Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1518: Dualism (second more)

Chapter 1518: The Dual Elemental God (Second)

Killing Gods Canyon.

Ye Ling led the old Kunlun Ministry and has collided with the tens of millions of Kunlun troops!

Yeling did not entangle with other Kunlun clan, went straight to kill!

"Little cub! You really think I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

I yelled and moved.

His five commanders rushed forward, standing in different locations, forming a siege with him, trapping the night spirit in the middle!


Ye Ling looked at the five commanders, and burst out a roar at them, shaking the sky, giving out a breathtaking breath!

This is a taboo breath!

The five leaders were so weak that they dared not look at Ye Ling.

They knew in their hearts that Ye Ling was the real Lord of Kunlun, and they were rebellious!

I noticed the fear in the eyes of the five leaders and sneered, saying, "What are you afraid of! This little cub has been fighting the Protoss for so long, it's already exhausted!"

"The wound on his body is still bleeding. What else can he do?"

"He's just the end of the crossbow! I will join forces to kill him. By then, Kunlun Market will be our world!"

The five leaders took a deep breath and gradually calmed their minds.

He also said, "Don't count on surrendering your surrender now, this little cub will let you go! The gods are addicted to killing, and will never show mercy to the betrayal!

This sentence really made the five leaders firm the thoughts in their hearts.

I'm right.

They have no retreat, only one battle!


The five commanders yelled, and rushed towards Yeling in a murderous manner!


Ye Ling's body, like a ghost, disappeared in place, and in an instant, it already appeared in front of the body!

I also responded very quickly, opened my **** mouth, and bit down towards Ye Ling's neck!

Two behemoths slaughtered together!

Blood bursts out, scattered in the void.

Normally, even if you are a half-ancestor, you can't stop Yeling's killing!

However, the battle between the night spirit and the protoss is now all over the body, and the combat power is greatly reduced. The two monsters are fighting in one place.

The five leaders turned around and rushed up.

The Yeling is separated from the puppet, making use of the mysterious methods of the gods, his body is erratic, and he wanders around the puppet.



A dark shadow appeared and disappeared instantly!

One commander looked dim, the breath of life in his body was passing quickly, and a blood hole had already appeared in the center of his eyebrows, and scarlet blood came out.

This was assassinated by the night spirit's tail!

From the beginning to the end, this leader has not been able to see the night spirit!

puff! puff! puff!

The six monsters slaughtered together, and blood continued to emerge, even with broken limbs and flying in mid-air, becoming increasingly fierce!

Melee fighting between monsters is extremely dangerous.

Even if he can kill the opponent, he will inevitably be injured.

After dozens of breaths, although the night spirit relied on the ghostly body to assassinate the three leaders in succession, he also had seven or eight wounds on his body!

There was a wound deep into the bones and blood dripping.

That's what I stayed for!

If Yeling flashes slowly, then I can bite Yeling's body in two!

The battle continues!

One of Ye Ling's legs was bitten by a cricket.

This injury is not fatal to the power of fit.

However, the night spirit's mana consumption was too great, and the Yuan Shen was weak, and he could not even let the broken leg grow back in battle!

With such a serious injury, Ye Ling killed all the remaining two leaders!

The big mouth swallowed Ye Ling's broken leg, dripping with blood.

Even if it is a broken leg, the blood of the deities contains huge amounts of energy that is unimaginable.

Ye Ling's blood completely stirred his ferocity!


饕餮 Licking scarlet lips, slowly rotating around Yeling, while looking for Yeling's flaws, he said, "Little cub, you can't hold on for long!"

"Kill you enough!"

Even with such severe injuries, the wounds are scarred, the body is broken, and the night spirit's voice is still not fluctuated!

For Yeling, as long as he can seize a chance, he can completely kill the slugs!

To the gods, killing is like their instinct!

Every bone and every inch of muscle on the oracle is not superfluous, all born for killing!

The gods at the peak are extremely scary.

If Yeling is in its heyday, he may not live for three breaths!

Haunting in the direction of Ye Ling's broken leg, he was suddenly stunned and rushed up.

Broken leg is the biggest flaw in Yeling now!

饕餮 Catch this flaw and kill Yeling completely!

as expected.

Because of a broken leg, Ye Ling turned around and was not as agile as he was at first, and became a bit sluggish.

The two monsters slammed together!

In confusion, bite into Ye Ling's arm!

Sharp and sharp teeth pierce the purple-gold scales of Yeling in an instant!

This bite almost bites Ye Ling's arm!

There was a flash of pain in Ye Ling's eyes, but instead of struggling and screaming, he could not bear the pain, and bite it hard at the stinging head!

In my eyes, there was a weird touch, and he did not escape, and continued to exert force, shaking the huge skull and biting the night spirit's arm!

He is not in a hurry!

His physical strength and injuries are much better than Ye Ling.

As long as he accumulates a little bit of advantage and slowly consumes it, he can also consume Yeling to death!

This time, he plans to tear off Ye Ling's arm again!

As for his skull, he didn't care at all.

Because, even if his skull was bitten by the night spirit, he would not die.

Almost all the monster gods are in the sea of ​​knowledge in his head, but he is different!

His primordial spirit was not in his mind at all.

And in the eyes under his armpit!

The Yi family, after transfiguring the ontology, faced the sheep and had no eyes at all.

Their eyes, hidden under the armpits, are extremely hidden!

This is their greatest strength!

After He has cultivated the Yuanshen, the Yuanshen will also hide in his armpit eyes.

Therefore, Su Zimo's shot, he severely wounded the puppet, even broke his head, and he can still be resurrected. This is the key!

Even if his skull is broken, his primordial **** is fine, and he can grow up again!

The skull is like a limb to the cricket family.

He was severely wounded by Su Zimo, and soon recovered. He was able to fight with the Night Spirit. The more important reason was that he had a dualistic god!

He also had a great chance in Kunlun Market, where he was able to cultivate a dualistic god, hidden in the eyes under his armpits.

In other words, his mana is twice as high as other magpies!

He can deter Kunlun Market and become the master of Kunlun, naturally he has his hole cards!

(End of this chapter)

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