Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1515: Bright Army

1515 Bright Legion

In the cave with colorful flashes, slowly came out a team of Protoss knights wearing golden armors riding on war horses!

The warhorses under their command were all wrapped in golden armor, showing only a pair of cold eyes!

This is no ordinary war horse.

These warhorses have snow-white feathers on both sides of their bodies, and a sharp long horn is raised above their heads, flying slowly in mid-air!

These Protoss knights, with golden swords in their hands, looked cold, staring at Su Zimo and Yeling!


A protoss laughed: "The barbaric barbarians, you're done! The bright army of the land of my god, has arrived in the barbarians!"

"Dark Legion, right behind!"

These Protoss knights slowly came out, and everyone's body was full of endless brilliance, dazzling!

Most of these Protoss knights are fit.

Among them, some are semi-ancestors!

These half-ancestors of the Protoss also ride on the Tianma, but they are carrying a spear surrounding the golden pattern in their hands. The breath is terrifying!

The most terrifying thing is that this is a legion formed by the power of the Protoss and the half-ancestors of the Protoss. It has strict discipline and is full of iron blood.

After entering the gorge, the Protoss knight saw no bones in the ground, and was not surprised at all, always expressionless!

Just in an instant, hundreds of Protoss knights entered the canyon!

There are only a thousand people in the Bright Army.

Anyone who can enter the Army of Light is the most powerful genius on the continent of God!

Each knight in the Bright Army is enough to sweep the same level and dominate one side!

With so many Protoss knights coming together to form an iron blood army, what lethality can erupt, it is unimaginable!

What's more, both the armor and weapons of these Protoss knights were created by the top swordsmith of the Continent.

This bright army can even kill tens of millions of Kunlun troops to lose their helmets and armor!

Yeling looks dignified.

He knows that the test for them has just begun!

The former protoss was nothing at all. This bright army in front of us represented the peak of civilization on the continent of God!

After this bright legion, there was a dark legion that did not show up.

At that time, what will happen to the two legions?

At the entrance of the canyon, the death was resurrected, and the Kunlun army was approaching.

Su Zimo and Ye Ling must have one person to deal with!

"Yaling, go and get rid of it."

Su Zimo groaned a little, and quickly made a decision, saying, "I'm coming to resist the Light Army of the Protoss!"

The contrast before and after the canyon is definitely the most dangerous of the Protoss side.

Behind the two, it was only the strength of the Kunlun Market.

And the protoss side is the power of the entire **** continent!

Su Zimo's choice was to push himself to the edge of a cliff!

"Brother ..."

Ye Ling wanted to refuse, but as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by Su Zimo.

"The night spirit."

Su Zimo stared at Yeling and said in a deep voice: "Only you are the most suitable for solving the Kunlun Market, and only you can suppress the Kunlun people!"

In terms of blood and origin, Yeling is the true Kunlun master.

There is an irresolvable hatred and conflict between him and You. The two must decide whether to win or not, to divide between birth and death!

Once killed, with the prestige of the night spirit, it is very likely that the remaining Kunlun people will be suppressed!

But Su Zimo is different.

These Kunlun people do not agree with Su Zimo at all.

Even if they die, these Kunlun people will not take orders from Su Zimo.

If Su Zimo were to deal with the Kunlun army, he would only be able to kill the war, and it would be of no benefit to the entire situation!

Su Zimo said: "Yaling, you have to use thunder to kill the town of Puppets and conquer the remaining Kunlun people before you can come back and help me."

"I understand."

Yeling nodded.

"Be assured that before you come back, I will certainly hold the Killing Gods Canyon and will not let go of a protoss!" Su Zimo's tone was firm.

After a short pause, Su Zimo urged again: "Besides, you have to be careful."

"This puppet has some means. We just broke his head. He was not dead and alive. I suspect that the puppet **** may not be living in the sea!"

"Brother be assured!"

After Ye Ling spoke this sentence, his body flickered and disappeared.

When it comes back, it's already at the entrance to the canyon!

It's time to race against time.

The sooner you kill Puzhen and take charge of controlling all Kunlun clan, the sooner you can rush back to help Su Zimo!

"The barbaric in the east, I give you a chance, and now submit to me, I can take your income and become a guard around me!"

A half-ancestor of a protoss carried a spear, riding a Tianma, and slowly came out, looking down at Su Zimo.

At this point, this bright army has all entered the canyon, with thousands of people!

Among them, there are dozens of ancestors alone!

The rest are all fit!

The protoss half-ancestor proudly said, "I will personally guide you, teach you the noble civilization of my protoss, and get rid of your barbaric identity!"


Su Zimo sneered, and said, "The means of your protoss are just the same, twice into the wilderness, even this valley can't get through, and his face is in front of me!"

Many of the Protoss of the Light Corps sank.

The ancient war is the eternal shame of God's continent!

The continent of God has conquered many worlds, occupied countless sites, and enslaved hundreds of millions of souls. Never before has such a disastrous defeat!

Today, they are making a comeback, just to shed a shame on the ancient times!

"The barbaric in the east, you succeeded in angering me!"

The semi-ancestor of the Protoss slowly raised the spear in his hand, with a flash of golden light on it, pointing at Su Zimo, and chirping: "Now, even if you kneel in front of me, I will not let you go!"

"Today, let you see the power of my army of light!"

The words did not fall, and the spear in the hand of the protoss half-ancestor suddenly burst out with a golden light.

At the same time, every Protoss knight in the entire Bright Legion pulled out their long swords in a uniform manner.

There was a golden light on the sword!

Thousands of golden light condensed in mid-air, and in the blink of an eye, a golden spear with a length of several tens of feet was formed, which crossed the mid-air, exuding a heart-breaking breath!

Su Zimo narrowed his eyes slightly, his heart narrowed.

This spear is not the strength of one or two Protoss.

It is a secret method that combines the power of the entire Light Army!

Pointed to by this huge golden spear, even Su Zimo felt a tingling scalp.


The warning signs in Su Zimo's heart flashed!

Too late to think.

Lightning arcs emerged from Su Zimo's body, and a pair of mana wings suddenly grew behind him.

In the end, his figure turned into a golden light of thunder and lightning, and disappeared instantly!

Wings of Ethereal, Electric Power, Golden Light.

The fusion of the three major martial arts techniques has brought Su Zimo's speed to the extreme!

(End of this chapter)

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