Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1491: You are here! (Second more)

Chapter 1491 You are here! (Second more)

Pingyang Town.

In a quiet house, with a squeak, the door opened and a handsome man came out, wearing a purple robe, looking calm.

"My son, you're out!"

Tao Yan welcomed him.

In his eyes, the deity of martial arts seems to have become a little different, with an indescribable breath on his body.

"My son, have you stepped into a fit?"

Tao Yan looked pleased and asked again.


Budo nodded.

Stepping into a fit is much more difficult and dangerous than he imagined!

Ten feet high in heaven and earth, no one has condensed from ancient times to the present. The path of the martial arts deity can only be explored by himself!

Incorporating this Supreme Dharma, the physical body of the martial art deity has almost collapsed several times and turned into nothingness!

Fortunately, he finally came over, stepped into the fit, and became powerful!

At this moment, the martial arts master seemed to feel something, and when he looked, he turned his head and looked away.

"What's wrong with you?"

Tao Yan asked curiously when the martial art deity looked different.

"somebody is coming."

The martial arts master shook his head slightly, with a taunt of teasing in his eyes, and said, "I never expected that a Pingyang town full of mortals could attract half ancestors."

"Has the semi-ancestors come?"

Tao Yan heart stunned.

The martial art deity has spoken, and he still does not notice any trace of the semi-ancestors!

Although they are all fit, the perception of the martial art deity has far surpassed Tao Tao.

"My son, I'll stab them!"

Tao Yan raised his fist.

"No need."

The Budo master smiled slightly, and said, "There are just some grievances, and they will be resolved together today."

At this moment, Tao Yan whispered: "I feel them! Such a powerful breath, these four people are not easy to deal with!"

In Tao's induction, these four half-ancestors were extremely fast, but it took dozens of breaths to fall over Pingyang Town!

"Fanmin, Pingyang Town, listen."

The deceased half-ancestor looked indifferent, looking down, and said lightly, "Your luck is very bad, you have to die today!"

"Your luck is also very bad."

Just then, a quiet voice came from a house.


In this town of Pingyang, anyone dares to fight against Ban Zu?

The four fans of Difan turned their eyes and looked at the sound.

Seeing the people in that house, the four Difans froze on the spot, and an incredible color flashed in their eyes!

this person……


Emperor Fan first responded and sang!

The other three people have only seen Su Zimo's portrait, and the Emperor Vatican shot twice to kill Su Zimo. Really saw Su Zimo himself before he could recognize it!

"You're hiding here!"

Chen Yu's eyes were magnificent.

Originally, the four of them just wanted to come to Pingyang Town and walk casually, killing the mortals in Pingyang Town, and vented their anger.

Unexpectedly, but in this town of Pingyang, hit Su Zimo!


The deceased half of the ancestor's body flickered, and the first time he came over the house of the martial arts deity, his eyes were sharper than that of Jianguang!

"You guys, the Lord is here, let's not let him run away!"

The deceased half ancestor said slowly.

"It seems a bit wrong."

Emperor Fanfan frowned, gazing back and forth on the body of martial art deity.

This person is exactly like Arama.

But somehow, Emperor Vatican felt an unusual breath in the body of martial art deity!

This breath made him feel a palpitation!

However, he and the half elephant ancestors and half feather ancestors descended on the courtyard of the house, forming an encirclement trend with the end of the earth to the martial arts deities!


The half-ancestor of Chen Yu grinned and said, "I heard that you are making trouble in Mystery Palace. The combat power is so high that even the owner of Mystery Palace is suppressed by you. Today, I would like to see, what can you do!"

An elephant like a half ancestor said: "For the past 20 years, your cultivation has not grown in the slightest, but it is still the beginning of the combined state."

The elephant half-ancestor relaxed slightly.

Fortunately, Xiu Wu's cultivation is nothing.

"Desolate, hand over" Sword of Heavenly Sword ", I can leave you a whole body!"

The earth's ancestors said coldly.


The spirit of the martial arts turned, and he glanced at the body of the deceased half ancestor, squinting slightly, whispering: "It's a powerful sword, it's a rich killer!"

This kind of sword gas, this kind of murderous power, is similar to the Heavenly Sword Jian Qi, but there are obvious differences!

"It seems that you have practiced" Glass Killing Sword "."

The Master of Martial Arts smiled slightly and nodded, "You came just right, so I don't have to look for it!"

"Do you want to plot my" Killing Sword "?"

The deceased half ancestor heard the meaning of the martial art deity, and looked even colder.

The martial art demon no longer went to see the deceased half-ancestors, turned to look at Difan, slowly said: "You are a half-ancestor, Emperor Van Gogh, but you have strangled me twice in a row, and you are here today.

The words did not fall, the martial arts master stood up, soles of his feet stepped on the ground, and he slid gently.


In this house, a barrier rose instantly, completely isolating the place from Pingyang Town!


The four fans of Difan were shocked and sacrificed their own destiny.

The dust feather half-ancestor scooped out a pair of huge star hammers from the storage bag!

This pair of star hammers is entirely cast from the stars falling from the sky. Each handle is extremely heavy and can crush a mountain casually!

"I have heard that Arima is invincible in melee, and I just tried it today. Is it true that Arima is really capable, or is it a fame?"

The dust feather half-ancestor sang aloud, spurred blood, and instantly reached the state of blood like the tide!

Tart Tart!

The half-ancestor of the dust feather strode towards the martial arts deity, each step falling down, the whole world would tremble.

In just three big steps, the half-ancestor of the dust feather has come to the martial arts deity!

After stepping out these three big steps, the momentum of the dust feather half-ancestors has reached the limit!

"Eat me!"

The dust feather half-ancestor sounded like Hong Zhong, turned the Star Hammer in his hand, and smashed it hard against the head of the martial art deity!

The hammer of the stars is several times larger than the body of the martial art deity!

A large shadow shrouded, as if to fall down!


At the same time, Di Fan also sang softly.

The mana in his body agitated, and through the void, he reached out his palm, as if forming a huge grinding disc in the air, crushing towards the martial arts deity!

Big ass!

"The light of the next day!"

The elephant-like ancestor pinched the tactics with his hands, as if a scorching sun had condensed between his two hands, bursting into a dazzling light!

There are so many things in this light!

Each light contains horrific energy, which can easily pierce the physical body of the fit!

"Fighting and killing, dragons and snakes come to land!"

The sacred half ancestor groaned softly, held his fingers together, and chopped gently towards the martial arts deity!


Infinite sword energy condenses in an instant, forming a huge long sword, fierce and immortal, as if to pierce the sky into a cave, carrying terrifying coercion, and descended!

This sword, like the advent of the Dragon, looks down at the heavens and the earth, and seems to chop everything in front of him into nothingness!

(End of this chapter)

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