Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1511: God of Heaven!

Chapter 1511: God of the Famine!

"Ha ha."

He looked relaxed and looked at the Kunlun people at the entrance to the canyon. He shook his head and smiled, and said, "What are you still insisting on? That beast is just a beastly fight, and it won't last long."


A half ancestor headed by these Kunlun cries, screams, and drags his body full of scars, and screams out: "You are so bold! The old master's bones are here, and you dare to point the sword at the young master! You dare to call the young master a beast, are you really not afraid of condemnation? "

"The old master has a spirit in heaven. If he senses this, even a ray of residual soul can kill him here!"

Above the gorge not far away, there are two monster bones standing up to 100 feet tall.

One bone is golden and the other is purple. It is the two deities of the year!

The two shrines stood side by side, facing away from the sky, looking at the direction of the colorful cave, even though they were only two corpses, they still exhaled a heartbreaking breath!

饕餮 Frown slightly.

The two gods have died for countless years, and it is impossible to say anything about the soul.

He even scoffed at condemnation.

But I still have jealousy.

At that time, the fierce names of these two deities were too prosperous!

What's more, his ancestors were the subordinates of these two deities, and in his blood, he had an inherent fear of the deities!

This time, if he did not join hands with the Protoss, he would not dare to challenge the Protoss.


He sneered slightly, and said, "Kunluns on the other side, listen, I can give you a chance. If you surrender now and surrender to me, I can let you go, and treat them equally in the future!"

"If I still don't surrender and surrender, I will treat you as rebellious and kill without pardon!"


The half-ancestor of the Kunlun tribe across the country laughed loudly, and said loudly: "Rebellion? What a big joke, a big irony!"

"The young master is the god, but the real Kunlun master! Even your grandparents are obedient to the old master's obedience, and now you are too vocal, and the army is the master! You are the real rebellion!"

"Hanquan, you are so stubborn!"

Sneer sneered: "How many years have passed, and you still remember what happened then. I tell you, I am the master of Kunlun!"

"Just this little cub is worthy of fighting me!"

The cold spring ancestor also sneered: "Well, no matter how many years we have, our people will remember the ancestral teachings left by the old master!"

"Even if the two old masters died in battle, the Protoss did not enter the wild! And what have you done! What are you doing!"

There are only hundreds of thousands of Kunlun people on the side of Hanquan.

It is far too different from the Kunlun army, which is worth tens of millions.

But at this time, the Hanquan ancestors pointed at the puppet and pointed at the opposite Kunlun Army, yelling loudly, but tens of millions of Kunlun Army were silent.

Countless Kunlun people bowed their heads and did not dare to look at them.

He's face was gloomy, and slowly said, "Yeah, the old master has his back to the sky and protects Kunlun, but their end? All are dead!"

"I don't want to die! I don't want to, the Kunlun people who follow me die here!"

"After so many years, the protoss recuperate and recuperate, stronger than the ancient times! And Tianhuang, there are no more two gods! Even taboos are gone!"

"It's up to you, just the little cub who fits together, and wants to stop the Protoss? You are so naive!"

The Kunlun people at the entrance of the canyon looked dim, and there was a hint of despair in their eyes.

They were also clear in their hearts, and I was right.

Protoss is making a comeback, but they can't resist it at all.

He said faintly: "Hanquan, this is the general trend! The general trend is turbulent, rolling in, and anyone who stands in front of it will be crushed to the bones!"

"What bullshit!"

Hanquan half-ancestor sneered: "Kunlun Market has supernatural forbidden area, even if it is the ancestor of the Protoss, don't dare to break in!"

"Ha ha."

Just then, there was a chuckle around me.

This is the end, the three white robe protoss no longer cover their identity and breath, the white robes on their bodies have burst, exposing a golden armor inside!

The black hair of the three Protoss quickly turned into golden hair.

All the camouflage on my body disappeared!

"Even if there are no Mahayana ancestors, only the two legions of our Protoss will be sufficient to flatten the Kunlun market! That is the two legions of our god's continent, combined power and half-ancestors! Under the hoof of the sword, All are subject to submission! "

A protoss smiled a little and proudly said, "It's just some vanguards who are entering here now."

Hanquan's half-ancestor glared at his uncle, biting his teeth and said, "Well, you count the forgotten ancestors! Even if you join hands with the protoss, you deserve to be called the Lord of Kunlun!"

"Well worth it or not, you don't count."

He gradually showed impatience, shook his head slightly, and said, "In the end, nothing is more than defeating the king. In this battle, you will surely die. Who will remember you? Later generations will only remember me, and I am the true Kunlun the Lord!"

"If you refuse to surrender, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

I waved my hand and ordered, chilling: "Kill!"


At this moment, there was a long howling in the distant sky, like a thunder, rolling in, the clouds in the sky all receded!

This howling is still far away, but many Kunlun people present felt the buzzing in their ears, showing the horror of this howling!

She smiled and said proudly: "Hanquan, the new commander I just solicited! It just makes you see his means!"

"So strong!"

The cold spring ancestors and others were stunned.

Hearing this howling, in the canyon, the huge body that was fighting with the Protoss was trembling lightly and looked back in disbelief.

In his sight, he saw the familiar figure.

Blue shirt brunette!

In the cold and unforgiving eyes of God, endless thoughts and joy flowed.


Under the excitement of the gods, the sky shouted!

The two howls echoed and echoed over the Kunlun Market!


A protoss might take the opportunity to rush forward, a sword on the body of the god, marking a bloodstain.

The **** shouted in anger, biting his head back, and tore the protoss body in half, the golden blood splattered everywhere!

The oracle once again entered the army of the protoss!

Su Zimo's expression was cold, and the wind and the electricity generally rushed over.

Extremely hot, Nianqi followed.

The three looked at the Sacred God Canyon, the figure fighting the blood of many protoss. In their minds, they could not help but come up with the picture that they saw in that palace.

In the picture, a **** shrugs his back to the sky, crosses in the middle of the Gods Canyon, and stands alone against the army of the protoss and guards Kunlun!

The scene in front of me seems to be integrated with the deity in the picture, regardless of each other.

The sight of the three people gradually blurred.

Yeling has endured the misunderstandings of later generations, the fear of the world, the hostility of all races, and he is alone in the canyon, facing away from the sky, guarding Kunlun!

Even if all this, no one knows.

Even though, he might die.

Ye Ling, still made his own choice.

Just like his mother!

Deity is the Lord of Kunlun, the true God of Heaven!

I cried at the back o (╥﹏╥) o

(End of this chapter)

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