Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1493: Open your eyes and kill!

Chapter 1493 Murder With Open Eyes!

The half-ancestor of Chen Yu was beaten to death by the martial arts deity.

Seeing this scene, the three Difans were even scared and ugly.

Ever since they became half-ancestors, they have never felt this kind of calamity before them.

The Mahayana ancestors felt supernatural powers in the high-level ancient battlefields, and they would not easily show up. The half-ancestors are the highest existence on this desolate continent!

And they are the most powerful Tianjiao of the ancestors. Who can threaten them?

Today, the three of them watched Chen Yu's half-ancestor being killed with a fist by the deserter. The three also felt the scalp tingling, and their eyes seemed to have a scene of falling from their bodies.

boom! boom! boom!

The three Difans are madly impacting the surrounding barrier, wanting to break the **** and break out of this world.

"Why are you doing these needless struggles?"

The Budo master said lightly: "Even if you can break the space barriers here, you can't escape my pursuit!"

With this sentence, the only glimmer of hope in the hearts of the three Di Fans was also shattered!

The three couldn't help asking in their hearts, even if they escaped, would this desolate deity not catch up with them?

Just when the three of them were slightly wrong, the martial arts master walked in a leisurely pace, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the front of the elephant-like half-ancestor.

"You die too!"

The Budo master casually said as if he had announced the death penalty of the elephant half-ancestor!


Seeing that it was inevitable, the half-ancestor looked like a grand ancestor, gritted his teeth and said, "You bully me too much! Really do I have no hole cards!"

The words did not fall, like a half-ancestor madly spurring blood!


The sound of the sea tide came out of the half-ancestor!

This has not stopped!

The momentum of the half-ancestor is still rising rapidly!

"It looks like heaven and earth!"

I sang like a half-ancestor!


Behind the black elephant half-ancestor, a starry sky emerged, and the thirty-six days of the twinkle were shining bright in the starry sky!

"Blood vision!"

Seeing this scene, both Emperor Fan and the deceased half ancestors were surprised!

They have known Wu Xiang Banzu for many years, but they do n’t know at all, Wu Xiang Banzu also hides such a hole card!

Even the half-ancestor, Dust Feather, who is most proud of her physical blood, has no vision of bleeding veins.

The astonishment in the eyes of the Emperor Fan and the Emperor Di Juezu just rose, and in an instant, they were occupied by endless fear and shock!

Martial arts shot.

No magic, no secret, just a simple punch!


A loud noise is deafening!

The thirty-six sky stars in the sky are all broken!

The face of the half-ancestor like the ancestor changed continuously, and the pedals continued to retreat.

Every time I step back, I spit out a lot of blood!


This bloodline vision was defeated by martial arts deity!


No chance at all!

The power revealed by the martial arts destiny made Difan and the deceased half-ancestors feel a kind of despair.

The two didn't even have the desire to resist!

The vision of the half-ancestor's blood vessels collapsed, and his physical body also suffered a huge impact, and all the internal organs had emerged a crack!

"Desolate, you ..."

Just as the elephant ancestor Banzu was about to speak, the martial arts master had already come to him. He did not give him a chance to continue speaking.


The gaze of the half-ancestor suddenly dimmed.

His skull looked intact.

But in the knowledge of the sea, it has been penetrated by the strength of the martial arts deity, beaten thinly, the yuan **** is dead, and the body is dead!

The corpse like a half-ancestor fell from the air.

Two fists in one palm, two great ancestors fell!

Difan and the earth's most ancestors watched this scene with eyes closed, but could not do anything except to feel cold in their hands and feet.

The pride of the earth's absolute ancestors, at this moment, vanished!

Although Banzu was at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, in a single thought, all the mortals in Pingyang Town could be wiped out.

But half-ancestors are no different from those mortals before death!

Once the fame and glory, at this moment, everything turned into the past.

At this moment, the martial arts deity turned around and looked at the Emperor Fan and the deceased half ancestors not far away.

"Di Fan."

The Budo master said faintly: "You shot me twice and failed, but I didn't succeed. I shot once and you're dead!"

Di Fan did not expect that this once existed in his eyes, a tiny existence than the ants, and today has such a power!

You can even look down on him and take charge of his life and death!

Thinking back then, in the preaching place, he forcibly broke through the space of the preaching place, and when he tried to kill the barbaric army, the barbaric army had no resistance.

Even the fortune-making Qinglian was broken by him!

How many years have passed?

Desolate grow up to this point!


The deceased half-ancestor looked uncertain, and suddenly said, "I have no deep hatred between you and me. I am here only for your" Sword of Heavenly Sword "."

"Today, if you let me go alive, I would like to offer the" Glass Killing Sword "in hand!"

The great earth ancestor is very clear that without enough chips, he can't move the barbarity.

Therefore, without any luck, he directly stated that he could surrender the "Sword to the Ground"!

"There is really no hatred between you and me."

The martial art deity said: "But since you intend to kill all the mortals in Pingyang Town, I cannot keep you!"

"As for" Glass Killing Sword ", even if you don't hand it over, I can get it myself!"

The words did not fall, the Budo master shot again!


I do n’t know when the deity of martial arts has come to the end of the earth ancestors and punched him!

The martial arts boxing is, in the eyes of others, the most common boxing method. There are no tricks and no extra fancy moves.

But in the face of this punch, you can feel the horror of this punch!

The will and pressure that erupted from this punch almost made the heart of the earth's absolute ancestors almost collapse!

In his sight, there is no more martial arts deity, only this punch is left!


The sound of the sword groaned!

The deceased half ancestor draws his sword and sends it out.

His arm, wrist, and little movement, the sword has been stabbed out, sharp and extremely sharp!


The sword's sharp edge was chopped on the fist of the martial art deity, but the sound of Jin Ge's fighting came from!

The earth's ancestors were dismayed, their entire arms were numb!


In the eyes of the deceased half-ancestor, there was a sudden flash of sword light!

This light of swords went straight to the eyes of Martial arts demon!


The distance between them is too close.

The outbreak of pupillary surgery is coming soon.

Martial arts deity can't escape!

The martial arts look mocked, but only made a move to close his eyes.


This wiping pupil sword light was stabbed on the eyelids of the martial arts deity, and there was no puncture at all, only a faint white mark left!

Not even a wound!

The next moment, the Budo master opened his eyes!

Open your eyes and kill!

(End of this chapter)

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