Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1502: Storage ring

Chapter 1502 Storage Ring

"What's hidden in the War of the Ancients?"

Ji Hu looked at the wall and asked suddenly.

Su Zimo smiled and said, "Don't guess, you can unlock all the secrets by entering Kunlun Market!"


The fire nodded and it was time to leave.

Su Zimo laughed abruptly, and said, "Master, you and Nianqi haven't recovered from their injuries. You should rest here for a few days, not in a hurry."


Jiuhuo laughed: "When entering Kunlun Market, I don't know what kind of situation to face and what kind of danger to go through. I should prepare."

Next, Jiuhuo and Nianqi were healing in this secret room.

Both are fit and strong.

Nian Qi has the blood of the Protoss and has an amazing healing power.

But in three days, she was cured!

On the fifth day, the extreme fire also returned to the original!

"Let's go."

An extremely hot greeting.

Su Zimo nodded and handed Nianqi a golden ring, saying: "This was taken off from the finger of that protoss man. My mana touched it. There was no response. Try it."

Nianqi took the ring, looked at it with curiosity, and injected mana.

The ring remained motionless.

Nianqi groaned a little, suddenly bit her fingertips, squeezed a drop of blood, and fell on the ring.

This drop of blood quickly melted into the ring!

Subsequently, Nianqi looked for a moment, shocked in her eyes.

"what happened?"

Su Zimo asked.

Nianqi calmed down a bit, Shen said: "This ring has a lot of space in it, which can hold a lot of things, just as much as our storage bag."

Su Zimo nodded and said, "That's right with my guess. This should be a storage ring, but only the Protoss can use it."

"My son, there are some books and weapons in it."

Nianqi thought about it and carried these books and weapons out.

Jiuhuo took a book at hand, and browsed it around.

"It's all written and I haven't seen it at all."

Furious fire frowned slightly.

The text on these books is extremely strange. It is not a demon character or a human character. It is crooked and cannot be recognized at all, like a heavenly script!

The casting of these weapons is also very different from that on the continent!

Su Zimo also shook his head and said, "I don't understand. Put these things away first."

According to Nianqi, these books and weapons were put back into the storage ring.

Su Zimo groaned a little, and said, "Nian Qi, you should put away this storage ring, don't expose it."

They are about to enter the Kunlun Market. They don't know who they will face and what situation they will face.

If there are other protoss in the Kunlun Ruins, seeing this storage ring, it must be speculated that the pros men have fallen and died in their hands!

Su Zimo looked at several powerful Kunlun corpses on the ground and thoughtfully.

"What's wrong, Zimo?"

Asked extremely hot.

Su Zimo said: "Have you found out that the Kunlun people who came in this time are different from the Kunlun people in ancient times."


Furious fire frowned slightly.

Nian Qi was also puzzled.

In ancient times, the Kunlun tribe has long been decayed, leaving only a corpse, which can't see anything, and can be different.

Su Zimo pointed at the waists of several Kunlun corpses that came in this time and said, "Look, these Kunluns are tied with gray ribbons in their waists, while the Kunluns in ancient times have purple gold in their waists Colored ribbons. "

"It does, but what does it prove?"

Asked extremely frowning.

"I do not know either."

Su Zimo shook his head and said, "Let's go and see at Kunlun Market!"

The three walked towards the other end of the mystery.

It didn't take long for me to come to the end of the mystery.

But at the end of this, there is no way, only cold walls!

Su Zimo's magical tricks were continuously changed with both hands, blasting out a mana, immersed himself in every corner, and sang softly: "San!"

The wall in front of me is gradually disappearing, and a passage to the outside world emerges!

At the entrance connecting the secret realm to Kunlun Market, there were large arrays of exquisite fairies. Hesitant years passed, and several arrays were broken. The protoss men discovered the flaws and cracked them.

These days, Su Zimo has restored this large array again!

The foundation of this large array is still there. There is no need to portray the lines. Su Zimo just repaired the eyes of the array, and the large array can resume operation.

In this way, this secret situation will not be discovered again!

Su Zimo, with the extreme fire and Nianqi, left the secret realm and entered the Kunlun Market.

The moment the three entered the Kunlun Market, they were shocked.

On the other hand, there was an ancient and wild atmosphere. As if in an instant, the three went back in time and returned to the ancient times!

Due to the existence of the Kunlun Realm, this place is truly isolated from the world.

Since the ages, there is only one exquisite fairy who has been to Kunlun Market and left alive.

Here, the most primitive things and traces of the Archaic era remain!

All the buildings here are far from today's buildings.

Of course, most have fallen into ruins!

The three men, Su Zimo, moved slowly in one direction and looked around.

Wherever you look, all are ruins, bones!

All buildings are built on the ruins!

Even the vegetation is rooted in the ruins!

Before walking far, the three of them looked, and not far away, they saw another Shaolin fruit!

Nianqi looked around and found no danger, so he hurried forward, picked this Shaling fruit, and handed it to Su Zimo.

At that time, the evil spirit fruit on the periphery of Kunlun Market was the first to give extreme fire.

This one, naturally give Su Zimo first.

"You take it."

Su Zimo smiled slightly.

Nian Qi shook her head stubbornly, still insisting.

Su Zimo had to put away the spirit fruit.

The three did not go far, and saw another fruit!

You must know that on the periphery of Kunlun Market, the three people wandered for a long time and fought with countless grievances and fierce ghosts, and they just got a magic fruit.

But in this Kunlun market, it didn't take too long to see two plants in a row!

In this way, all three of them have this spiritual fruit!

With the existence of evil spirits, the three can increase their success rate by as much as 30% when they hit Mahayana and experience the fire of magical robberies!

Sha Linguo has long disappeared on the continent.

Unexpectedly, in this Kunlun market, three people got three!

The storytelling old man was right. This Kunlun market is an unknown place. Although it has great danger, it also has great opportunities!

I don't know how many natural treasures there will be, and Shao Ling Guo is just one of them!

Su Zimo's heart burst into anticipation.

Perhaps here, Qinglian Zhenshen can quickly grow up!

The most common reason why this spirit fruit is so common in the Kunlun Market is that the environment here is special, and the people in the Kunlun Market do not need it at all.

Because they cannot step into Mahayana.

Although this evil fruit is a treasure, it is a chicken rib to them!

(End of this chapter)

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