Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1497: Nine Baby

Chapter 1497 Nine Babies



Of the 13 Kunlun peoples, all of them have transformed into their own bodies. They are all kinds of ancient beasts. Some of them are familiar, while others are long gone.

None of these Kunlun peoples are human.

According to the exquisite fairy, the Kunlun tribe is a fusion of the remaining races in the Archean War.

In the period of the Taikoo War, the human race was the weakest race among the nations, and was enslaved by people. They did not even have the qualifications to participate in this war of Taikoo.

Therefore, almost no human race exists in the Kunlun tribe.

The half-ancestor of the Kunlun tribe is a nine-baby!

Nine babies, pure blood fierce beasts, are extremely fierce. They have nine heads that look like weird snakes. They open their mouths and growl, they can make a crying baby, which is confusing!

At that time, in the primary antiquity battlefield, Su Zimo had encountered nine babies.

However, the nine babies in front of him have been cultivated to the semi-ancestor realm, and they are much stronger than the one in the junior ancient battlefield!


Nine infants roared in the sky, making a cry of babies.

Jihuo and Nianqi both frowned, feeling uncomfortable for a while, and their blood was restless and difficult to suppress!

The magic power of the first nine babies is very high. It is just a vocal mystery that has already affected both Jiuhuo and Nianqi!


At the same time, the remaining twelve fit beasts rushed up and rushed towards Jihuo and Nianqi.

These fierce beasts rushed on, the ground trembled, and made a loud noise, terrifying, as if they could tear the extreme fire into pieces!


Extremely dignified, his hands changed continuously, and beside him, three crimson flames ignited instantly.

Three flames, slowly spinning around him.

Red flame spinning lights!

If you only face one or two combined powers, this red flame spinning light spell is enough to protect yourself.

But now, the twelve beasts in the combined environment are being culled, and a half-ancestor's nine babies look at each other and wait for the opportunity.


Drink with a breeze, and the tricks in your hands change again!

Three clusters of crimson flames quickly gathered together!

The fire is flourishing!

The fire of Samadhi comes!

Jiuhuo pointed forward, and this group of Samadhi fires swept away toward the nine-headed fit beast in front!

These beasts felt the crisis, and some quickly stopped their figures, while others relied on their agility to move quickly and avoid the envelope of the fire of Samadhi.

Only the three heads were huge and the relatively slow-moving beasts could not escape and were shrouded in the fire of Samadhi!


The three fierce beasts suddenly made a scream of screams. The flesh and blood on their bodies was rapidly melting. As soon as the blood and water spewed out, they were burned into nothingness by the fire of Sanmadao!


At this moment, there were four heads shaking on the side of the nine infants, opening their mouths, and suddenly a gush of turbulent torrents poured down, pouring down on the bodies of the three beasts!

The four torrents, like the nine days of the Milky Way, poured down, and they were shocking!

Stab it!

The forces of the four torrents and the fire of Samadhi are constantly colliding and killing!

This is the confrontation between water and fire!

Water and fire overcome each other, but whether water can extinguish a fire or fire can incinerate water depends on two kinds of power, who is strong and who is weak!

Two forces, deadlocked!

If Jiuhuo and Jiuying directly confront each other, it would be nothing.

But the battlefield where the Samadhi fire and the four torrents confronted each other was on the body of the three beasts.

The fierce beast of the three-headed body is suffering from a fire of sages, and it is already painful.

Now, it has been eroded by the torrent. After a long time, in the fire and water slaughter, the body died and the bones are gone!


Jiuying screamed, "You angered me!"

On the nine heads of Jiuying, there was endless anger.


The nine heads moved at the same time, opening their mouths wide, blasting out a stream of flames, a stream of torrents, interwoven into a large net of fire and water exuding the atmosphere of destruction, and shrouded towards the extreme fire!

There was a sickening stench in the flames.

"Be careful, the flames are poisonous!"

Nian Qi quickly reminded.

Jiuhuo soon realized that he looked dignified and urged his natal device to resist in front of him.

At the same time, Jiuhuo continued to pinch the tactics, condensing spells, impacting this water and fire net, and wanted to tear this net open a gap!

However, this web of water and fire is the talent and magical power of Jiuying.

If the two are in the same realm, Extreme Fire can definitely tear up this net.

But nowadays, Jiuying is a semi-ancestor with strong mana and endless power. This water and fire net cannot be torn at all!

Seeing that the net of water and fire was about to be shrouded, Nian Qi on the side, just after killing a fierce beast in a fit body, flashed his figure and came to Jihuo!


Nian Qi urged the blood veins, and the bleeding vein vision broke out directly!

Behind her, a huge pyramid emerged, quaint and mysterious, with endless mortals kneeling down and praying prayerfully.

Nian Qi stood on top of the pyramid, as if it were the **** of that world!

Seeing this scene, the white robe man's eyes were magnificent, and he nodded secretly.

"Senior, you resist other Kunlun people, I will deal with this nine babies!"

Nian Qi said quickly.

Stab it!

The pyramids soared to the sky, tearing the water and fire nets in an instant and suppressing them towards Jiuying!


Jiuying screamed, "Dare to!"


The pyramid came down, directly crushing the two heads of Jiuying, flesh and blood flew, and the brain flowed to the ground, shocking!

But in a blink of an eye, these two heads of Jiuying grew up again.

You know, although the power of fit can be reborn with a broken arm, if the head is lost, it will definitely not grow.

But these nine babies are different!

Jiuying has nine heads, and even if eight of them are dropped, he will not die!

His Yuanshen can be transferred at will among the nine heads. As long as one head is immortal, he will not die!

Nianqi controlled the huge and magnificent pyramid, stepped forward, and the pyramid came down again.

At the same time, Nianqi used both hands and feet, and condensed spells, mysteries, and in the blink of an eye, a gust of stormy offensive broke out on Nine Baby!

puff! puff! puff……

Jiuying's head burst one by one.

But soon it can grow back.

The two sides fought in the battle, the most dangerous one, Jiuying even broke eight heads, and was almost killed by Nianqi Town!

Nine babies, who are half-ancestors, were completely suppressed by Nianqi!

On the other side, there are only seven honorable beasts in the Kunlun tribe.

These fierce beasts join forces and can't stop the extreme fire killing!

"I beg God to let the Lord go!"

Jiuying couldn't support it, and shouted for help.

"Ha ha."

The man in the white robe next to him smiled slightly, and slowly stretched out his palms, his blood swelled, and a blazing golden light appeared, and said lightly, "It is time to end."

Thank you for being drunk and dreaming, Ye Feng's reward of ten thousand book coins ~

(End of this chapter)

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