Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1391: Dacheng Dacheng

Chapter 1391 Cut off the demon!

With just two swords, the power of the three suits has already been hit!

"Withdraw first, you can't beat it!"

The three powerful sages and sounds fled towards each other inadvertently.


In order to reach the limit of speed, the three powers at the same time manifested the body, which is actually the three headed creatures in the sea, the big demon of the combined environment!

On one of them, the body is extremely large. It is a silver-fin megalodon. The huge silver fin on its back is shining with bright brilliance, which is very conspicuous in the deep sea.

According to legend, the silver fins on the back of this silver-fin megalodon shark are inherently capable of absorbing the moonlight to practice and enhance their cultivation. They are extremely powerful.

In this area, it can be regarded as one of the sharks!

Normally, for many creatures such as demons, the combat power will climb at least 30% after being transformed into the body!

But this silver-fin megalodon did not stay there for a while. After transmuting the body, the first choice was to flee towards the distance!

The other two big demon, a body, is a colorful dragon fish.

According to legend, the dragon's body has thin blood of the dragon family, which is a branch of a dragon's vein. The potential is naturally small.

The body of another great demon is an ancient electric eel with blue lightning bolts flickering around, wagging its tail and traveling in the deep sea, with extremely fast speed!

"Want to escape?"

Su Zimo waved a knife and was so energetic that around his body, a wave of turbulent waves rushed around him, sweeping all around!

Before the three monsters escaped, they were engulfed by the waves rolling behind them!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The three demon screamed, madly urged the gods, did their best, released a spell, and collided with this shocking wave!

boom! boom! boom!

The three monsters were shaken, the old injuries were not healed, and new injuries were added!

Among the three demon's mouths and noses, there was a flood of scarlet blood, and the internal organs were all moved by this shocking wave!

"Longmo Taoyou, we have some fame in this South China Sea, and we also ask Daoyou to show mercy."

The silver-finned megalodon shark felt the breath of death and couldn't hold it anymore. He lowered his face first and asked for mercy.

"You come to kill me, but you want me to show mercy?"

Su Zimo looked mocking, and asked a question.


The ancient electric eel also spit words, and quickly explained: "We also heard that there is a strong man who is practicing swordsmanship here, and we are curious in our hearts, so we want to come and discuss with Taoists.

Su Zimo asked with a smile: "How do you three know my name?"

The three enchanters stunned, a glance of confusion passed through their eyes.

But soon, the silver-fin megalodon replied: "I don't know the name of the young master of Shenhuang Island."

"Knowing that I am the Lord of the Phoenix Island, dare to come and kill me?"

Su Zimo's expression grew cold, and he slowly said, "Who gives you so much courage!"

Su Zimo first arrived at Shenhuang Island, but in just three years, he had hardly touched anyone. After inheriting the position of master, he went to the deep sea to practice.

He doesn't even know these three demon.

What's more, how could he resent the three demon monsters? The only possibility is that the three demon monsters were instructed!

The three big demon faces are ugly.

The Silverfin Megalodon was silent for a long time, and Shen said, "Long Mo, we have an oath, and this is impossible to say."

"Don't say, let's die."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly, too lazy to talk nonsense with the three big monsters, and shot again, cutting forward,

This time, the Dragon Sword fell down, but there was no sound. In the deep sea, ripples appeared, rippling towards the three demon!

This knife, silent, contains deadly killing power!

"Long Mo, you are too bullying!"

The silver-finned megalodon shouted, and suddenly opened its mouth with a large mouth, exposing its huge sharp teeth.

In his eyes, a flash of ruthlessness flashed.

Puff puff!

This mouth full of silver teeth suddenly fell off the mouth of the silver-fin megalodon shark, and was still contaminated with blood, like a long sword flying sword, stabbing towards Su Zimo!

This is the hand of the Silverfin Megalodon.

This gigantic tooth, which he has cultivated for so many years, contains most of his deeds. After this move is released, even if he can survive, his combat power is greatly reduced!

To this day, he can't care much.

The dragon fish and the ancient electric eel next to them also released their life-saving cards, one after another, and one mystery burst out!

Click! Click! Click!

These giant teeth collided with the rippling ripples of the Dragon Sword, and instantly shattered into pieces, sinking into the ocean floor.

You know, there are thousands of silver fin giant tooth sharks.

So Su Zimo was stabbed and destroyed!

puff! puff!

The mystery released by the dragon fish and the ancient electric eel can't stop the blade ripples.

The runes on the two demon monsters were chopped by the heavy ripples.


The three monsters opened their mouths and spit out a large pool of blood.

Countless wounds were added to the three, and the internal organs of their bodies were chopped up with blood stains by the ripples.

The three great demon look dimmed, divided into three directions, and fled towards the distance.

This is the South China Sea after all.

They have lived in the South China Sea for tens of thousands of years. They are more familiar with the terrain, environment and everything of the South China Sea than Su Zimo.

They believe that as long as the distance is wide enough, the three demon monsters can use the terrain environment of the South China Sea to throw away Su Zimo!

Su Zimo looked at the three demon monsters who had fled, still sitting on the ground, and never got up.

To be precise, from the appearance of the three demon, he did not get up!

Su Zimo closed her eyes suddenly.

Pursuing the feeling in my heart is like a daily practice practice.

This knife looks like nothing can be found.

Originally, due to this battle in the deep ocean, this area of ​​the sea was already stormy and turbulent.

But after the sword was cut out, the sea area was instantly calm.

The huge South China Sea, calm and calm!

And the three demon did not escape far, a blade of light fell from the sky, chopped on top of their heads, their bodies froze, their eyes dimmed.

Three demon monsters, Yuan Shen is dead, death is dead!

At the same time, Su Zimo had sensed the situation of Qing Lian's real body and felt relieved.

Three years of practice, although he has improved a lot on the knife path, but his practice is still wandering in the state of law, and he cannot go any further.

The road to cultivation, the harder it gets to the back.

It is even more difficult to break through the big realm!

Qinglian Zhenshen was nourished by Taigu Shenquan, coupled with the creation of Qinglian, which grew to seven grades, before she stepped into the fit.

The Dragons really want to step into the realm of integration, I don't know how long it will take.

It may be ten years, it may be one hundred years.

If there are no opportunities, even millennia, thousands of years are possible!

Such things can't be anxious.

"It's time to go back."

Su Zimo murmured, ready to leave, and returned to Shenhuang Island.

(End of this chapter)

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