Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1521: God pupil (fifth)

Chapter 1521 God pupil (fifth)

Seeing the trend of encirclement, it has been formed, and the Protoss leader suddenly screamed, "You, sacrificing blood vessel visions!"

Give an order!

boom! boom! boom!

Under the body of many protoss, ancient and magnificent pyramids emerge.

Around each pyramid, there are billions of souls kneeling, praying prayerfully, looking up at the protoss on top of the pyramids.

A steady stream of power poured into the Protoss.

The breath of many protoss is constantly rising!

This is the horror of the Protoss!

Once the blood of the Protoss is awakened, even if it is not cultivated, the blood vein vision will be generated.

More than five hundred pyramids were suspended in mid-air, and they were extremely shocking. The figures of many protoss slowly rose up, indistinguishable from the whole world!

Enormous coercion, coming down!

Qing Lian really was under such pressure, and she couldn't bear it. The bones in her body made a crunching sound, as if she wanted to fall apart.


Su Zimo was screaming in the sky, his breath kept rising, and in the blink of an eye, he reached a pinnacle!

Su Zimo's body seems to have disappeared, becoming looming, and a turquoise green lotus standing up in the sky!

This kind of green lotus is crystal clear, emerald is jade, and the body is filled with endless glow.

Under the watchful eye of the gods, a lotus flower slowly bloomed at the top of this green lotus, bursting out a rosy color!

"this is……"

The gods looked up, with a shock in their eyes.

If it is said, they have become one with the heaven and the earth, regardless of each other.

The power of this Qinglian strain has already broken this world!


Good fortune Qinglian swayed gently.

The heavens and the earth shivered a little, and the void filled with ripples, like a calm lake falling into a stone.

The ripples were weak, rippling towards more than 500 ancient pyramids around.

A horrible scene happened!

This seemingly weak ripple, after passing through the pyramids, the cracks appeared on the bodies of these pyramids, and they quickly expanded and spread!


Pyramids, shattered and collapsed under the shroud of ripples, become nothing!

Many Protoss are shocked!

If it was 20 years ago, Su Zimo's vision of the bloodline could not withstand so many visions of the Protoss.

But after absorbing the refining and worry-free wood, Su Zimo's Qinglian true body, crazy growth, whether it is strength or blood, has a significant leap!

Today Qinglian's true body is approaching the Eight Pins of Fortune Qinglian!

Although there is still a long way to go, it is no longer out of reach.

Of course, Su Zimo's bloodline vision failed to suppress as many as five hundred pyramids.

It was only that more than two hundred pyramids were shattered, and Su Zimo's vision of Qinglian was no longer supportable.

But this is enough!

More than 200 pyramids collapsed, and the encirclement of many protoss collapsed instantly!

Su Zimo sneered, his figure reappeared, turned into a golden light, came to a protoss knight, and his backhand was a palm!

The bloodline vision of this Protoss knight collapsed, his blood was floating, and he had not been able to slow down God.


The protoss had only one time to say a word, and quickly raised his arms, trying to resist the power of Su Zimo.


Su Zimo's palm directly broke the arms of this protoss!

The palm of the hand was suppressed and patted on the person's head.

This person's Yuanshen was instantly shattered, his body died, and his body fell from the air!

The other protoss reacted and shot.

But Su Zimo's figure flickered again and had disappeared.

When it reappears, come to the side of another protoss half-ancestor, and follow the same method to kill it!

The two fought fast to fight three or four rounds.

The half-ancestor of the Protoss paled and finally couldn't hold it up!


In the eyes of this half-ancestor of the Protoss, a little bit of golden light surged.

Just in a blink of an eye, the pair of eyes turned into gold, indifferent, with endless majesty, as if to judge all sin in the world!


Su Zimo's heart stunned.

At the time of the First World War in Vientiane, he had played against the Protoss.

That protoss has cultivated the technique of the **** pupil, which is very similar to the scene in front of him.

Of course, the half-ancestor of the protoss in front of him released the pupil, even Su Zimo felt a palpitation.

The **** pupil of this protoss half-ancestor is filled with a trace of magical power!

Su Zimo was shocked.

He didn't dare to carelessly, the ethereal wings, the electric sting operation, the golden light of the vertical ground erupted at the same time, the body receded and kept flickering, trying to avoid the power of this pupil.

A pupil with a fascination of magic power to create a green lotus with seven grades may not be able to carry it down.

But Su Zimo was afraid to take risks.

There are more than 500 Protoss here!

There is also a legendary dark legion behind!

If it is because of the hard shock with this pupil, Qing Lian is really badly hurt, then it is really worth the loss.

This protoss ancestor is also extremely intelligent.

Seeing that Su Zimo escaped by using the cricket technique, he was not in a hurry to release the pupil technique, but was constantly approaching Su Zimo.

He was very clear that if this pupil technique was released, the threat to Su Zimo would no longer exist.

But if he never releases, he will stare at Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's head is always hung with a sharp sword, and it will be cut off at any time!

Su Zimo is bound to be bound!

The rest of the Protoss also noticed this scene and shot in succession to cooperate with this Protoss half-ancestor.

Some protoss held up a blood vision and surrounded Su Zimo.

Some protoss also urged pupil technique, and the eyes of a pair of children became golden and flickering, and they remained silent, always staring at Su Zimo, constantly approaching the distance from Su Zimo!

Those who can join the Army of Light are the evildoers of the continent of God.

Every Protoss knight has cultivated a pupil!

More than a thousand golden eyes all fell on his body. Su Zimo only felt that his scalp was blasted and creepy!

Just in a flash, the situation quietly changed!

The remaining five hundred protoss gradually took control of the initiative!

Qing Lian's real body was cast by Su Zimo. Although she has trained pupils of the magic gate, her lethality is not strong and she can't compete with the pupil!

The terrible pupillary technique is instant.

No warning.

Su Zimo's spirit was slightly relaxed, and a pupil technique had already arrived.


Su Zimo evaded the danger in a dangerous way. This pupil landed on the rock of the canyon behind him, and instantly made two holes, bottomless!

Under the pressure of some protoss visions, Su Zimo's dodge space is getting smaller and smaller!

Huh! Huh!

Another two pupils come!

Su Zimo's body has been distorted to an unimaginable level, so he avoided these two pupils.

These two pupils went out of the air and hit the skeleton of a huge monster!

This is the corpse of the Aster in the ancient times!

Thank you Hailang for the reward of 20,000 book coins. Forever this book, there is another lord ^ _ ^ Brother Hailang got married in two days, and may not have time to read the book that day. I wish you a happy wedding in advance, a hundred years together ~ In addition, there are updates during the day ...

(End of this chapter)

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