Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1489: Wrath of Jade Rakshasa (Third)

Chapter 1489 The Wrath of Jade Luo Cha (Chapter Three)

With the method of Yuluosha, it is too easy to conceal the old fairy cranes and conceal the crowds of Wufeng.

The martial arts deity guarded her secretly, so she did not expose her tracks.

Unexpectedly, I really let that abominable person guess. Someone really came to the trouble of Li Feng!

Jade Rakshasa suffered a big loss in the hands of the Martial Arts deity, and was also taken advantage.

There was a fire in her heart long ago!

As the young master of the Raksha clan, during this time, she was immersed in the mountain peaks, she could not show up, and no one spoke, and the fire never escaped.

And, the more she wanted, the more she felt wronged!

Today, Di Fan and others ran into her own, and she finally found the vent!

"You are not human!"

Wu Xiangxiangzu narrowed his eyes and said suddenly.

"No matter what!"

Yu Luocha sneered slightly, and said, "I'm angry. The five of you don't have long eyes. If you find it yourself, I can only kill you!"

The glances of the empty ancestors glanced at Jade Luosha unscrupulously, and said with a smile: "The fairy does not need to be angry. If you submit to me in the future, I can be the master today and protect you."

Surrendering these two words instantly stimulated Jade Rakshasa!

Now, she couldn't stand the most, and what she couldn't listen to most was submission!


Yu Luocha suddenly screamed, as if crazy, cursing: "You shameless old dog, you are really looking for death!"


The figure of Yu Luosha suddenly disappeared in place!

The old fairy crane stood not far away, but just blinked his eyes, and Jade Luosha was gone.

Moreover, she did not notice the trace of Jade Luo Cha!

It's too fast!

The old fairy crane was shocked.


The empty ancestral ancestors were also stunned in their hearts.

Although he was insatiable and wanted to surrender Yu Luocha, after all he was a well-known semi-ancestor and he was always vigilant.

The moment Yuluosha disappeared, he tore a rune, and his body collapsed!

At the same time, a cold light, chopped heavily on the head of the sky Xiao Banzu!


The amulet that Kongxiao Banzu had just condensed is broken instantly!

This time, can scare Xiaoxiao Banzu out of a cold sweat.

If he reacts a little bit slowly and the amulet 箓 does not condense, this cold light has already killed his life!

"It's Rakshasa!"

As soon as Yu Luochao took a shot, the five ancestors recognized her identity at the same time.

"Four Daoists help!"

The empty ancestor shouted quickly: "This mother Rakshasa is a little tricky!"

It is not necessary for him to remind him that the four ancestors of Emperor Vatican, Jedi, Chen Yu, and Xiang Xiang have already shot one by one and killed them towards Yuluosha!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

When Yu Luosha saw five ancestors besieging, she was even more angry and said coldly, "The five of you really don't know whether to live or die, and dare to besiege me!"


Yu Luocha urged the blood, holding a machete, relying on the horrifying speed of the body, shuttled between the five ancestors!

Big ass!

Kill the sword gas! "


Colorful glass body!

Light of the next day!

Five hordes of ancestors burst out of horrific spells and came to the sky!

There is a magic power in this magic.

Suddenly, the situation changed color!

Yu Luocha's body was completely restricted!

Normally, with the combat power of Jade Rakshasa, it is entirely possible to kill half-human ancestors.

But these five people are the most powerful Tianjiao among the human half-ancestors!

The five joined hands, and even Jade Luosha felt tremendous pressure.

But this pressure made her anger even stronger!

As the lord of the Raksha clan, she is carrying the reputation and dignity of the entire Raksha clan.

She has lost one time and doesn't want to lose another time!


Jade Luocha's blood was madly stimulated, and a sound of sea tide came from his body, deafening!

But this has not stopped!

The momentum of Jade Rakshasa is still rising rapidly!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the figure of five daughters of Rakshasa emerged from behind Yu Luocha, exuding powerful coercion!

"Blood vision!"

The five ancestors frowned slightly.

Anyone who can cultivate the vision of bleeding veins is the evil in the evil!

"Kill me!"

Yu Luocha pointed forward, and the five Luocha women drew hands, dancing with double knives, and rushing towards the five ancestors.

And Yu Luocha himself, has been staring at Xiaoxiao Banzu, and shot crazy!

The power of the blood vessel vision multiplies the pressure of the five ancestors!

Di Fan's expression was uncertain, and he suddenly said loudly: "As a Raksha family, you obviously have a deep hatred with Arima, and you actually came to protect the peaks related to Arima!"

"If this thing is to let your patriarch of the Raksha clan and the young master know, you will certainly be able to escape heavy punishment!"


Yu Luocha sneered, and said, "I'm the young master of the Raksha clan, I'm Yu Raksha!"

Five ancestors changed their look!

If it was just an ordinary Rakshasa, they would have killed five.

But in front of this, but the young master of the Rakshasa!

This identity is too sensitive!

The five ancestors didn't say a word, but in their eyes, there was a hint of fear.

I think that the deserted town killed the young master of the Bloodvine Clan and was issued a killing order. So far I don't know where to hide and dare not come out.

If they kill this Jade Rakshasa, I am afraid it will be a disaster!

This kind of thought was raised in my heart, and the five half-ancestors' shots started to become a little cautious.

The two sides were originally in a stalemate and it was difficult to distinguish between them.

Today, one side is fearful and fearful, while the other side is crazy and the most horrible offensive has erupted!

In a blink of an eye, the situation facing Xiaoxiao Banzu turned sharply!

Emperor Vatican, Dijie, Chen Yu, and Xiangxiang looked at each other, and made a decision at the same time-withdrawal!

Today, there is Jade Luosha here, and even if they continue to struggle, there will be no results.

If you are not careful, you may be killed here by Yuluosa Town!

Among them, if they fight alone, no one is the opponent of Jade Rakshasa!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Emperor Fan and others broke out a spell again. After the bluff, they released the puppet art and escaped in four directions!

The empty ancestors have long realized the plans of Difan and others and did not dare to stay here. A thunderous light emerged from the entire body.

The wind howled, the half-ancestors of the sky released the thunder and thunder method, and their heads would not escape towards the distance!

"Old dog, do you still want to escape?"

Yu Luocha's avatar is lack of skill, can not control other people.

But she only stared at Xiaoxiao Banzu!

No matter how fast the wind thunders, it's not faster than the Rakshasa!

After more than a dozen breaths, Yu Luocha has caught up with his machete in his hands.

Destroyed Rakshasa!

Two sword lights came down, with a terrifying atmosphere!

The empty ancestors felt the crisis, knowing that they could not escape, they could only stay in shape, throwing a huge shield in their palms, blocking them in front of them!

when! when!

Jin Ge's clashes sounded.

The empty sky ancestor was shaken!

These two blades of light penetrated this half-ancestor weapon and submerged into his body, erupting a destructive force sufficient to destroy all vitality!

Sanchang today, sleep

(End of this chapter)

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