei Mingao looked at the blue figure, and his mind was completely confused.

Mr. Su, who was a sick and weak Wen Wenshu, has completely disappeared, and there is only one picture left in his mind.

That is, Su Zimo descended from the sky, just like the **** of heaven, and killed the two major returnees!

How has Bei Mingao ever seen such a power?

In retrospect, he used to sneer at this person and repeatedly taunted and mocked him. Bei Ming's heart was afraid and remorseful for a while.

Fortunately, this Mr. Su is broad-minded. If he were to be replaced, I am afraid that he would not be dead with ten lives!

"Did the sister worship this Mr. Su?"

Bei Ming proudly came to understand.

"No wonder three years, my sister's changes have been so great that even Yuan Ying Zhenjun can suppress it. It turned out to be Mr. Su."

It is false to say that Bei Ming's heart is not envious.

However, although he was young, he also knew that he had a bad attitude towards Su Zimo before, and I'm afraid he would never have the opportunity to worship again.

Not to mention North Pride, even Bei Mingxue stood on the stone platform stunned, a little slow, and shocked in his eyes.

Although she worshipped under Su Zimo's door, she never saw Su Zimo's shot.

She thought that Su Zimo Yuanshen was injured and could not even release the spell, which greatly reduced her combat power.

But I did not expect that Su Zimo did not use the Yuanshen at all, did not release the spell, but relying on the flesh, he returned the two major virtuosos to the spot!

Looking at the seemingly thin, but imposing figure, Bei Mingxue suddenly had an urge to cry.

Over the years, she has suffered countless grievances.

But no one had helped her, and no one could stand up and shelter her from the storm!

And at this moment, there was a person standing in front of her, resisting all injuries for her, even at the enemy of the ancient family!


"My Master is the Ararat Buddhism! Heaven and underground, the only Aramadru in history!"

Bei Mingxue was in a state of excitement, her eyes flushed.

On the other side, Nangong Ling shook her head slightly and sighed.

"It's still this step."

Nangong Ling looked sad.

Prior to this, he reminded Simonze and Dongfang Yi several times so that they would not be aggressive, and it was enough.

But they still didn't listen to him, so much that they provoked him.

"Is they too much!"

Ru Xuan said: "I am an outsider, I can't stand it! Huh, as a returning Taoist, it's nothing to kill a Jin Dan real person!"

Liu Hanyan glanced at Nangong Ling and whispered, "What my brother is worried about is Nangong's choice."


Nangong Ling nodded and didn't speak.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, all around the villa suddenly burst out a powerful breath, the world shook!

"Where's the thief, dare to pretend in my Ximen Villa!"

"I think you're looking for death!"

There was a loud scream.

Most of the monks present were Chiji monks and Jindan real people. Such a huge sense of coercion shrouded in shrouds, and the group repairs felt a trembling heart!

Realm of Law!

This is the godly coercion that can only be released by Faxiang Daojun!

Even returning to the realm is an inaccessible state for most monks.

The state of law is the existence of group cultivation looking up.

Some of the monks present have not seen Faxiang Daojun in their practice so far. I did not expect that there are more than a dozen Faxiang Daojun appearing at the same time today!

"Zi Yue Dao Jun!"

Nangong Ling recognized the head of a French Prime Minister Dao at a glance and couldn't help whispering.

This Ziyue Daojun is a well-known French prince among the three great families.

Two thousand years ago, Ziyue Daojun traveled to Zhongzhou to fight with a philosopher of Daoism.

This fantasy demon prince once ranked sixty-second on the French list.

But this battle was the victory of Zi Yue Daojun!

This battle is also the battle for fame of Ziyue Daojun.

It is rumored by the three great families that the battle power of Ziyue Daojun must be ranked at least in the top 30 on the French list!

That was two thousand years ago!

Unexpectedly, Ziyue Daojun was so devoted to practice in Ximen Mountain Villa that he was shocked now!

"Older Ziyue!"

Nangong shouted, bowed and saluted, and said in a deep voice, "This matter is very important. I also asked the elders to call the elders to discuss and think twice!"

Ningong Ling's identity is not easy to break.

But his words are already reminding Ziyue Daojun to stop in time, don't act lightly!


Ziyue Daojun sneered: "It's a joke! There are thieves killing people in my Ximen Mountain Villa recklessly, but you want me to think twice?"

Even if Ziyue Daojun heard the meaning of Nangong Ling, he would not take it to heart.

Not to mention a descendant of Nangong Ling, even if the monk of the Nangong family came, this monk in blue shirt will definitely kill!

Ziyue Daojun looked at Su Zimo with a cold look, and slowly said, "I don't care what you are from, what kind of school you are, you dare to kill in my Ximen Mountain Villa, even if you are a disciple of the super sect, you have to pay ! "

Nangong Ling sighed.

Ziyue Daojun didn't realize who he was facing.

Not to mention the disciples of Super Zongmen, how many have fallen in the preaching place, the disciples of Super Zongmen, and the combined power of Super Zongmen?

"You want to kill me?"

Su Zimo bowed his head slightly, looking at Zi Yue Dao Jun, his expression mocking.

"Kill me!"

Ziyue Daojun did not talk nonsense with Su Zimo, waved his hand, and directly ordered.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Every weapon came out of the air.

Around many Daojun magical instruments, there was a flood of mana, which almost covered the sun and blocked all the retreats of Su Zimo!

Su Zimo's face was cold, facing the pierced Dao Jun magical instrument, he ignored it and stood up!

"Ignore Daojun's magic weapon, it's really death!"

More than a dozen French Prime Ministers looked cold.

boom! boom! boom!

A variety of magical instruments hit Su Zimo's body, but did not think that many princes of Daxiang Daojun expected to pierce and cut their bodies.

On the contrary, many Taojun magical instruments have been popped up!

Whether it is a flying sword, a cold gun, or a bronze mirror, there is no Taoist magic weapon that can pierce the blood of Su Zimo!

Group repair is shocked!

This scene has completely exceeded everyone's perception.


Not to mention the low-level monks present, even Ziyue Daojun and others changed their faces!

You know, among the Taojun instruments that were just sacrificed, there are many Taojun instruments with perfect grades!

However, the perfect Taoist weapon did not even puncture the skin of this monk, let alone kill it.

Moreover, at the moment of the collision, the monk in the blue shirt did not release any spells or spells, but only resisted with his flesh.

Can a person's physical body really cultivate to such a degree that it is inaccessible?

Ziyue Daojun suddenly understood that the deep meaning of Nangong Ling Fangcai's words.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

(End of this chapter)

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