Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1523: Darkness descends (seventh)

Chapter 1523 Darkness Arrives (Seventh)

The head of the Protoss led by the Dark Legion is a gloomy middle-aged man with short hair and a thin face, sharp eyes, holding a staff, and waving slowly in front of him.

The many black-robed gods behind him also waved their staff.

A dark mist filled the air, like billowing smoke, containing dark and icy power, shrouded towards the Xuanci Mountain.

It was instantly dark!

As if between the heavens and the earth, they are shrouded in darkness!

The temperature plummeted!

In an instant, Xuanci Mountain was shrouded in this black mist!


Su Zimo frowned slightly.

Darkness has come, he has lost control of Xuanci Mountain!

But he could clearly feel that under the shroud of black mist, the power of Xuanci Mountain was being rapidly weakened.

"Fans, the Dark Legion is here!"

The Protoss leader shouted, "Put on your armor, take out your weapons, and break this mountain to me, we will kill it!"

The spirit of the remaining 200 protoss was greatly boosted.

Although the eyes of some Protoss knights have not been recovered, they have found armor from the storage bags and smashed swords and shields. With a strong sense of God, a fierce counterattack broke out!

The swords and shields of these protoss are extremely strong and hard, and they can't shoot through the broken bows. Su Zimo's Qinglian really is not afraid to shake it.

These protoss wear armor and hold swords and shields, and soon form an airtight defensive formation, blocking Su Zimo out!

In all fairness, if there is no Xuanci Mountain and two ancient treasures that break the magic bow, Su Zimo's mighty combat power will not stop the power of the entire Bright Army!

Now, the Dark Legion has arrived.

Su Zimo will face a tough and hard battle!

Su Zimo retreated, temporarily distanced himself from the remnants of the Bright Army, swallowed a miracle, and slowly recovered his strength.

Just before the battle, Su Zimo fought with many protoss in close combat. Under the nourishment of Yuantai, the **** of the gods, with Lingdan, he had recovered nearly 70%!

This is the self-healing power of Qinglian's true horror, and one of the manifestations of the mysterious nature of Qinglian!

If Su Zimo now sacrifices a broken bow, he can shoot hundreds of long mana arrows again!

boom! boom! boom!

After the Guangming Army retreated Su Zimo, it did not continue to advance towards Kunlun Market, but turned around to launch a shock to Xuanci Mountain!

This move is out of fear of Xuanci Mountain and out of anger at Xuanci Mountain.

Each of the Protoss knights in the Light Corps could not forget that they were regarded as living targets under the shroud of this mountain, and they fell down one by one, but there was nothing they could do.

Although there were dark legions, the gods were still worried.

What's more, they want to vent their anger!

Deep in the hearts of more than two hundred Protoss knights, they have dared not to attack Su Zimo, so they can only charge against Xuanci Mountain!

Behind Xuanci Mountain, the Protoss of the Dark Legion ordered a lot of Protoss to wave their staffs to condense a dark spear and throw it towards Xuanci Mountain!

Two extreme forces, light and darkness, erupted on Xuanci Mountain!


The ground is shaking and deafening!

This power represents the pinnacle of the continent of God, enough to destroy the world!

Su Zimo's eyes narrowed.

He clearly saw that fissures appeared on the thousand-meter-high mountain of Xuanci Mountain, which was expanding and spreading a little bit!

Xuanci Mountain is broken!

This ancient treasure is still unable to withstand the impact of the protoss civilization, destroyed in the killing gods canyon!

But this ancient treasure has completed its mission!

It is because of its existence that the Light Army can be defeated by Su Zimo!


The Xuanci Mountain collapsed, countless sandstones fell and collapsed, and the dust billowed.

Killing Gods Canyon has been opened again!

The remaining 200 Protoss of the Bright Legion, like escape, rushed towards the Dark Legion.

"How could this be?"

The leader of the Dark Legion frowned and asked.

"that person!"

A Protoss knight pointed at Su Zimo in the canyon, not far away, swallowed and said, "The man is stopped there, we can't get through."

"only one person?"

The Dark Legion commanded a deeper frown, and asked incredulously.


The Protoss knight recalled a scene that had just happened, and was still reluctant, saying: "Although he is a person, but ..."


The leader of the Dark Legion suddenly laughed, and asked a little sarcastically, "Or a human?"

The Protoss knight was speechless.

The leader of the Dark Legion snorted: "Your Light Legion is really getting worse and worse. It is a shame for my protoss to be blocked by a humble coward in the valley!"

"All of you, follow me and kill this Terran!"

The dark army commanded a cold look, and said, leading the many black-robed gods behind him, slowly moving towards Su Zimo.

After a short pause, the Dark Legion commanded his eyes slightly, watching the pale and horrified Protoss knights, sneering slightly:

"As for you, slowly heal yourself here. If you are really scared, go back to the land of God and don't shame the Protoss!"


Numerous Protoss knights of the Light Corps stared with rage.

The head of the Protoss of the Bright Legion was gloomy and waved his hand, saying, "No need to argue. At present, the two major legions of the Protoss cannot fight themselves first. Be careful of your dark legions."

"Ha ha."

The leader of the Dark Legion smirked, scorned and said, "It's just a human race, what a big enemy!"

The Bright Protoss command and stop.

He wanted to remind the leader of the Dark Legion that the Terran possessed a large bow with terrifying power.

But he thought for a while that the human race continued to pull the bow, and the consumption was bound to be huge, and there should be no energy left.

What's more, the Dark Army commander's ridicule and irony made him a little upset, and he snorted and stopped talking.

"Human ants, I'll send you to hell!"

The leader of the dark army waved the staff in his hand, and a dark mist filled.

Behind him, the black robe protoss also danced the staff, chanting many weird character syllables in their mouths, missing words.

These dark mists fell in the Death God Canyon, and a horrible scene happened!

The Protoss knights of the Bright Legion that just fell down actually stood up one by one from the ground!

Some Protoss knights are gone.

Some Protoss knights have broken their arms.

Some Protoss knights are gone, but still stand up tremblingly!

But the body of these Protoss knights was shrouded in black mist, but they seemed to have come alive, turning around and staring at Su Zimo, their eyes were dark, exuding a powerful breath!

Protoss knights climbed up from the pool of blood.

Su Zimo looked dignified.

He could feel that these Protoss knights had already fallen, and there was no life breath and fluctuation in their bodies.

The ‘resurrection’ of these Protoss knights is just summoned and controlled by these black-robed Protoss with some mysterious power!

Su Zimo had never heard of this weird method, and he had never seen it before.

(End of this chapter)

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